What kind of movies did you make?

What kind of movies did you make?

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Surreal ones. Sometimes a drama but the genre is set as comedy. Stuff like that.

For the longest time, I thought this was a Maxis product.

i had one dedicated building just for one comedian, and had him churn out absolute crap comedies for decades, huge quantity of movies, nothing but comedies

the critics hated it, he comedian was a total wreck and i didn't take care of him at all, he got old and i replaced him in the end, and repeated the process with some other guy.

he never got to be in the big projects, i didn't let him socialize with any of the other stars, only the extras in his crap movies.

he was my Adam Sandler

Schlock. Schlock with big names. I AM THE ADAM SANDLER! IT'S ME!

Is the expansion pack worth getting? I have my physical copy of the original, but depressed there's no online way to get it.

Feels sad we'll never see a game like the movies again, mixing sims mechanic with strategy elements is something few games do.

all my actors were entirely white and textureless because i was playing on windows 98 or something

unreal game though

Nevermind. It looks good, but no one sells it for a reasonable price.

>yfw you unlocked the chicken suit
seriously that outfit was so gamebreaking

Mostly zombie shit.

Lionhead is long dead, user. You'll be just feeding The Beast if you pay for this. Pirate it if you really want to play.

My biggest and best was Best in the West 2. A slapstick western staring Indiana Jonesey and his trusty steed, Princess Sophia. The antagonist was a black Nazi and his sidekick ape who kidnapped the love interest.
My older bro did all the voices and improvised most lines. It was a clusterfuck and piece of shit, but it was our baby.
Fuck I had some great times with that game.

would it run on a laptop you think?

As long as your laptop was released in the past 5 years, I don't see why not.

I got to work decently enough on my toastertop, should be no problem.

Okay so get this.
It was a Sci-fi horror movie. It was set in an abandoned space ship. Throughout the movie cast members were killed off by some mysterious enemy who you never saw.
At the end of the movie you have the last guy with a motion detector slowly following the movement of the enemy, he backs up into a corner and the enemy slowly creeps out of a vent in the ceiling and snatches him up. But this time you saw who it was.

It was Santa.

shitty 2006 ytmnd meme movies


Who was the guy that did the soundtrack for the movies anyway, some of the themes seem reminiscent from KOTOR 2.

>woman lands on a strange planet
>is scared by the locals who seem to be violent nignogs
>gets back on the ship
>one of the nignogs is inside, but appears to be dead
>he wakes up as she's flying the ship
>bludgeons and rapes her
How accurate is my interpretation?

Is there a mod to increase the lot size? Where do you faggots get mods?

Good job, here's the sequel.


A masterpiece.

A cash grab.


Don't say that until you've seen the thrilling conclusion.


Someone should make a spiritual sequel but be as customizable as SFM. And the modding community can easily plug in custom content ala old Sims.

Looks like the Nigger Trilogy went to shit after the first one. While the original Space Niggers had a deep overarching plot, loveable protagonist and antagonists and an unexpected twitst, Earth Niggers tried to roll with the first one's success and went for over complicated 2deep4you surrealism. At this point the whole series seems ruined so a quick cash grab action movie Clash of the Niggas, which completely abandoned the original movie's overall mood and themes, was released. You can see the pandering to young action loving audiences just by looking at the name change from Niggers to Niggas. This was also probably to comply with SJW feminists who get triggered by "Nigger".

vampire movies with car chases

9 minutes.
9 fucking minutes.


>this video is private
What are you trying to pull here, user?

>not dressing your actors in banana suits and have them slip on bananas and pump out 10+ of these movies every 5 years

Can't you pirate it?

>There will never ever be a good game similar to The Movies but improved everywhere

feels bad man

I thought private allowed referral links.
I changed it to Unlisted, my b.

never played this.

I made dozens and dozens of one scene - no actors movies. They were received harshly, but since they were cheap as fuck those always turned a profit and it made me rich.

Great game.

People made such cringey movies, that they turn hilarious.

>Made an Asian action star named Jackie Chan
>One of the critics always angrily comments that Jackie Chan never does his own stunts.

Surrealist and Dadaist movies, with a focus on social critique of the era

not sure why so many brazillians put out their movies, maybe Brazil is full of B-Movie directors

Basically music videos (you can put .ogg files into the game's music folder). I got this game when I was twelve and played it almost every week until I was eighteen, I probably made hundreds of videos...

Once I made a movie about mythological Orpheus (guy enters the underworld to bring his dead gf back), only Orpheus was a modern day rockstar.

Or a WWI movie where a german soldier's gas mask has a leak and in his final moments in the trenches he hallucinates like crazy about his past life while a Skrillex song plays lol.

And a movie where a guy's new roommate turns out to be a literal gorilla. The gorilla ends up fucking the dude's girlfriend. It was a music video for this:

My favorite sets were the suburb (pic related), the school corridor (had some great unique scenes), the beach, and all the space ships because they worked together perfectly.

pro tip: just label the film with whatever genre is hot right now, you can write a sci-fi flick with aliens and battles and still register it as Comedy. Critics & audiences won't notice lol.

I think this game actually ignited my love for editing and I now work as an editor so thanks, Molyneux, I guess.

I wish Sup Forums had Movies threads more often

I made completely nonsensical movies and forced my friends and family to be voice actors. Shit was so Hollywood.

can you post some of those videos?

>invest in research like crazy
>produce sound & color movies in 1925

Literally the plot of a Doctor Who episode

>proceed to shit it up by making capeshit
Good job, not-Disney!

Have anyone got this running on a modern machine? Is it worth an install or will it just be endless patches and fixes resulting in nothing.

I never uploaded them to the official website while it was still running and two years ago my laptop broke and all was lost (made me feel like shit because I loved them, even the shitty ones). I'm planning on doing another playthrough this year though, so I'm going to post some in the near future (whenever I see a movies thread popping up).

It runs without any issues on my Win 7

It works fine on modern machines. At least from what I remember. It was a while back but I ran it on Windows 8 fine.

This is why the cloud is a thing, man.

>actors need 30 years of experience to be good
>have to do action movies starring a bunch of frail old grampas

>Once I made a movie about mythological Orpheus (guy enters the underworld to bring his dead gf back), only Orpheus was a modern day rockstar.
It's a real movie

This one?


>that asian qt
>that exploding guitar
Looks great, gonna watch this tonight (dubbed hopefully)

Fuck I totally forgot about this gem.

Does it even work on W8?

I remember playing it with my friend and cousin who was visiting me, none of us really understood what we were doing, so each movie would take tens worth of background actors and ton of time to make while also being absolutely nonsensical
>friend makes highschool horror about girl running away from monsters and the film ending with stray dogs killing the monsters
>cousin picks some random black actor and puts him in the graveyard where he gets attacked by everyone, other humans, stray dogs and a werewolf, then at the end black guy has a gay marriage with the werewolf right at the cemetery
>my shit was about a bar where people would have random outbursts of violence, so three exactly the same shots of people punching each other, people running in and starting a fire fight and final scene where some random moron shoots some dude who unlike everyone else actually dies
Best part was that each of these would make a shitload of money when compared to computer made ones.

Too busy making Simpsons cartoons

I hope y'all wrote every movie by yourselves because the premade scripts were retarded as hell.

>scene 1: man in ape suit walks into saloon
>scene 2: ape man orders a drink
>scene 3: ape man makes out with waitress
>there's an extra in the background, he's wearing a nazi uniform and heart shaped sunglasses
>he's playing poker with a ghost
>scene 4: waitress shoots ape man with an uzi in a hotel room
>scene 5: close up of female extra screaming
>set in a modern day bathroom for no reason
>scene 6: ape man and waitress have a knife fight in the desert
>waitress' acting is set to "vampire" (??)
>scene 7: establishing shot of a space ship
>movie comes out, 5 stars, critically acclaimed

Fuck I missed that game. I made a short cop drama about betrayal called The Trainee. I still have, shit was badass

Is that how modern simpsons episodes are made?

>movie comes out, 5 stars, critically acclaimed
That was my favorite part of making my retarded movies.
I also did what you did -- adding extras doing weird things in the background while weird things also happened in the foreground.
It was like laughing at my own jokes, and I still find some of them funny.

I miss the guy tbqh

his games were always failures to some extent

but at least they were interesting

The best kind of movies

>It was like laughing at my own jokes

Now if they made it a feature to have a pedophile cabal within the producers, it'd be accurate as fuck.



Pls no bully, I was young and autistic. The recent videos are because I am older and autistic.

>It was like laughing at my own jokes
This, I still watch my old movies and laugh at the dumb things I put in.

>that random extra
>that second lizard doctor outta nowhere
Thanks for the chuckle m8

The stunt expansion pack has great new sets, costumes, scenes, weather effects...

But it fucks up the editing a little for some reason. You can't fade in/out in between scenes anymore.

It depends on what kind of movies you want to make. If you're into special effect heavy stuff, it's worth a purchase (I found it on ebay two years ago).


What's the one that Sup Forums put together?

I think it was something with niggers in the title...?

full version when?

How do you extract your movies from the game? (so you can upload them on youtube)


If I remember correctly, on the main menu was a movie viewer and that had a convert option which saved an uploadable file where the game files are.


thx user much appreciated

>those facial expressions
Bless this game.

The acting is too good.

Oh, hi Mark

>that grumpy walk


God the music in the game is amazing. I love the really goofy 1920's track.

Fuck now I want to reinstall this game and make shitty movies again.

>mfw the vocals kick in

I love this game. Still play it from time to time.

Here is my cringy series me and my friends made back in 2009


I just let the game make the movies on its own.

Please laugh at and humiliate me for being a dumbass. Also, need to reinstall this

Heres another I made, started out lighthearted then turned really dark by the end


Man this game was good

I wish I had this game when I was younger, I used to make shitty Lego stop animations, and this game seems a step up from that.

>£10 on Amazon
>I'm a complete poorfag with a toaster laptop
>Will never make my gritty crime drama movies.

the soundtrack was GOAT
the silent film one:
the feels one:
the 80s kids movie one:

absolutely kino

>The Movies predicted The Expendables and the latter day Die Hards and Terminators

like pottery

Comedy mostly as it was easy and fun. Every now and then though I would get serious and adapt a book or comic as best as I could.

Fucking beautiful.

that ending tho.. cool!

This is the first Movies thread on Sup Forums I've seen in at least six months if not a year. Why aren't we talking about this game more often... It's fun.

Fuck it, im reinstalling it

>slumps to the ground and dies


Also that loud as fuck rain is so creepy.