Why doesnt he just use a gun?

why doesnt he just use a gun?

Why dont you read the catalog?

Check my 5


Fuck off Idiot

muh honor


Why doesn't he use a Japanese bow?

Can there be a forced rule where every overwatch thread must have overwatch written in the original post? Yeah I'm mad fuck you faggots and your shit meme spam

Why don't Hawkeye and Green Arrow just use guns?

does anyone else use the "avoid this player" feature for everyone who plays hanzo? i do

You can't shoot people with guns

Because bows are cool as shit

because Ryƫ ga waga teki wo kurau!

Bullets don't have hitboxes the size of freight trains.

I use that on all ATTACK widowmakers

>use it on everyone who picks the second widowmaker/Hanzo/Tracer
>always end up playing with them again anyway

I dont think "avoid player" works at all

I prefer them and keep a list of names and what they did so that if we're ever matched up again I can continue yelling at them

Just like the Katana is superior to other cutting tools, the bow is superior to other shooting tools

Are you really asking this? theres a black guy in the game using a wubwubwub music gun in the game

Arrows have bigger hitboxes than bullets.

muh honor

because then he wouldn't be able to abuse the shitty netcode with this projectiles