Morphogenetic sorrow finally back

>Morphogenetic sorrow finally back

>finally back
It was prominently featured in VLR as well. This is good, but I'm starting to get worried about the state of the OST for ZTD. The trailers are still using music from VLR even though the game should be finished by now.

It's the same composer, there's nothing to be worried about

I think the first trailer was the only one that didn't use a new song.
I'm looking forwards to hearing the full version of Team C's song from the second trailer.

Right, but you'd think that they could start using some of the game's tracks for trailers about a month away from release.

That doesn't have anything to do with the number of new tracks compared to reused ones.

Stream continues tomorrow guys

I should have my Brother theory written by then.

The 2nd trailer, with all the characters used 3 new songs, but only short snippets of them. You can hear longer versions of two of them, as well as 2 more new songs in the gameplay video Polygon posted. and they sound fucking rad

>Wanting to hear old music instead of new shit.
Go back to playing rehashes and HD collections fag.


Does this mean we get happy-go-lucky Jumpy back as well?

This is the series theme fucking faggot
The fact that it was missing was a problem
There are also new tracks, like the amazing one at the end
But you just posted that to get (you)s, didn't you

>The fact that it was missing was a problem
But it wasn't missing retard.

There were, up untill now, literally 2 trailers and a gameplay demo and the song was nowhere to be found

It's fucking nothing
Stop being retarded.

Are you two birdbrains arguing about semantics?


you rang?

Damn, that Japanese logo looks so much better than the English one.

If someone can post an upscaled/HQ scan of that famitsu article, I'll translate it when I get home

got u senpai


I don't get why they have different colors



It's the lighting, not the colors. 3DS version has no lighting

Vita version is colourful and anime like for the fucking weeb little kiddy faggots that own one.
3DS is is dark and jaggy purposefully to match the tone of the game and offer the true experience.

Thanks, my esper


It also looks like shit

Well baited, very nice


I'll typeset again

Of course, moron. They're playing a fucking death game. It's supposed to look terrible and painful. Feel free to get your kawaii vita version with exclusive character touching options and immersion breaking visuals.

Which version are you getting?

Thank you! I was hoping you would
I'd say 3hrs, hope that works for you

I'm pirating the PC version because uh... gritty realism and death, the high resolution represents esper clarity, etc etc, such the definitive version, right?


waifu2x is super useful for shit like that, the algorithm they use is baller.


is that pork?

Yes, it symbolizes what Sigma is doing to his harem

Kinda late, I'll look it up in the archives later

This is a man who had his conclusion denied and was on the edge of despair and now he's goint to have a blast partying, following the release and discussion and answering the fans' questions. I'm glad you made it, Uchi.

>inb4 it gets mediocre scores because if the shitty animations and overall graphics

You really think ZTD is going to sell well? Enough for Spike Chunsoft to give him his own game/series again? I'm hoping it'll do well, but I think it's going to sell like shit.

>You will never have a cookout with uchi

Reminder if you pirate this game, don't ask down the road why all games are shit. The answer is you.

Don't know, western reviewers love this series. Provided that the story/puzzles are good and that the same people as 999 and VLR review it, I don't see it getting knocked on too much just for the graphics. Either way, reviews won't sway a single person one way or another since it's a niche game made for an established fanbase.

As long as it doesn't do worse than VLR, I think Chunsoft might keep giving him work. Otherwise they'll probably put him on other properties like they did with Punchline.

I'm buying it twice, fuck everyone

I'm pirating it on 3DS then importing the physical vita release in a few months when the price normalizes

I'm pirating until I can afford it, or (hopefully) a PC release trilogy.

19 days left, hold me Sup Forums

Goddamn PST

Here's something to chew on while I work on that scan:

"[Roll three dice, and if even one does not land on 1, you will all be shot to death.] With that announcement, an insane game began. The odds of landing three 1s is about 0.46%...Can that kind of miracle even happen?!"

I'm in Europe, or are you saying you're in PST?

I'm on PST
Scans always drop when I'm asleep or just waking up for work

There's a trophy called "Blessed by Lady Luck" for getting all 1s on the dice, too. I don't think any sane game designer would make a requirement for a player to win a 1/216 roll, though. There's got to be a trick.


So long as we don't have to position the dice, I'm fucking fine with that.

I wonder how many anons will try to kill themselves testing anthropic principle/quantum immortality

This game is a bad influence and should be banned


Oh shit, it all makes sense

>Anthropic Principle
>00.46% chance to roll three 1s

There is obviously a trick to it. The dice could be weighted, or maybe [?] manipulates the outcome somehow.

It'll probably sell okay in the West. I hope so at least, because it's certainly not going to sell in nipland.

so let me get this fucking shit straight.

so yung sigma is sent back in time after old sigma fails on the mars base loses his arms and eye, old sigma went to mars base with young phi to prevent shit from happening. so yung sigma takes place after old sigma fucks up so yung sigma can learn all the shit old sigma does to send his old ass consciousness back in time etc. but is kyle really just the player? or do we just have to assume that until ZTD?

If you were playing a video game with save states, how would you do it?

>Less than three weeks

I still can't believe it's happening.

pls do it user

Kyle is his own personality. The person you play as in the final scene is not Kyle, but [?], who is possibly the person Kyle switched consciousness with when he went back to ZTD's time.

I'm buying it thrice, I want the physical artbook too even if it means the chingchong nipnong version.

I'm pirating on the 3ds if it leaks, but I'm buying on both 3DS and Vita later. Gotta support based Uchi.

This so much.
Make this be the last thing you remember before ending your miserable lives, pirate dreck.

>writers reuse themes

Hold the phone, jim.

Actually making ZE3 was a mistake if it's turning out like this. I'm not buying an outsourced borderline kusoge budget game for full price. Day 1 pirate.

The animation is crap but why would you ever expect this to have a budget? It actually got canceled once.

Oh (You)

Most games are outsourced these days, at least as far as art assets are concerned, it's just how things are made.

>spot the apologist-opportunist pirate

I win

I am currently replaying VLR, and I have picked up on a few things since the last time I've played 4 years ago.

>Brother was 16 years old when Left died
Knowing this, it seems unlikely that any characters from 999 or VLR is Brother

>Dio is a 4th generation clone of Left
Given that he said this in the year 2074, it's possible the first Left clones were created around 2028.

During Quark's Radical-6 delirium, he yells out "I have to get out of this body! They can't lock away the Soul! Once my body's gone, my soul can escape!"
This sounds eerily similar to the goal for members of Free the Soul. They teach you must seperate the soul from the body in order for it to be purified. Was Radical-6 created by Free the Soul?

They shouldn't have aimed for the moon if they couldn't afford a spaceship. 999 and VLR were fine without fully animated character scenes. I doubt anything happens in ZTD that necessitates that level of cinematography. It's a complete disaster, and the shit textures, voice acting, and lack of new music in the trailers is only making me more apprehensive.
This project is nowhere near the level of a professional release, and I'm not paying for a hacked together piece of crap just to read its script.

>I doubt anything happens in ZTD that necessitates that level of cinematography.
>Implying this isn't the exact kind of shit Uchikoshi likes to pull

Man, I barely remember any of this
I should really replay both games but I just can't motivate myself

you care enough to play it tho
if if was half as shitty as your whining suggests then you wouldn't even bother
just be honest with yourself, you're pirating because you're cheap

>Was Radical-6 created by Free the Soul?
I basically took this for granted, doesn't they outright say FtS are responsible for the outbreak?

Read up on each characters' respective true ending and you should be fine.

I'm really not sure I do care enough. If it gets stellar praise for its script, yeah, but otherwise I'll skip it and read the plot on wikipedia.

>Day 1 pirate.

I'm buying the US version with the watch then the UK download when it comes out. Might buy another watch later if they start selling them.

can you stay away from ze threads? thx

>If it gets stellar praise

>playing any Uchi game for anything else than the script


I need good rips of both soundtracks

Same. What a joke they won't publish a physical release over here. Why bother with localising VLR, then?

Are you memeing me?

Are YOU memeing me?

Aksys is in charge of the game world wide now.

For VLR they were only in charge of US, while RSG was doing the EU localization.

>read the plot on wikipedia


Anywhere the watch is still available that's not ebay?

It's a goddamn plotge, which Uchikoshi and Nakazawa are known for since their KiD days.

VLR in EU by RSG uses Aksys's translation, just not its dub. Aksys have taken over publishing in EU this time, hence the digital only, but at least it'll be dual audio now.

This is not a term, in Japanese or otherwise