ITT: 10/10 Visual Novels

ITT: 10/10 Visual Novels

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Monster Girl Quest

The most patrician there is.

Obligatory Phoenix Wright and Steins;Gate mention

i can't wait for zero this year so i can cry like a bitch

the best

Not trying to be rude, but I have to ask: what's fun about visual novels and why do people play them?

Majikoi also

i guess they either like the visuals, the story or the music?

Why do people read books?

They're interactive books that have sound and visuals.


So it's a novel. Why make it a game?

Oh my god this whole fucking series.
Short but sweet masterpieces.

To tell a story differently? VNs don't read like straight novels. They incorporate the elements of the medium to change and enhance the way the stories are told.


Why can't something be also something else?

Indeed but from the 11th game onwards the quality of the games improve significantly

Illustrations, the possibility of choice, the ability to connect a bit more with the main character

If making it something else as well detracts from the strength of its original category, then it's a negative change.

swan song

barely any loods, but still a real trip

interaction, multiple routes, figuring out things by yourself instead of watching the main character doing everything, they're not just books with pictures

>played 999 on an emulator, finished it yesterday
>have seen two threads about 999 today
>SiIvaGunner posted a song from 999 one hour ago
Im 99.9% sure that morphogenetic fields are real

Probably my second favorite after G-Senjou

Novels aren't interactive. You can't explore the world beyond very limited choose-your-adventure types of choices. It's not better or worse, it's different.
Plus sound and visuals.

Never seen a story unravel and close itself as good as this one.

ayy, same here, phamalam

Today's June 9th

I almost feel bad that it's an eroge, it could've been so insanely popular without the stigma that an eroge carries.

Unbelievably great.

It's more point and click than classical VN though.

>SiIvaGunner posted a song from 999 one hour ago


But it was insanely popular.

It just didn't get translated until recently since its not a moege and that's all that is ever translated.

>New trailer today too

What the actual fuck guys

I thought this board was for video games?

Show me the visual novel board you fucking faggot. VNs have always been allowed on Sup Forums.

I dare you to tell /jp/ that Zero Escape is good visual novel

In Japan.

And it's not like translating these old games aren't a huge hurdle, don't go around pointing fingers just because it's not a moeblob. It's not like they have a .txt lying around in these games with all the dialogues.

It's no mystery why almost no PC-98 games are translated, shit ain't easy. And even with Yu-No they had to translate the Windows 95 port

>make a visual novel
>make it adventure format
why is this allowed?

I haven't found a VN that was as enjoyable or hit me with as many feels as Katawa Shoujo.

>Otaku's ever liking a good visual novel

Yes, that's what I said, Japan. Also I'll point fingers at Moege because that's what is translated the most. It's easy and most fan-translators don't understand complex Japanese anyway. Hell sometimes they don't even translate and just clean up a MT.

YU-NO is literally always a recommended VN since it was translated, and it took more than 15 years, that's pretty damn good. It's one of Japan old go to recommends too, so if you really want to bask in fan praise, learn Japanese.



5/10, 6/10 and 7/10 respectively.

7/10 (The atmosphere is god tier though).

Only 10/10

This is Sup Forums, not /jp/.
You sad fuck

I think you meant to post this

Ghost Trick isn't a VN, it's a puzzle game.

Simply the best

Sharin no Kuni is pretty good. It also has Wakamoto.


If you're like me and just want VNs that are about an actual Adventure instead of being a high school kid that finds a princess elf that begs for the main character to destroy the magic seal in her vagina, then this site is for you:

A man of taste.

thanks I'll give it a look


I genuinely wish to frame chapter 1 and 5 since they're so unbelievably enjoyable. I could take or leave the rest, but those two bits are so above and beyond anything else I ever read or enjoyed.

also snatcher

I've been meaning to get around to it.

It was made by the same guys as G-senjou so I'm sure it's decent at the very least.

Why not both?

Fuck that was a good story

>Zack and Wiki
Top tier VN

how is umineko? Is it worth playing?

>FSN better than MGQ
>S;G better than anything

who this, i wanna look it up on sankaku and fap until I can't move

Technically the site is about Japanese Adventure Games, which usually translated to VNs.

But even with that criteria I think they're overreaching with Zack and Wiki

The only visual novel I have read/played is G Senjou no Maou and I loved the fuck out of it
What are some others that are similar or just good in general

It's fanart from two lolis from Umineko
You can see em in this pic

>FSN better than MGQ
Yes? The entire series is filled with terrible porn, mediocre gameplay and a generic as hell plot.

It's enjoyable. Your milage may vary by the end of it all, so see how the beginning thrives you

Do you like murder mysteries?
Do you like Agatha Christie?
Did you enjoy the atmosphere of 999?
Do you like Phoenix Wright pointing and arguign to firgure out the truth while good music plays?
If you said yes to any of them you should probably try it

thank you, have a great life user

It's long as fuck and the ending sucks


I hear the ending is shit. Is it still worth it for the journey?

Plus I've seen different versions? Which one is the best to get?

Funny. If you didn't mention gameplay I would've thought you were talking about Fate

The journey is more important than the twist anyways
Get the PS3 patch for voices and CGs and sprites if you can't stomach the greatness of the original ones
The beggining is kinda slow until the murders start so you might have to endure the set up of the characters

I wouldn't call the plot generic as hell.

wtf why has nobody mentioned this one yet

Also written by Uchikoshi

its so worth it, its one hell of a good ride
there are 2 versions, original and one with remastered sprites and voices. I prefer the original cause the sprites are great and the voices are better the second time around

Because it is the only VN known for making people allergic to chicken

Don't worry, ever since the more recent fate anime adaptations it's become the spicy new meme to hate on FSN.


honorable mention Symphonic Rain for comfy

>The ending sucks
>The ending is shit

To this day I don't get how you can read the massive amount of text from the beginning to the ending and still not understand it

Meh, VLR was better.

Ending's love or hate, with pretty much zero middle ground. It's an absolute trip though, and entirely enjoyable despite any low points.

Sharin no Kuni was made by the same people, so try that out.

Completely shits the bed when it gets to the answer arcs, but it's goddamn fantastic before that.


Right cool, I can deal with the OG sprites. 9/10 times remakes tend to fuck something up anyway

Terrible pacing and only Tsugumi and Coco's route are great. The rest are mediocre.

>Completely shits the bed when it gets to the answer arcs
Fuck off, it was 10/10 literally until EP8.

More of a Majikoi man myself.

>Pulling the 'you just didn't GET it' card
Come one man, everyone admits that it starts going to shit after the author's buttbuddy died

The only real downside to 999 is that it makes a lot of the twists, especially in VLR, seem obvious. He revisits a lot of concepts. Still one of the best out there, though.

Too soon, my dick still hurts.

The sprites are not that important anyways
Be sure to add the CGs though, since they add a lot during some moments
Also keep in mind that Umineko is about 180 hours long so don't go in if you don't have the time for it

Still need to finish this

Definitely recommend it. Without a doubt it has a slow starting where it sets a lot of (needed) exposition, I think that's the right term. I like this kind of starting, but otherwise it will feel a bit droll for the first couple of hours. Once that's done though, it is fantastic for the rest of episode 1, all of episodes 2 and 3, most of episode 4, and 5-8 are kinda hit or miss with people.

Congratulations, I'll be one of the many people out of your "everybody" to refute that

And yeah, you probably didn't get it, fight me on that

Not the best but still one of my personal faves from voice acting alone.

What game?


I feel like Kara no Shoujo would change the minds of visual novel nay sayers.
I think it's the greatest of all time