Why do people hate snipers in FPS vidya?

Why do people hate snipers in FPS vidya?

Well in team based games it promotes camping and generally they don't help with securing objectives

I'm not sure why I hate them. But I just do.

what game is pic ?

I fucking hate sni

call of duty 10

hmm i thought its ARma

People hate getting one shotted by someone they never saw

arma 3

getting shot from fucking nowhere is fucking annoying
then you have faggots that run around and noscope you right infront of you
as someone else mention, they don't help the team, specially when there are so many of them in your team

think the maps should be designed with sniping in mind, so that all the good sniping spots cover an objective or something

no i played Black ops
it doesnt look like that

Usually snipers are unbalanced and braindead. Since snipers often have a monopoly on long range combat, they have no need for situation awareness while maintaining a massive amount of damage and the ability to fuck anyone they see fit. Snipers also have one hit kills which are unpopular by and large.

Because they're cowards

I understand you my man. But neo-Sup Forums will never get thi


It's a high skill weapon that people think they are good enough to use when they actually suck. Also like said, they tend to not act as part of a team and tend not to complete objectives.

Because they go solo so they're not exactly a part of the team more than they are nothing personnels. And getting sniped, aka instakilled from across the map is really fucking boring. If a sniper's good, looking at him is enough to die. It's not at all fun.

Because the class draws in all the useless toolbags and kids.

Because it doesn't feel fair. It's a fucking point and click adventure game and they just cower in the back of maps.

Almost every single FPS would be so much more enjoyable without snipers. Crybabies be damned.

I don't think i've ever played an FPS where i felt i needed a sniper. Normally the duty of a sniper can be fulfilled by another role that can do other things besides shooting far away things.

Like Overwatch for example. I feel like a Pharah can do a better job at taking down defenses than Widowmaker, but that's just like my opinion man

same reason real life snipers are hated,you can't see them

1) Almost never directly help with objectives
2) Almost always go for max k/d, regardless of game type
3) Most likely to be cheats
4) There is literally no counter for a top tier sniper, and your own skills have minimum impact on his ability to kill you
5) 1HK classes are massively favoured by the underage
6) Are most likely to never change their class to help the team

Because it takes power/control away from the player. If you die, you can normally point to what you did wrong and it led to you dying. Dying is still in your control, just get better. Get sniped feels like there's nothing you could have done, and that you had no real control over your death. You can avoid sight lines, but at some point you'll round a corner and instantly die, and feel cheated.

on a related note, why the FUCK did they think that Widowmaker was ok to have chest 1hitko's and no recoil?

I don't mind snipers as long as they actually help securing objectives by giving covering fire and shit, but everyone knows that snipers are faggots who stay in one point, in which he will get a lot of kills disregarding the objective and usually being cunts when the eventual shank on the back catchs up to them.
Also I fucking hate people who use snipers as shotguns, snipers should have an accuracy and damage penalty so at least that way you will avoid getting shotgunned with a sniper.

personally i hate them because they have potential to be very useful but they don't recon for their team. they just kill people, without telling anyone what the other team is doing or where they're headed. in real war, recon is a sniper's number one job.

This is true, but I think people pick up a widow more for walls and killing 150hp targets easily than they pick her for taking down defenses

>metal gauntlets
>wearing plate armor underneat a ghillie suit

he will be dead from heat stroke before any bullet

I think the main issue is that most shooters don't have maps big enough for dedicated snipers.

But I think the main push for their hate is lol 360 no scopes.


Same reason people hate assassin type characters in team games.
Useless on your team, incredibly effective and annoying on the other team.

It's plastic

>plastic armor

Yeah, quickscoping is cancer and fucking retarded.

Future ventilation system m8

Disregarding a milsim like Arma, shooters just aren't balanced for snipers, the things that makes carrying an weapon like that irl aren't properly represented in game which makes them unbalanced in the hands of someone with good aim.

I fucking love Arma 3

>friendly in Cherno
there is no friendly in Cherno.

only snipers.

>playing Battlefield Bad Company II
>friendly fire is on
>objective is to rush the point
>we have a hill littered with snipers
>me and my bro are the only ones trying for the objective
>grab a quad together, zoom into their base from the side
>kill our way through, I run to set the objective while my bro covers my back
>arming the objective
>by my own teammate
Fuck every sniper.

>Snipers are campers
>Snipers don't take skill
Sure maybe the guys who don't know what their doing are, but the sniper class takes a lot of skill to use. You have to have a detailed knowledge of the map and spawn points, as well as sniping positions depending on the match type. Then you have to get around the map without being seen and alternate sniping positions every couple kills in case someone gets wise to where your at and wants revenge. Then there's the skill of actually using the gun, but that depends on what game your playing.

Have yo not seen what we can do with plastic thanks to TECHNOLOGY and SCIENCE?

Shut the fuck up


Sniper classes in vidya attract the lowest common denominator of potatoes that play games. The type of people that watch Shooter and want to go be Force Recon or something. Generally just retards.

>Then you have to get around the map without being seen and alternate sniping positions every couple kills
>doing this in CoD
>when all you'll be doing is moving 2 feet from where you previously were


t. just watched enemy at the gates and thinks he's a sniper aka cancer of gaming

Maps in COD are too small and claustrophobic for sniping. I don't know why they even bother putting it in the game.

They don't bring anything to the table in a team game except locking down one specific area of the map. They don't go for objectives and they very rarely assist their teammates. They play for the KDR, which means they are only a good pick in deathmatch.

If they win, they won't shut up about how sweet their noscopes were.

If they lose, it's obviously because their team was full of baddies.

I don't hate them at all.

A good sniper actually playing as a sniper(non of that 360 noscope bullshit) is great to play with and against.

Of course they aren't going to help with objectives directly but they are providing cover fire and watching your back.

Playing Overwatch made me love snipers again. Fuck snipers in cod and bf though.

>sniping on Fallen Fighters


>you died and then submitted your post

bunch of retar

Metroid Prime Hunters did a good thing to force snipers to not camp. If you stay in one spot for too long, you will be highlighted for everyone to see along with a transmission saying "coward detected"

Most people who play games are stupid and being a a stupid player means you'll be a stupid sniper that never contributes to to match and because usually snipers are supposed to be used by one or two guys in the team they get this feeling of entitlement which is gay as fuck

If you're a good sniper you can really help people out though but usually snipers just sit on their ass waiting.

Too many FPS games emphasize small maps, no teamwork, and unlimited sniper rifles per team. There are few games where snipers and designated marksmen are useful.

ur just mad u cant 360quikscope fag noob. kys

Attracts shitters and promotes bad habits to secure kills rather than use the utility available

Also annoying in the right hands because of the high damage output in a single shot

Easy kills, since they don't have to actually engage in combat but instead play point and click adventure

Too bad it also attracts shitters and they can't even accomplish that job

The only counter to a sniper is another sniper.
Then the whole team is snipers.

Any game that has a hard counter other than another sniper (like a stealth class) will be endlessly bitched about on the game's official forums until that class is nerfed into complete uselessness, or the sniper class gets buffed to just ignore them through various means of either an overpowered close range weapon, stealth detectors, or whatever the fuck else.

This has been every fucking game with a "sniper" class i've played in the last 10 years.

They are OK in Sim games

In any other FPS they are annoying as fuck to play against but ultimately useless, this is specially true for Project Reality, If they are on your team they make 4 one man squads and sit on their asses for the rest of the game killing like 10 guys and not capping shit, if they are on the other team they might kill you which is annoying but in the end they are just stupid as fuck

Also most snipers i've known are 13 years old kiddies who want to be edgy or some shit

T. Chopper pilot

Instant kills are a pretty difficult thing to add to a game without it being frustrating for those subject to it.

If you add an instant kill, it needs to feel like the other person really worked for it or you had some sort of counterplay that wasn't just "well don't have him looking at you."

Due to the nature of a sniper's instant kill, you can never know if they actually regularly get headshots or if they're inconsistent however lucky at that precise moment. It adds a feeling that the game is partially determined by random chance, as any idiot firing 50 shots will eventually land a headshot instantly killing a player.

Good players knowing the sniper instant kill possibility is on the field have to adjust their playstyle entirely to the idea that they can die at any time if they're not extremely careful which puts a damper on face-paced play.

Many games fuck up how a sniper should work and make them deal full damage at close range which makes engaging them a gamble yet again as you don't know if they'll get lucky with the bullet spread and kill you so you may opt to not bother unless they're completely off-guard.

>Maps in COD are too small and claustrophobic for sniping. I don't know why they even bother putting it in the game.
Maps keep getting smaller and they keep making shotguns and snipers more and more useless unless you have a very specific setup

I love snipers. They make for easy targets.

I personally hate them because most modern FPS cap their team counts at 14 or 16 people per room, have random spawn points, no objectives beyond KOTH or CTF, and for the most part, maps are tight and compact, meaning that if you're anywhere with your head out, a sniper has a comically huge advantage.

In games that have 32v32 or the like, sniping is usually very important, because keeping a specific objective or location cleared, or protecting an ally, or simply catching the last man in a game that doesn't have constant respawn in the map are all very important roles to take. Not to mention it heavily punishes retards trying to shoot singular, meaningless soldiers, as they will give their positions away and get gunned down by superior numbers, while the opposition's snipers are still ready for their tactical roles.

In Arma in particular the sniper role is just boring both for the guy playing the sniper and the people playing against it. For the guy playing he's going to be sitting in one spot for the entire session (could be hours), needs to do a bunch of calculations (simplified, but still quite annoying) and even if he does see something and gets his calculations right 99% chance he misses due to lag as his bullet has to travel for like a full second. For the people playing against it I mean if they don't see him it's no problem, but an Arma session is already long as fuck and if they do encounter a sniper you're adding a ton of time to that just to hunt down one guy. Compared to normal infantry vs infantry combat that's just a waste of time.

In other games they're hated because often they're just guns that one shot people and have no drawbacks.

good thing candlejack can

because any other class on the same team will have anywhere from twice to ten times the positive score for kills/ objectives.

I hate them because whenever someone does good with a sniper, the next game you have a bunch of retards using them as well to try and compare dicks

It's great in BF4, surprisingly not many people use the .338 recon which has the best ROF without sacrificing velocity. It's quick enough to 2 man upper chest shot, and if you are on a roll you can clean up with head shots.
There isn't camping spots, but you do use other people to flush out ez shots. The job is to secure open ground, secure the entrance to high positions on cap points, and generally move to any cover than can offer crouch concealment when you run on offensive.

>not playing hardcore

People hate snipers in real life too. Ask any sniper what he expects to happen to him in case he's caught.

The only snipers I hate in Red Orchestra 2 are friendly ones who don't targe enemy machine gunners and squad leaders like they're supposed to.

They're designed for retards who can't into teamwork, all they do is kill random dudes from far away to get their sick K/D ratio higher instead of actually being useful and helping their team.

It doesn't help that the only counter to a sniper is a better sniper, it's also frustrating to get killed out of nowhere because some faggot was camping and you just happened to get in his line of sight.

because 9 out of 10 times, snipers are played by skilless faggot who believe themselves to be gods due to their high k/d, earned solely thanks to their OP as fuck weapons and their camping. in my decade long fps videogaming experience I can hardly remember encountering a sniper with actual skill worth mentioning.

also they fucking ruin games because I don't consider a match one where I have 20 snipers out of 32 team members on each side


Battlefield is a great example of why everyone hates snipers.
>one guy on the other team is a sniper and picks off 3 or 4 dudes on your team
>suddenly half your team gets pissed and switches to that class to counter them.
>other team notices you have half a dozen snipers so a bunch of them switch to snipers
>entire match is now filled to the brim with snipers and only 2-3 guys are actually going after the objectives.
>your team loses because you only had one guy trying to go after the objective while everyone else was trying to snipe

>im on a videogame imageboard
>i know anything about practical clothing for tactical situations

>It's a high skill weapon

that pic triggers my autism
>Charing handle is non existent
>iron sights are gone
>picatinny rail instead of Russian side rail
>no PSO-1
>made up optic that hangs off rifle for some reason
>hangs off on the wrong side of the gun
>no bipod

whoever made this should be kicked in the head

This. At least do some counter sniping to keep friendly MGs alive

That optic is a flip up magnifier.

a good sniper in project reality or ARMA can really turn the tide of a game because they can call in locations for artillery, take out commaders and squad leaders, and ruin supply convoys, but sniper classes in run and gun games like CoD and to a lesser extent Battlefield are pretty useless and are just there for pandering.

They tried to make them useful in the newer BF games where you could use a sniper class to make spawn points for your team and laze targets for heat seeking missiles, but everyone ignores those perks and just fucking steals the apache helicopter and flies to the tallest building in the map and starts to shoot wildly at everyone

That's equally dumb. They're just magnifying lenses, without any sort of crosshair or reticle to zero.

What kind of dumb artist forgets to add sights?

Everything you said literally applies to every other class but they do it without a safety buffer and without one hit kill weapons

>Almost every single FPS would be so much more enjoyable without snipers.

Fucking this.

>It's a high skill weapon
>Best range and most damage
>high skill weapon
wew lad

>muh iron sights

Best sniper class in a game that I've played so far has been in Risk of Rain
R6S comes in at a close second, perhaps only because you can only have one of them and the game is well suited to shooting through windows and walls

>all these mad anti-sniping faggots
Stay mad

The only game I snipe in is Arma 3 to provide cover to my friends clearing towns. That's what I do, that and CAS with the A-10. It's not just point and click like some people say. There is a lot of bullet drop, lasering buildings and writing on a separate pad the distance, accounting for wind, etc.

>Anyone can get a kill with a sniper.
It takes technical skill to coordinate with your team to take down specific targets and clear object points.

>Generally act as lone wolves, don't secure objectives, don't help the team on the front lines
>Generally exist only to pick off stragglers and low hp targets, frustrating the opposing team
>Attracts retards who don't support the team's objectives and instead aim for easy kills on irrelevant targets

It's been a while since I've played an FPS but Overwatch made me rediscover my hatred for snipers both friendly and hostile.

what technical skill?
stand behind while your teammates run like headless chickens so you can pick off the enemies that engage them

>play insurgency
>die while capping point
>0 waves left
>cycle through people left on my team
>snipers and sharpshooters near spawn with bolt action guns and 10000x scopes
>they have 3 kills and 1 death each.

good snipers are good, but most people who play sniper don't know what they are doing.

I'm sorry Sempai, I feel that solo que has taken it's toll on you.

so much suffering

It's interesting that as games get either very realistic or very unrealistic snipers get better, both more fun to play and more fun to play against. there's a plateau right in the middle where snipers suck ass, either because they're too strong or not strong enough
If the game isn't on either extreme end it's probably not worth including snipers

What's going on he

Because people who think they're good at aiming play them en masse instead of actually contributing my taking objectives and shit.
