1070 and 1080 benchmarked

>1070 and 1080 benchmarked
>They rape the Fury X's mouth in everything but AMD's meme game
>AMD won't even compete with them with their new cards

AMD is ded for anyone that wants to run games at max settings.


Three cents have been deposited in your account!

AMD always gets raped at the high end. If they can beat the 1060 to market by at at least two months, the can claw back a lot of market share. People want a Titan X for $350, but a lot more want a 980 for $200.

It's a part that goes in your computer box and makes it work good

I don't understand how that could even garner fanboys

graphics cards threads are basic containment threads for the kids from Sup Forums.

>Fury X can't even keep a steady 60 FPS in a bunch of games shown

What the fug

No shit, AMD will mostly be used by poorfags.
Which is why i'm getting it

>Have to run two 480's in memefire in order to outperform a 1080
>Their only benchmark is AoTS which is the only game AMD runs well on

>fanboying for graphics cards
Suckstart a glock you pathetic, sad little man

going for the mid segment with the rx480 was a very smart move. AMD can't beat nvidia's highend cards so why even try. nvidia on the other hand has nothing to compete with the rx480.
200bucks for a card as fast as a 970/980 is a really, really good deal.

>Nvidia is better then they have GameWorks running


So give me the skinny.

I'm looking to build a brand new rig as I desperately need it.

Will a 480 run all these new games like DS3, DOOM, Fallout 4, etc at 1080p 60fps?

I have no desire to use resolutions above 1080p until 4K is the new standard.

>a part that goes in your computer box and makes it work good

Oh yeah, that's one hell of an explanation. So deep and inherently scientific it makes me wonder if you're a professor at MIT or something.

You know your heart? Well fuck that shit, man. It's just a part in your body that makes it work, nothing special. I don't understand how hearts get so much attention and even garner specially trained people to fix them when they go bad.

Vega will stomp the 1080's face into the dirt when it launches.

Nvidia will announce the 1080ti when Vega launches.

Look up benchmarks for the 390 for basically a minimum of what the 480 will do. It launches on the 29th.

Won't matter since the ti would cost like 800 bucks

People want that 300-400 range in general and then budget

The real card to look out for is the 490

>He fell for the 2x 480 meme

Max kek.

Getting a 1070.

And the Fury is better than the first Titan and the 780ti. What's your point?

>fallout 4
But it looks like ass

>Will a 480 run all these new games like DS3, DOOM, Fallout 4, etc at 1080p 60fps?

yes, definitely.

The fact there's no new Fury X to compete

It's two and three times as expensive. If it was any less than this much more powerful It'd be a damn crime. Even then the 480 is a better value.

You do know Gameworks is like Speedtree, right. It's not something you turn off.

But Im maxing everything with my 390

nvidia is sabotaging the performance of their older cards on porpuse.

>comparing brand fanboyism of a computer part to human organs

well sure thing buckaroo if it makes you happy

>gaming on $700 card

cool meme bro, I bet you signed a deal for a Hollywood movie for it

>£550 furyx 10% slower than £350 1070

fury was such a blunder, vega better kick ass

The market for high end cards is so small that nvidia has to assrape you with prices to even make decent profit

AMD is targeting the market with the most costumers

>People buying mediocre products that they know will not do the job right.

I will never understand the mindset.

nice meme.

the HD7950 was better than the gtx 770
the r9 390 was better than the gtx 970

hmm, i wonder if the rx 490 will be better than the gtx 1070?

of course it will. the ONLY bracket in which nvidia is relevant is the toppest of the top tiers like the gtx 980ti or the future gtx 1080ti. everything else is just you wasting your money when you buy nvidia.

also, gtx 1070 and gtx 1080 aren't appropriate for most gamers. these cards are only useful for 1440p or 144hz. they're way, way, way too overkill for 1080p 60fps.

which is why the rx 480 is so interesting. it's $200 and it's the end-all, be-all for 1080p 60fps gaming. which is the resolution and framerate that 95% of gamers go for.

no joke, look at steam hardware surveys. virtually no one plays at resolutions higher than 1080p. buying these 400-700 dollar cuck cards is you wasting your own money and you wasting resources unless you're also spending another 500 dollars on a 1440p or 144hz monitor.

>the HD7950 was better than the gtx 770
amdfags literally believe this.

>which is why the rx 480 is so interesting. it's $200 and it's the end-all, be-all for 1080p 60fps gaming. which is the resolution and framerate that 95% of gamers go for.

Only go 480 if you want to play 1080p 60fps on Medium to High settings.
It won't have anywhere near ebough power for running the latest games on ultra maxed.

the fuck are you talking about?

the 480 is about as powerful as a 970 or r9 390, and those games can run nearly every game on the market at the highest settings

AMD is wine
Nvidia is milk

i fell for the freesync meme so im forced to wait for vega

Better than falling for the g-sync meme at least

That's not true at all.

>AMD is ded for anyone that wants to run games at max settings.

maybe for 4k and 1440p

480 is plenty for 1080p which most people still have

I have a 970 and that is fucking bullshit.

what game you can't max out with the exception of witcher3?

Rise of the Tomb Raider
Forza 6
Batman Arkham Knight
Total War: Warhammer
The Division
Grand Theft Auto V

Probably talking about people buying overpriced nvidia shit that barely gives any more performance than something hundreds of dollars cheaper.

We need a list of games, user, not shovelware

Why are people comparing the 380 to a 1070, they're not even in the same price bracket.

>hmm, i wonder if the rx 490 will be better than the gtx 1070?

We all know it will be. If I'm gonna be stuck with a video card for 3-4 years, I'm not buying nvidia's gimpshit 1070 on impulse before the 490 is out to compare. Especially on the vram side.



They need to go hipster like Fapple.

I meant to type 480, but shit,

>faggot doesn't even have a mid end card
>talking like he knows all about high end cards