US version delayed several months

>US version delayed several months
>"Only on Playstation" mark missing on the cover

Isn't obvious that Atlus delayed Persona 5 in the west so they can have more time to work on the PC version? I can only think that the exclusivity contract with Sony already expired so there's no reason to keep it locked on a Playstation hardware.

Also, mods will allow us to change back to japanese audio via mods, so with a PC version, everyone wins in the end.

Other urls found in this thread:

sure thing OP

How can one company be so incompetent?

I don't know why but i love the box art



Not underage calling or anything but, how old were you when gen 7 started? Do you remember what happened to the dozens of Japanese devs when hd consoles appeared?

I'll give you a friendly hint: they either moved down to DS to produce games uglier than PS1 or took years to make PS360 games which looked upscaled PS2 ones.

Don't start this shit again i have enough shitpost the last days

The hype will be dead by US release anyways. All critical plot elements, s-links, and the ending itself will be leaked long before it's even out.

All we'll be playing is repetitive dungeon crawling segments to get to the next scene that we already know occurs.

B-but it's all about the journey not the destination amirite guys!

It's Atlus' fault the ESRB logo is bigger than CERO?

Just don't be retarded and don't enter pages like Sup Forums and you will be fine


Dumb pcposter

>No Nana


>can't go on Sup Forums or visit any vidya related site/youtube vid for 6 months
Literally impossible fampai

But what about Ryuji's beautiful hands


It doesn't have "Only on PlayStation" because it's a game that is exclusive by the publisher's choice WITHOUT any deal with Sony involved, you dumb PCuck.

Always clinging to whatever the smallest possible evidence and grasping at straw.

And let me tell you what, the reason why people hate your kind is because of how you always act. People would be all fine and dandy with PC getting console ports had you arrogant bag of dicks not act like this every time

Fuck off.

looks weird

Looks weird and Ryuji's hand is behind the logo.

>PC version


What a weak will you have, just spend that time you waste in those sites reading or practicing another hobby i'm sure you have one

Protag is now left handed

Can't wait to spoil you guys!

Why is he so happy Sup Forums?

Why did Japan find the transition to HD so difficult?

Because Ashly Burch is gonna voice Futaba

I will not let my neet pussy be tainted.

He's going to obtain lots of booty

They covered up the giant neck. What's the problem?

>just spend that time you waste in those sites reading or practicing another hobby i'm sure you have one
I wouldn't be on this shithole if I did m8. At this point I've accepted a shittier playthrough experience.

>mfw playing on Valentine's day but all waifus were ravaged and soiled by jap dicks months beforehand

At this point I'm praying for a PC release just so we can easily patch in all the content that will inevitably be removed during localization.
If #FE isn't even getting the bikini DLC I doubt P5's beach scenes will go untouched.

Reminder that if someone was born on the day the last time a Persona game came out on PC, they'd be old enough to drive now.

Holy fuck, nice trips

man these models sure look terrible

Don't be so pessimistic user i know you can do avoid the spoilers, at least do it for him

>because picking up objects with the other hand is fucking hard

You're naturally inclined to using your dominant hand, especially if you're a righty.

Good compromise user.

It's pretty hard to give someone a handjob with the opposite hand

As a lefty, I feel underrepresented in the video game community. Thank you for pandering to me.

Or the boxart isn''t finalized yet Bloodborne had it too.

Get to work, buddy

Since the Odin Sphere remake lets us have Japanese audio, does that mean there's a chance?

1 between a million but its a chance

>Published by Sony

did you even read what he said?

I honestly think they just didn't want the rating box to cover up its entire face.

The cost of HD games is enormous- not just in terms of money but in terms of man-hours needed to create high resolution assets. Western devs had the resources to cope with the vastly increased costs because of vertical integration between publishers and development studios. Even so, a lot of western devs couldn't make the transition, but most folded or merged instead of shifting development focuses.

>Flipping the entire thing just to keep mosquito bite tits in

Will Atlus redeem himself in the E3?

why would they need to redeem themselves

NO ____ ____ NO BUY

They're burning off the American market so they can please the Japanese consumers

For all this release date fiasco

You know, about a year or two ago, I was seriously hoping for a PC port, too. But after PKeks started shitting up P5 threads, I changed my mind. I hope PC never gets another Atlus game again.

Don't worry user! You might be able to play Catherine via Steamâ„¢ in a couple years or so. It might make the wait for bearable :))

Replace all instances of "Persona 5" with "Bloodborne" and all instances of "Atlus" with "Fromsoft."

And the wheel just keeps on turning.

Hearing her as Rei in Q was pretty gud and cute, hopefully she'll sound similar. Her Rise was just bad, actually she sounds like she would have been a better Chie than the goofy one we got.

Just give up already.

It's literally a ps2 game.

>no only on playstation
this retarded shit again? it's a placement box you idiot, the same thing happened with nights of azure, didn't have it early on.

>PC version

You wish. Xbone or even fucking WiiU version is far more likely.

As long as her cuck brother isn't writing the lines it shouldn't be too bad.

I think thats golden, actually.

>comedy gold

what if she writes them

Impossibility of that aside, didn't she write the Expiration Date short for TF2?


Bloodborne have the "Only on Playstation" mark on the cover, Persona 5 don't

For a second I thought that white on the table was Igor's cocaine.

Bloodborne was produced by Sony.

Persona is published by Sony.

For a better look at reality for your hopes of "timed exclusivity" how about we look at the number of Mainline Persona games (spin-off shit like Q doesn't count) that have made their way to other consoles?

Oh wait. It's just one. The original Persona got a PC port in 1999.

I guess your prayers will be answered then. If you hold your breath maybe it'll come out sooner. Don't let it go until the PC port is announced, or it won't happen.

>Persona is published by Sony.

Feel free to latch onto that part of the post. Make real sure you don't look at the facts below it. You might have to face something resembling reality.

why not just avoid persona threads

like i somehow avoided all the spoilers to a shitload of games by just ignoring their threads because i didn't give a shit at the time

If anything the lack of Only On Playstation means it wont be on PC

>there are people who don't remember Adachi is the Killer

Persona 5 is published by Sega, actually.

And speaking of Sega:

Everything indicates that Persona 5 is going to be released on PC.

Even avoiding Persona threads you can get spoiled easily people are still spoiling shit like Adachi is the killer and P4 was 8 years ago

>Can't even get dual audio or a release that isn't delayed by 5 months
>Thinks they will port to PC



We all know this will be like the weeb Star Wars. A small band of autists will spam spoilers on every board of this site.

Still not coming to PC.

>not avoiding the internet and actually going out/playing games for 6 months
You poor fool. You deserve to be spoiled.

I thought this was confirmed for PC months ago

> dribbling pc players are still going on for a port

I'm almost positive this is just an anti sony thing not wanting a ps4 EVER just because you hate em


of course it was

Sega of America is going to get sued by Atlus if they port P5 without permission its not their call.

>No 20th anniversary edition
>Only Take Your Heart Edition with a fucking Morgana plush, a bag, and a shitty looking box
Kill me, Sup Forums

Atlus can barely make PS3 games, not surprised that PC version won't be a thing

>article titled RUMOR
>article mentions japan side NOT wanting atlus games on pc
>article says 2016 is going to be great for pc players
>half a year in, no sega ports on pc


>doesn't want the Morgana plush

what are you, gay?

Yeah, that's possible with smaller games. But Persona 5 is one of the biggest anticipated games right now. You're NOT going to avoid spoilers unless you stop going to any site where it's possible to see them.

So Morgana isnt a boy? It looks like a male cat



>tfw came here talking about P4G after I got it, asking shit and what not
>some faggot tells me adachi is the killer

well fuck you, but at least some anons tried to save it by saying the cops kid was actually the evil one, and I kinda believed it because I remember at some point she was weird AF.
god bless those anons

hopefully they're delaying it for a vita P5G edition

Hashino talked about Morgana as ''he''

Persona has simple models, generally the same structure of gameplay through the series, still images in dialogue/scenes rather than abimated cutscenes. Those anime scenes are outsourced iirc

How could such a game take so long

Well atleast you learned your leasson, don't let this happen to your first and only P5 experience

>hiding giraffe neck

good. Why no one says anything to this artist about it is beyond me