In 5 hours, this game has pissed me off more than the entirety of my Bloodborne playtime

In 5 hours, this game has pissed me off more than the entirety of my Bloodborne playtime.

It's not even any harder, I just suck at it more.

What build are you rocking, pham?

Is this your first souls game? Yeah, you can't play them the same way as BB. More defensive and methodical. How far in are ya?


Bb is the better game desu just go do a ng++

I just beat the Tower Knight, and I explored a little of those mines with lizardmen.

Sword and board, so far. I picked Knight and have no spells or miracles learned yet.

Got it in like 2-3 days. Apparantly that is considered fast.

Spell caster is wicked easy mode in this. Enjoy OP, hope you find yourself liking it.

It's fine, you can beat the game with any build.
Those mines with the lizardmen(Spoilers for a weapon) You should probably explore all the caves in the lava to get a really good enchanted sword. It can literally carry you the whole game especially if you max it.

Get your int to 10 and buy Enchant Weapon

Thanks for the tips, guys. I will keep at it.

It is a charming little game.

Oh yeah. You're gonna probably meet a familiar fuck in about an hour.


You'll know when it comes.

>it's not hard, I just suck!
Are you for fucking real?

My friend boosted his luck to ungodly levels. and had to farm it for days.

I got it on my third run with BWT on shrine of storms.

This makes or breaks dex builds. Meanwhile i'm having fun whacking people with my moon winged spear build. It's so satisfying in the game to do running attacks with spears and halberds in this game. Just that simple overhead thwack. Mmhf.

I just don't think it's very fun.

I know, right? Humility, on Sup Forums?

You can make the entire game easy mode if you focus on magic. Magic is broken as fuck in DeS. Raise your intelligence and get Soul Arrow.

I had to read it three times for my brain to actually register the sentence.

I just assumed he was blaming the game and calling it shit.

Is it true that Dark Souls 3 is even worse than Dark Souls 2?

I've never played it. What's so different about it that everyone chimps out over it so much?

Nah, Dark Souls 2 is worse but that doesn't mean 3 is that great either.

Depends on what you care about.
Dark Souls 3 is more focused on bosses.

In other souls games you are either really fast or you have poise to hold your hand.
In demon's you actually have to time your attacks.
That is crazy coming from dark souls 1 or 2.

Not much actually, other than that its more linear in comparison to the later games in the franchise.
I recommend playing it if you like the Dark Souls games though. Its interesting to see the series' roots (inb4 King's Field) and see where they got a lot of the inspiration for boss fights and level designs in the later games from.

Ok thanks user.

I really like the level design and the bosses
Most bosses are incredibly easy but they are also super memorable, much more than any boss from the other games.
Storm king remains the coolest fight in the series.

Also the atmosphere is godly in every area.

Fantastic levels, slower paced, starting class matters more.

Sometimes its pretty fucking tedious, like those fucking larvae in caves.

Imagine a giant larvae that has shitton of hp.
Now imagine this fucking larvae being so big it blocks whole tunnel and it just lies there.
Now imagine incredible innovative design where the only attack those larvae has is a stung with 1m reach.

Now the gameplay looks like this, you just stand there with your shield risen up and just once in a while skewer this larvae with your spear while it does the same to you but you have a shield, the attack is strong and when blocked with shield deplete your stamina and with your attacks taking stamina as we;; you just forced every couple of stings to take a few steps back and regenerate your stamina then repeat it for like 10 minutes per larvae.
And they are like everywhere in those fucking tunnels.

I remember there only be a couple, and none of them actually blocked your path to flamefucker.

I need to replay this game now.

Do you like variety and magic? Then yes, it is worse than DS2. It's the best game in the series if we're talking on a purely technical level though.

have fun with old king doran. hands down the most broken, bullshit "boss" in any souls game bar none

>if we're talking on a purely technical level though.
If not for some of the shitty hitboxes, I would agree.

You never HAVE to kill a bearbug, it's just there for extra shit. I think 2-2 is pretty much the worst level in the game though, although it does make for a great atmosphere the first time through.

easy peasy

>mfw thief rings
>mfw !TOXIC! Cloud
>mfw burger king armor get

perhaps he is talking about the false king
old king is probably the most honest mini-boss in the series

when I said easy peasy I was talking about false

Go dick around in the *place* of storms. Should be the 4th tablet counting from the left (1st is behind the crestfallen warrior)
There's a Crecent Falchion behind a black skeleton knight (he's hard but just spam backstabs). It's a really good weapon at the begining

>both Allant and Doran can be cheesed with poison cloud at SL1

I thought you only had to get his health down half or a quarter way and then he stops fighting?

Not only to flamelurker, everywhere in those tunnels, I am talking about those large assholes, that literally block whole tunnel (Smaller do that as well but you can at least kill them quickly)
Btw, I played it long ago, there is a part with wooden scaffolding and a large pit, you can actually make your way down by dropping down accurately and make it there much faster than normal (there is also some dude sitting you can try and attack but he wrecked my shit)
And that flamelurker, that faggot is bugged, I could never hold my guard or roll out of his punches.
I tried to fight him fairly but when he had less health he went medieval on my ass so I just blocked fucker behind some giant skeleton and just wrecked him for being a flaming faggot.

>You never HAVE to kill a bearbug
I am pretty sure you have, that said even for bonus content, its not like I am buying a game only to breeze following story and ignore rest of the game.
If you wanna see whole game you have to endure trough those fuckers, what a sweat fucking design.

Yeah, if you just want his sword.
If you keep going he turns on rape mode and tries to rek you.

>forgetting to mention that they fucking EXPLODE after you kill them

not if you want his ring. pure STR builds have no chance

Ah yes, there is that.

I didn't have a particularly difficult time with him, but he's pretty fucking fast.

had a giant smile permanently on my face during this game

except maneaters. ashamed to say i had to cheese them.

>It's a really good weapon at the begining
>at the begining
That shit carries you throughout the whole game even on a strength build.

What's the matter user? Too HARDCORE for you?

Yeah, I think it's a shame how many bosses in Demon's Souls can be cheesed.
I'd love to see a remake of it with those types of things fixed.

>it takes a gorillion hits to kill him
>he can stunlock you and kill every non-vitality gouge build in two hits max

I don't remember him blatantly cheating like they do in later Souls games, but it's still pretty aggravating.

>take big ass weapon
>use heavy attack to send him flying.
>aim and smash him around past the bridge
at this point he stops attacking at all and just tries to walk back within his AI range
>smash him down the stairs and watch him fall to his death.

You can literally do this at the very beginning of the game.

Odd. I never found Maneaters hard. Then again, I made sure to never to fight close to an edge so I don't get knocked off. They did have some insane knockback.

>I don't have the discipline to play the game honorably
>that's somehow the fault of the developers and it is on them to change it.

Had a face full of fear throughout the whole game except when Maneaters turned it into rage.

>two hits max

My friend, the spell Warding would love to have a word with you.

>had to cheese them
I was just running behind this large flame thing and attacking when it was safe.
When second maneater showed up I was already finishing first and dealt with the second same way on my first try.

If they would do this I literally dont know how I would beat flamelurker, it was so hard I was sure those skeletons are here to use them against him.
You know those games where you suppose to lose to someone? Normally its not even obvious like in onimusha, if it werent demon souls I would be sure flamelurker is a fight I am suppose to lose.

Asking developers to remove obviously unintended bugs (like shooting arrows through fog gates or flamefucker getting stuck on a skeleton) is bad?

Those bugs aren't their fault?
Is that what you're saying?

>tfw I cheated through it by duping souls and materials and still loved it

I really need to play it again legitimately.

>playing a game for the first time
>already knowing about builds and equipment
Just fucking watch a Let's Play

There's a spot where they cant hit you so I filled em with arrows and then ran out to hit them when they landed.

Every boss could be killed through the fog door and that would be totally fine. No real player would ever use those tactics anyway.

He never said he knew about builds and equipment. Everyone suggesting it did. And that guy with the pure bladestone was just expressing the rage of finding it.

>Now imagine this fucking larvae being so big it blocks whole tunnel and it just lies there

o-oh boy

>Every boss could be killed through the fog door and that would be totally fine.
They're bugs, they should be fixed.
Same with soul duping.

what the fuck is that from?

>about to kill one
>the other fucker burps me out of the bridge just as I kill the later

>You'd need to be casual to even be aware of those bugs
Or just talk to other people who play the game.
You know, like we're doing right now.

>have a really hard time
>constantly getting killed by knocked off ledges
>get the Great Scythe
>can now kill most things with a few swipes if not 1 per swipe
>not even bosses pose much of a threat

Great game balance, Japs.

>wow you're talking to other people about something you're interested in
Is that all you have to say?

What the fuck retard

demons souls has the fastest attacks in the entire series sans bloodborne, not to mention its the fucking easiest

I recently played it for the first time and literally the only boss I died on was flamelurker, I even did allant on the first try even when everyone kept hyping it up as super hard

the levels in demons souls are harder than in dks1 because you dont have constant checkpoints but as a whole the game is the easiest of them all

Then I am guessing you have never cheesed dark souls 1 with heavy armor.

It doesn't matter how fast the attacks are with poise.
That is what the word EITHER means.
BB is faster and the other souls games have poise which means you can completely ignore the enemy and don't even have to time your attacks.

>You'd need to be casual to even be aware of those bugs.
Not really, with flamelurker you just have to look for alternative solutions because pure strength just doesn't work.

no ds2 its worst on all aspects

>but if those thoughts are carrying over into entering your mind whilst you'll actually PLAYING the game then you are too autistic to be able to achieve immersion
Do you even read what you type before you hit submit?

Try a little harder fuckhead. Takes 1 whole minute.

google image doesn't bring up anything besides a thread from Sup Forums

some tags may include brown_hair white_gloves yellow_eyes big_breast

All Soul's games have had some great atmosphere, but DeS definitely had the most unsettling atmosphere of them all and is the reason i've only played through it once

not him but are you autistic/ retarded?

It starts out as by far the easiest in Soulsborne but the difficulty can very quickly snowball if you start dying and messing up world tendencies.

I died something like 5-10 times total in my first playthrough but on my second a few early slip-ups led to hours of frustration trying to get multiple worlds back to neutral.

My favorite of the Souls Series.

Is archery really OP in Demons' Souls?
My first blind playthrough I chose hunter as my starting class and was able to shit on everything people always complain about, including man eaters (no I didn't do the fogwall glitch) and flamelurker.
Only boss that gave me any real trouble was king Allant since I think he takes reduced ranged damage or something.

You could just drop down the right tunnel at the beginning of 2-2.

No, I think Magic is the really OP choice in DeS.

You are supposed to draw them out and then take side tunnels around the,

>read online for years that Flamelurker is buttblastingly difficult for melee builds
>recently decide it's finally time to play through the entire game and not quit after Tower Knight
>kill Flamelurker on first try with melee build

I don't get it, do you guys just suck?

I've beaten him with a Strength Build.

I really don't know why you need to be rude. I was offering him an idea on how to get it if he can't get the source by putting those tags in a hentai site. Meanie.

are you okay user?

I think he was trying to take the detour and fell in lava.
>RIP chose user, you will be remembered for a few moments at least

I finished DeS a week ago with a +5 Bastard Sword, they made upgrading weapons too complex with the 50 different ores. Late game was still easy since I had loads of grass on me from 1-4 and Patches. Estus a best.

Unplayable shitfest for gooks and neckbeards.

Unplayable how?
I was able to beat the game just fine.

Go home gamergirl.

Can someone tell me good builds for future runs?

Why did you keep using Stones of Enpherial Eyes?

I died after every boss at least once so I lost human form in every world a few times, but the White Tendency gained from killing the boss always results in a net gain.

They should've made Dark Souls like Runescape so that when you died you'd lose every piece of equipment you had and all your inventory too. Now that would have been hard.

just say the name or link ,its easier than posting the tags