No English voices

>no English voices
>$60 for a $20 update to a 2014 game

Anybody else completely skipping this? I mostly play Zato so I think I'll just watch the story mode on YouTube and wait for the next lame update.

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I'm done with ASW until they adapt a model like MS, Capcom or Namco.

I dont need their games, there's many alternatives around.


it's really hard to want to buy this game when SFV and Overwatch is out and there's an update coming.

The English voice actors/actresses was one of my favourite things about Sign besides the gameplay itself.

Maybe I'll just buy it when it's more than half price off in 2017 after Donald Trump is President.

I just dont think that its justified to charge 60$ for the same game again while adding so much less.

Sign had like what? 16 or 17 characters?
This here has five.

I agree. I'd even pay $30 for the update to the game if it was downloadable or something like SFIV, but this is just bullshit.

You guys are scrubs. Meet me in +R you nerds.

honestly after Xrd on PS4, +R just looks so ass I can never go back to it no matter how many characters there are.

People say things like this about literally every new Arcsys game. I don't think they are going to adopt a model like that of SFV anytime soon. Capcom is a big company compared to Arcsys any even they are probably suffering from the model SFV uses since the game didn't rope in the casuals to the extent they had hoped.

Thing is these games aren't for casuals. The close release with no ENG voices is purely for tournament players and the competitive scene outside of Japan.

I mean I'm not buying it because I don't like Guilty Gear anyway, but this release wasn't meant for you. Just pirate it once it gets on PC in two years and it'll be all the same to you.

What about KoF? It looks good.

XX is the most beautiful looking and sounding thing in the world 2bh

I'll admit I'm not the biggest Arcsys fan, but Xrd -SIGN- was a solid package. 16-17 characters, a few DLC characters, a full story mode, arcade stories for each character, decent training mode, tons of skins and downloadables/unlockables. You could play -SIGN- for a long time. This game has literally 5 new characters and a new story, that's it. And we're supposed to pay $60 USD for that? With no English voice acting (which was great in -SIGN-)? It just seems like such a massive ripoff in comparison.

it looks so dated now. that shit is over 10 years old. XX's later iterations might have better mechanics and more characters, but Xrd definitely looks better.

I might buy it when it's a lot cheaper.

I may give it a try over Revelator even though I've never been into KoF

I paid $20 for Sign when it released on Steam. Unless I'm mistaken, the console version was $40 on launch.

ASW has also historically given discounts for people upgrading their Steam version. They did it with Blazblue twice already.

So in a few months, I'll just pick up Revelator for $20 or less on Steam and enjoy the refreshed community that comes alongside a PC launch.

Waiting for the PC version, since I don´t have a PS4.

>English voice acting (which was great in -SIGN-)

>most beautiful sounding

Yes, I too enjoy the sounds of Japanese dudes fighting inside of an aluminum can.

it was arguably my favourite thing about the game. tara platt as millia always made my dick hard.

> English voice acting (which was great in -SIGN-)

>This game has literally 5 new characters and a new story, that's it
That's every Arcsys sequel ever. Not saying they aren't Jews, but they do this literally every time. The PS3 version is being sold for £30 here so that's something.

>With no English voice acting (which was great in -SIGN-)?
Opinions, but the English voice acting in Xrd was pretty damn shitty. It felt really low budget, even to Blazblue.

Me too.

Eh. She wasn't so good really I can't even recall her Millia voice.

>no English voices
>$60 for a $20 update to a 2014 game
While it's rare, and takes them months after release, Best Buy has been great at reducing the prices of Japanese audio only games.

Everything about this game screams future discount.

>no english voices
>a bad thing

Dumb americans.

Tell me Sup Forums
To buy or not to buy?

SNK most likely wont pull this shit either.
Their last KoF game just had one version and then some DLC.

>english voices

Just kill yourself

I'm having the same problem as sign. I just can't find a character I find fun to play. Not even Jack-O's butt held my interest for that long.

Buy. The online is incredible, the mechanics are solid and the new characters are really fun.

>Ishiwatari as Sol
Such a shame he said he won't return to voice Order Sol.

I don't care about English voices.

I care about (PLAYABLE) Robo-Ky.

Would still buy the game tho if it came out on PC

I'm disappointed in Revelators story and how it turned out.

That Man was a let down. One more Guilty Gear game left to wrap everything up.

Depends entirely on what you want out of the game. If you're a storyfag and barely play online you might find it not to be worth your time.

I am totally with you. I bought the game and I love it, but before I even turned the game on it was one thing after another.

>Drive 45 minutes to gamestop
>It's not there
>Go home and buy it on PSN
>No download button
>Wait 7 hours for download button
>Hour to download
>Hour to update everything
>Boot it up
>Tutorial is obtuse as shit and worse than -Sign-
>Stupid online lobby system is nuts.

It's still fun and all, but no english voices really kills a lot for me. Even if it is an originally Japanese game, if I can't understand what they're saying while fighting, it's just Japanese screaming. It really should have been a $20 update.

would you guys have been happier if the game had completely different balance every game like blazblue?

i only play guilty gear competitively and i'm very happy with this release. it introduced 5 new characters into the meta. (4 if you don't count jam)
and dizzy is coming.

i really hope they add baiken/robo-ky/zappa as dlc later

I really do not care for the opinions of nipponese fetishists. Japanese voices annoy the shit out of me, especially in these fucking games where it's some Japanese girl squealing the exact same way every time she does a special attack.

No English voices is a dealbreaker for me and I'm sure it's a dealbreaker for a lot of other people to. Arcsys will hopefully learn. The English voices were fantastic, they even had English announcer voices and the entire Story Mode done in English. I didn't even want English when I originally bought the game, but it was so preferable to Japanese I could never switch back.

Sorry weeaboos but I'm not supporting your Jewpanese pandering game.

>no English voices
About fucking time. GG's audience doesn't do dubshit.

>Sorry weeaboos but I'm not supporting your Jewpanese pandering game.

Boy are playing the wrong genre.

>no english voices

This is a trend I'd like to see continue with Japanese games. The sign dub was horrid.

Well I'm still waiting on the DLC to actually come out for Xrd on EU PS4

Play Sol.

I agree with you actually.
>I really do not care for the opinions of nipponese fetishists. Japanese voices annoy the shit out of me, especially in these fucking games where it's some Japanese girl squealing the exact same way every time she does a special attack.
I understand the point behind being a purist when it comes to Japanese games. It's the way it originally is, so it makes sense, but god damn if it isn't annoying to hear random indecipherable Japanese screaming every single time.

I'm having a lot of fun with Jam and Kum, haven't gotten to the storymode yet but for me GG games are always worth buying for the gameplay alone.

It really is a bitch that there's no dub though. As much as I hated dub Sol and Venom, I always like to see the differences between the two versions. I feel like I'm playing an import without the option to fuck around with different voice options.

I'm having fun fishing

Any Jam advice?

Jam it in

>Everything about the European version of Sign

>would you guys have been happier if the game had completely different balance every game like blazblue?
Not like BB but game need to change and improve. Remember how basic Calamity Trigger was? I want Xrd to evolve instead of being the same game with minor changes and more characters. But I guess we'll get some balance patch later because it's kinda stupid to release it before EVO.

I appreciate the Japanese for their art design and gameplay mechanics, but fuck me their voices and language is annoying as fuck. just give me my western voices, Slayer's voice actress was swaggy as fuck too, really liked Zato's voice too.

*slayer's voice actor

a lot of the english voice actresses made me horny too. japanese girls squealing just makes my penis soft.

You can hang out with the one guy in the lobby while you wait

Is there a difference between the PS3 and PS4 versions in terms of content, or are they just like the SIGN performance differences?

Also, on the dub, I kind of liked it, but it reminded me of one of those older dubs that were kind of mediocre but in a way that it was somewhat endearing.

>mostly play zato
>wanting to listen to the horrid english VAs

Fuck off

>I really do not care for the opinions of nipponese fetishists.

As someone who very much prefers english dub. The english dub for -SIGN- is complete shit. You just have god awful taste. You seem absoutely triggered for someone who doesn't care what other thinks.

Look, I agree that the """cute""" squealing voices that the Japanese fucking love for some reason is the most annoying noise on Earth, and that god damn do they really have to scream all the goddamn time I mean holy shit, but I disagree with the rest of your post.

I feel like most of the English VAs chosen were reasonably good picks, but the general voice direction was awful, and a lot of the character's Eng. voices got the characters completely wrong. Sol, Venom, Ram, Millia, and Pot being prime examples. There are some nice exceptions like Bedman, Leo and Elphelt, but most of the time it felt like nobody in charge of the English dub was putting in much effort.

Preformance issues only the crossplay wouldn't be possible if it had different content

>Is there a difference between the PS3 and PS4 versions in terms of content, or are they just like the SIGN performance differences?
Well, the visuals are pretty different since the PS3 doesn't have the new lighting system. There was also something about not being able to rotate the camera in replay mode on the PS3 or something.

This. I know people don't like her voice but loved it and it's one of few really stand out voices in Sign.

>rotate the camera in replay mode
Wait, you mean like a 3D mode for it? That sounds cool, but not enough to buy a PS4 and pay a sub for it.

>not waiting "Guilty Gear Xrd -Revelator- Z"

>doesn't have the new lighting system
Stage lighting actually affects the models but there's no dynamic lighting.

The story mode really feels like a step up this time. Pretty impressed. They stopped doing that 2 character portraits talking to eachother with a picture of the room there in shit in Revelator and there's a lot more interesting camera angles and effects. It finally feels like watching a movie for real now. Zappa is the best girl.

Venom was a submissive fag, like he's meant to be. Millia's voice acting was pretty sexy. Ram was robotic like she's meant to be. Slayer's voice actor was just excellent.

The English voices were fantastic. One of the best things about the game.

Ky's English voice is terrible. He sounds like a spineless hippy bitch instead of calm and tough like his Japanese voice actor.

Little puffy

English dub for Sign was very hit or miss, but the opening gives a really bad impression.

>20 dollar update
>New engine and 5 characters

haha I bet thought the same when blazblue CS first came out.

Repeat after me, Sup Forums.

"It's okay when Japan does it".

Be sure to buy a PS4 Neo to play Revelator as optimally as possible!

>New engine

Is the rest of the story mode out? Or do we have to wait for a patch?

they changed the lighting a bit and now people think thats worth 60$.

They remade every stage in the game. Not just lighting.

You mean they added a bit of detail and called it a day.

I bet you think the game uses cellshading too

>dubfags permanently BTFO
This is the best thing that could happen to the franchise. Now no tournament setups will have shitty english audio set.

>Had to reduce the first game down drastically to sell it
>The PS3 Limited Edition was selling for $23
>Make a version with a couple more characters and charge full price
They'd make more money selling whatever it is they are smoking.

Yeah that's all they did.

Don't bother replying since he's an idiot.

>GG threads are just shitposting pools now

>playing anime fighters


Or I can just pirate it.

I'm tired of the Aria clone thing. I was hoping Jacko was ANYTHING but that.

The only thing holding me back from buying this is no Bridget

Real Talk: Fighting games have only been disappointing during the eighth console generation

Instead of incredible stages and effective co-op, it's just the same old formulas over and over.

Thank god.

I don't see the the point to buy a game that will be dead after 2 months.

The retarded arcade lobby is what killed Sign for me. It was probably great in theory, but christ was it annoying as fuck in practice.

>Everybody sitting on one "machine"
>trying to get people's attention to move to other machine.
>eventually play a game with someone. >New person who was waiting in line blows us up.
>now the two of us who were playing eachother have to wait behind 2 other people to play again.
>only 16 people in a lobby so all the americans are shuffling between 3 region lobbies, with like 8 people in them each.

Why couldn't it have just been the Persona 4 / Skullgirls system where you have a lobby of 8 people fighting each other simultaneously? Nobody ever has to wait

im skipping it. if they would just do upgradable versions like SFV does, i would get it. but i cant buy a full game over and over again, plus im on PC.

They'd probably get alot more meme sales of they added him, got really close to getting him in already during the poll.

Wouldn't surprise me if he's added after Dizzy since he barely lost on the poll.

>Why couldn't it have just been the Persona 4 / Skullgirls system where you have a lobby of 8 people fighting each other simultaneously?

Pretty sure that's exactly how it is in Sign at least. Lobbies were 8 slots with 4 machines.

The floodgates are opened for any dumb bullshit now that Robo-Ky is pretty much confirmed.

They totally revamped it for Revelator and even PC sign fixed that shit.

Let me fix that for you:
>im on PC so i can't play it

Killer Instinct is the only fighting game to stand this generation, IMO. Constantly updated, all the characters are well thought out it with interesting gimicks. Netcode and local play are both fantastic. No 8 seconds of input lag.

GG and SFV were enormous disappointments to me. MKX was fine, but nothing special.

So i am gonna assume that none of the system voice I bought in SIGN transfer to Revelator, correct?

What does effective co-op in fighting games even mean?

You can unlock all the system voices from Sign for free with W$.

But why

Revelator doesn't have an english dub because people were offended by Jam's stereotypical accent

>mfw people on Sup Forums told me to get xrd on pc and that it wouldnt be dead like the others gg games on steam
never again, even when this is ported an year or so later.

No I mean a normal ass lobby, where it shows which people are fighting who, and who is not fighting. Invite the people not fighting to match. If you get bored fighting the same person, invite another person in the lobby.

Not this arcade bullshit, where everyone is shuffling between 4 spots on the screen and is waiting to "play next."