You can only play SNES virtual console games on the 'New' 3DS

I can't see the reason behind this. The original 3DS has more than enough power to run SNES VC games despite what Nintendo claims about "pixel perfect mode". You could more or less run SNES games on the original DS using a flash cart. So they're clearly lying about why they're not on the original 3DS, but I just don't understand it as a business decision. There aren't a lot a really good reasons to go for the 'New' 3DS over the original. Do they really think the 'privilege' of paying $12 for the same SNES games that their core market has probably already bought on other systems already going to be a system seller? I think there are more people who would be willing to buy the SNES VC games on their current 3DS systems than there are willing to buy a 'New' 3DS just so they can buy old SNES games. I've always seen the VC games like the chocolate bars at the grocery counter. You didn't plan on getting a Mars Bar, but hey, it's here and it's not super expensive, so why not? But if Mars Bars were only sold at an exclusive grocery that requires a membership I'd never have one again.
>Buying VC games/He hasn't hacked his 3DS
I'm talking about the average consumer, not the type who spends time on Sup Forums or any gaming sites for that matter. Did you upgrade to a 'New' 3DS? Why?

Other urls found in this thread:

>he doesn't know

Fully accurate SNES emulation requires 3 ghz.

Blarg can do full speed but you're sacrificing accuracy. And if you don't believe the VC games can't run at O3DS clock speeds, you can disable the increased clock speed with a hacked N3DS and see for yourself. The VC SNES games run slow as shit.

Enjoy your shitfest

>Fully accurate SNES emulation requires 3 ghz
Gigahertz weren't even a thing when the SNES was made.

Not as far as processors were concerned, but so what?

the only thing I can really say about the NEW 3DS is that it is what the old 3DS should have been in the first place.

oh well, better late than never I guess

>Not just using RetroArch

Why complain when PSP 2000's are sold on eBay for $30

Stay woke people

I still dont get how this work. Aside from the conventions, how to I work the blarg on my 3ds? The folder doesn't have a .cia and just input, output folders and some other folders with .exe converters

>Thinking processing power needed to emulate is the same as the original

You're adorable.

PSP's still have 100% accurate GBA Emulation - what makes you think they all of a sudden leaped far enough to do 100% SNES Emulation? PSP SNES Emulation still runs poorly, and some games like Megaman X3 are unplayable, Kirby Dreamland 3's missing entire graphical layers, Starfox crashes immediately, and all of the DKC games experience massive slowdown.

*Still don't have 100% accurate GBA Emulation.

Even with the new TempGBA, CoM still has a glitched intro, Scourge has a glitched menu screen, MMZ2/3's audio is either laggy or you need to make it low quality, Mario Advanced Tennis has tons of graphical glitches, FF6 and Golden Sun have a fuck ton of slowdown, etc etc etc.

O3DS can't run SNES games at full speed and accurately.

You can actually hack a N3DS, then down clock the processor to the O3DS's speed, and see for yourself. The result is fucking horrible.

>not based vc inject

Plebs, the lot of you.

>You could more or less run SNES games on the DS with a flash cart

You show me one single DS flash cart that has 100% compatibility with all SNES games and I'll buy 5 immediately.

I know you're probably talking out your ass, but if you're not I've been wanting that since the DS was a thing and so do most of my friends

VC inject to O3DS for GBA games gives you a perfectly emulated GBA game

VC injected SNES games into a O3DS will crash the 3DS if you can even make it past the title screen of the SNES game.

Even with the better DS flash carts that have built in CPUs to help add extra horse power for emulation, SNES emulation on DS is complete shit

The DS can't accurately display SNES games to begin with because it doesn't have enough horizontal lines of resolution. Any sane person would stop with that problem alone, but DS emus are otherwise shit

If you were some poor russian boy without even a toaster and only a DS, I could maybe see it, but you're obviously shitposting on Sup Forums with something and whatever that something is is better than a DS

OP is just shitposting

the 3DS doesn't emulate GBA games, it has the native GBA hardware built into it. Just like the Wii U can play GC games near perfectly because they've all been built around the same dated architecture. It's not emulation when it's native hardware

this was legit a piece of shit
emulating smw on this thing was about the best you could do, and even that was shoddy

Alright. I'm buying a NES with a copy of Super Mario Bros. 3. How much would this be worth? ( Price: 75 dollars Including game )

I will sell you a 3MB file that does the same thing for $50, 33% discount


A bit too much if you ask me.

Then again, that one isn't yellowing like mine.

Throw in a Zapper and you got a $50 deal.

>75 dollars
>for something that tens of millions of exist


it has no value. people give away nintendos and smb3. you kids are fucking stupid thinking this shit is "vintage"

its trash in your house that takes up space.

>Golden Sun have a fuck ton of slowdown
I knew that game had a lot of text, but seriously?

How do I even exit from using blarg?

If I homescreen it breaks the emulator and it won't run until I reinstall from a different cia

Well fuck, my ip is banned.

Should I buy a 3ds xl that has cosmetic body scratches and comes with mh3 and a sdcard for 50 usd or save my money for a new 3ds xl?

how about a used new 3ds xl?

>The original 3DS has more than enough power to run SNES VC games
Yes, if the system is doing literally nothing else, and even then it chugs along trying.

You really fucking think NoA would NOT allow you to give them money if they didn't have a reason?

It's only trash if you have no space for it.

They're all ~150 and I'm poor.

They're nowhere near powerful enough to emulate SNES games.

I wish they'd get the trilogy of Soul Blazer, Illusion of Gaia, Terranigma up on virtual console.

Who owns the rights to those now?

Nintendo are just lazy cunts; that's all there is to it. Why can't they make 3D classic versions of SNES games, if Sega can make their Genesis and arcade classics run on the old 3DS? Because they want some easy money. 2016 and Sega still doing what Nintendon't. This time on the latter's own hardware. You can't make this shit up.

Shouldn't Enix still have the rights?

I'd chop off my right nut for a re-release of those.

My old windows 98 computer couldn't run Half Life and could barely run flash games, but seemed to emulate most SNES games well enough. But Nintendo claims the 3DS, a system with hardware capabilities close to that of the Playstation 2 can't run their own snes emulator that they wrote using their own insider knowledge of how to best use all of the hardware?

I bet you don't give a fuck about the 3D of the handheld at all, just bitching for the sake of doing so

they are only losing sales, so clearly it's not possible. what is this conspiracy-tier bullshit


>seemed to emulate well enough

You're a dense motherfucker who should go back to whatever retard cave you emerged from to post your nonsense here.

3D is goat and so are the 3D Classics, but fuck Nintendo doesn't give nearly as many fucks as Sega does on their re-releases. Of course that's partially because Sega doesn't have new releases but still.

I'm shocked Earthbound didn't get the 3D Classics treatment. Would've fit the aesthetic.

What's with all the assumptions? I swear to God, the Nintendo defense squad is dense. Just because you don't care about a feature, doesn't mean others do not.