Dad walks in

>Dad walks in.

Other urls found in this thread:

>stop playing video games all day and get a fucking job you fat fuck, you're 33 already.

>asks "how the fuck are you playing a jap-only game in english"

>no job

it's over, nobody will hire this person

Let me just magically make the current job market stop being a total sack of shit that's so bad you can't even get a job as a waiter.

>Why doesn't she have panties? I thought those Japs were supposed to be perverts and sticklers to details.

Job climate is bad but there are still jobs mate

>no job
>it's over, nobody will hire this person
If you aren't working as early as possible, nobody will take you.

>dad 360s in
>oh cool is this knight stuff
>are ya winnin son
>y-yes dad
>I'm fighting knights and stuff
>that's cool
>I gotta go fix the loose blade in the A/C fan out back, think about what you want to eat for dinner

>Dad walks in
>ah fuck it's dad
>gives me a burger and some chips and asks if he can chill during his lunch hour
>we play vidya

I fucking love my dad

>not in school

never gonna make ti

No, there really aren't.
They just put up that they have openings to bullshit the people over them about not having openings.

Nobody says you can't do both.

11 years at my job today. yay.

I didn't get my first job until 25, user

14 more years to baby-boomer retirement!

Doing what, rocket science?

That would explain why you don't apply anywhere.

Nope I'm 30. I'll never get to retire ever. Thanks a lot old fuckers for taking all of my social security.

Got my first job at 21, almost 22.

Nigga please. I've met qualifications for and applied to over 100 jobs last year, and not one of them replied back with anything but a "fuck you, you're not qualified" despite the fact that I was surpassed the very prereqs they made.
You're telling me that all of them -just so happened- to find the right person before I could even get a call to an interview? Get serious.

Same famalamlam

>dad walks in
>ah fuck it's dad
>haven't seen that piece of shit for 15 years
>gives me 2 good headbuts and a kick

i fucking hate my dad

>only 100 applications in a year
Nigga apply yourself

And your response for the second part?

>Persona 4
>Grandpa walks in
>Just watching a cutscene of everyone chatting about shit
>"So which one ya fuckin?"
>Have a laugh cuz he's old and doesn't give a fuck.
>Point out Chie
>"She looks like a dyke."
>"Date the one with pigtails instead. She looks like she'd suck your dick for a nickel."

Yeah 100 a year is like one job applied for every 3 days? Being unemployed is a full time job and you gotta be looking everyday, every shop every website.

Dont worry user it gets better

Well if you want me to get a job then why do you keep letting me live in your basement and paying for my food and internet?!

Checkmate DAD.

>Persona 3
>Grandpa walks in
>Just watching a cutscene of everyone chatting about shit
>"So which one ya fuckin?"
>Have a laugh cuz he's old and doesn't give a fuck.
>Point out Mitsuru
>"She looks like a bitch."
>"Date the one with robot legs instead. She looks like she'd suck your dick for a nickel insertion."

Grandpa has good taste

>I'm still in high school and I only repeat what my Sup Forumspals tell me about the "real world".

I want to believe this is real.

But I know it's not.

The man knows women, what can you day?

Unless you have a felony from your own stupidity a few years ago at a very bad time in your life full of drugs, and said felony was a shoplift in virginia where it's $200, compared to federally $500 and even some places like new york where it's $1000.

Don't do drugs and steal kids, it's stupid, very very stupid, and I learned the hard way.


In my shithole town, you're lucky to even see a job opening once a day.

>Persona 2
>Grandpa walks in
>Just watching a cutscene of everyone chatting about shit
>"So which one ya fuckin?"
>Point out Maya
>"She looks like Pedophile"
>"Date the one with the rose. He looks like he'd pay a nickle to suck your dick.

>Dad walks in.

Nah, I've seen this shit myself.
Even people more qualified and experienced than me aren't getting shit.

It's obviously not, but my grandpa does tell me to go down the street and get some dark chocolate sometimes and that all women do is bitch and moan about everything. He mostly just sits around with a small dog in his lap and watches game shows, he's a cool old man.

Just apply to some sweatshop cannery, they will take in just about anybody. That's how I got my first job. Fuck those 12 hour shifts though

Man I grew up in London, always forget how much harder life is for the village people outside the city.

Godspeed user and goodluck

b-b-buh the economy!

hahaha lazy bitch


Nah you're wrong.

>small dog
It better not be one of those faggot corgis.

>Dad walks in
>"It's my turn to play"
>have to leave or else he will throw a tantrum or wander around the room touching things

>lazy bitch
Can't exactly expect me to do my job if nobody lets me have one.

>mom walks in

Nah I think it's a poodle crossbreed or something, it's mostly my grandma's dog.

Didn't work until I was 23. This only applies if you do strictly retail.

Retail jobs suck for hiring with felonies, go for a warehouse associate if possible. They'll take anyone, especially during peak season.

Yeah, okay.
My buddy totally isn't unemployed and unable to get a job despite having two decades of pharmaceutical experience.

Your job is finding a job you whiny fuck. No wonder no one will hire you. perhaps you should apply to some vineyards, where they'll appreciate the whine you produce

>This only applies if you do strictly retail.
It applies everywhere.

>Retail jobs suck for hiring with felonies, go for a warehouse associate if possible. They'll take anyone, especially during peak season.

Most suck for hiring felons honestly. But yeah factories and warehouses are the best bet. Just not a lot of people hiring at the moment and I'm dealing with some health problems recently anyways, feel like complete shit the past few days like someone ripped out part of my intestines and punches me in the heart, shit sucks.

thats fucking adorable

>no, you're not qualified to pick grapes, not even for below minimum wage, go to college and get a degree for picking grapes first.
Exactly what would happen.

This explains then why none of those 100+ jobs accepted you

>Persona 1
>Grandpa walks in
>Just watching a cutscene of everyone chatting about shit

They removed them in 2.5.

>just work!11!!!
why do people believe working is something magical that solves every problem ever

>something magical that solves every problem ever
Because they think the same thing about sex.

That wasn't me, I was just telling people stuff. I'm sure there are a lot of young people in here that think they can get away with anything or can do anything because they're young or whatever, which isn't the case. Just some friendly advice from an user who has done a lot of stupid stuff in his younger years.

>solves every problem ever
Of course not but it will solve many.

Because when you have monies, you have less problems.

>any job
>not a random crapshoot of who has better connections

>Dad walks in
>That's some hip music you got going on there, son.
>Yeah, it's pretty catchy, although I have no clue what the lyrics could be.
>Don't lie to me. I heard you singing it quietly before I walked in.
>Humming, dad. Humming.
>Whatever you say. Catch ya later, son
>I'll be here.

I wish this were true.

>not a random crapshoot of who has better connections
Pretty much.

Except if you live in the US and get a job, there's a very real chance that you'll work your ass off and still not have any money.

Guess the game, btw.

Yeah there is a balance but seriously, no one here is going to have those kinds of problems.

Anything by Compile Heart.

I have no father.


>Persona 4
>Grandpa walks in
>Just wooing Naoto
>Grandpa puts on some wooing music
>Grandpa nods in the background as you do your work and that plays

>atleast you are not beating off to carmageddon 2 pedestrians again

This pisses me off far, far, far more than it should.

the removed them in japan's final mix
it just carried over to 2.5

what a joke. burn this shitty franchise in hell

>Little kids are too young to know that girls wear underwear!

Hartsooney meekoo

>Needing to have your "dream job" or you kill yourself
I don't understand. I don't want to speak ill of the dead, but if you gotta take a crappy job, just take the crappy job and enjoy the parts of life where you aren't working.

if your "buddy" is only half as retarded as you, he is still retarded. your point?

Dude probably spent a good chunk of his life and went into debt to get an education that he couldn't use. I'd probably off myself too once I realized the dude in the next cubicle probably didn't even graduate high school.

>dad noclips in

Mitsuru fags BTFO

No, it's in IIFM (that's what the top pic is).

>Dad walks in
>But nobody came

>Dad walks in
I wish

you should watch him fix it at least once so that you know how to do it too in the future and you can get mad pussy. Chicks love guys who can fix shit.

>dad serenely skedaddles in

>work your ass of for years to get a PhD in physics
>The only job you can find without connections is at a call centre
>Your work colleagues barely graduated from high school
I mean, I probably wouldn't off myself if that happened to me, because we have public universities here, but I would probably kill the first person who'd say to me "It's not a big deal", or something along those lines.

And when Trump is Pres nobody will get to retire have fun working in your 60's with arthritis, cancer, heart attacks, dimensia and everything else lol and you can forget about food stamps because he'll take that away too.

I'd never say that to your face.
Besides, it's not your colleague's fault, is it?