When will a game like the original Guild Wars come out?

When will a game like the original Guild Wars come out?

Guild Wars 2 makes me hate my miserable life

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>one guy
>6 women

Take your tumblr crap elsewhere

You'll have to make it. GW1 is the kind of game that will never be made again because it was designed not to milk out all the money possible out of the players.

>not wanting a harem
kill yourself cuck

>i'll never cast "for great justice!" and spam dragon slash on a squishy ass monk EVER again

>i'll never play an rpg with good pvp again

This game was awesome..Always want to start a new character and play all the expansions again

I re-bought the whole trilogy and eotn because my main account got banned for dshot botting and the playerbase is so low it hurts to play

>2 guys
>5 women

also most of the male henchies and heroes were based as fuck
>Master of Whispers
> M.O.X

To answer OP, probably never, GW was made with expansions that could all be played as their own game they had so much content and the holiday events were more than theme park sims

None of this shit would ever fly today, companies can hardly put out mildly interesting DLC, much less full featured expansions

It is gone forever now. Offline will never happen either.

Never, ever. GW1 was unique, a master piece. We will never see its like again...

Ranger is the best class.

got heroes and hench..Barely played with people even when I played all those years ago

>It is gone forever now.
You fucker, servers are still up.

If they released everything as f2p do you think the servers would become repopulated?

The game is still there but half of the game was the players and they are all gone now. You will never complete another mission with complete strangers again. There will be no more running to droks.

If they hype it up and tie some promotion into it, yeah.

>tfw my derv used to run people through to ToA from LA
>forgot the route all the time and people left mid run pissed at me
>still collected up front payment

It was so fun to actually be useful to the community in some way, no other game has replicated this form of "escorting" for me so far

>dshot botting
dshot was such a great skill. Always dependable no matter what happened to the meta.

The derv class was bullshit. Way too overpowered, fun however it is.

I was having a great day until I saw this thread.

RIP GW1, I love you

I was just heading to bed, why fill me with these feels OP? I just want to re-live guild wars again.

It wasn't that bad. Paragon was the real OP bullshit.

Just download the complete soundtrack.

That makes the pain worse.
>Shitstain that is called GW2 actually used OST of 1.
It doesn't deserve it.

Fuck, and I was having a good day...

No one will ever make anything like the glorious Guild Wars ever again because why make a GW clone when you can invest millions in a WoW clone and lose it instead?

Am I the only one who likes GW2?

>rewards exploration
>great PvP with zero barrier for entry
>above-average combat
>looks nice, easy to make waifus

Not as good as the original GW, sure, but its not an abomination like Sup Forums would like you to believe

Is there a way to compile all of GW1 so you can play offline?

>>>great PvP with zero barrier for entry
>>above-average combat

>Am I the only one who likes GW2?

No, your delusional brethren like it too.

It's an abomination. I've invested 1000s of hours in GW1, literal years in MMOs like WoW and Runescape, and I couldn't bear to make it past level 21 in GW2.

No. And there never will be, the NPCs are all run server side. But why would you need to?

Never. I'm fucking done with games. I only browse Sup Forums in the hopes that I hear about a video game break my high expectations.

Didn't /vg/ download all of runescape?

It's a terrible thing to have played perfection as a child. It's only downhill from there...

That feeling when you were a kid and started up guild wars early in the morning.

>tfw you convinced all your guildmates and friends irl to get GW2 to play together and we all bought the game because the hype near launch was massive

i'm so sorry

You can swap "gw1" with any video game.
No matter what i played as a kid, it was awesome. I played many mmo's and i always had fun starting them up in the morning.
It's called nostalgia. Fun things are fun, no matter what, as a kid.

that feeling when you weren't spoiled about the Searing and went in blind

Nah, I really enjoyed the WvW for several months.

It also featured something that WoW and other MMOs have lost quite some time ago, namely server community/identity.

>namely server community/identity.
When you can just change servers with a click? When cross-server phase-in has been in since nearly the start? What the hell are you smoking?


I think ANet is still doing the additional content with gw2 correctly by adding large expansions instead of small DLC packs

the gameplay is ass though

I like how the game (and community) has pretty much completely abandoned you if you haven't purchased the Shit of Thorns expac.

Literally nothing to do if you don't have the expac except grind silverwastes indefinitely because you're SOL.

>HOT is still 50 bucks

>When you can just change servers with a click?

I've forgotten how it worked in the beginning, wasn't there a cooldown?

>cross-server phase-in has been in since nearly the start


I liked it. I preordered it and 100%ed the map in 2 months. GW1 is still miles better though

I hate GW2 but it seems strange to be bothered about an MMO leaving you behind when you're not keeping up with expansions. Figure that's kind of expected in, well, everything.

Its crazy because even without expacs, GW1 whether that was prophecies, factions, or nightfall...all were PLAYABLE. sure you were locked out of certain skills and elite skills, and many PUGS would require EVAS among other skills, but you could still fucking play rhe game.
GW2 just isnt fub, and im saying that as someone who owns HoT TraSH.

gw2 was fun..But yeah I agree, gw1 was a better game

GW2 has shit PvP. Absolutely horrid.

Everything else aside, the graphics were fucking phenomenal for 2005

Is there any game that approaches the combat system of GW1, or maybe the fun of it ?
I was advised to look at some hack and slash but none provide the long-term fun of GW1 builds



haha wut? The game was on the forefront for making female companions, the only other game having done better was Granado Espada.

Menelo was based, OP image is obviously harem and the series has dispudeldly one of the better romance plot lines in an mmo.

Also you are thinking of the 2nd game, fuck off trying to compare the original to it.

>and the series has dispudeldly one of the better romance plot lines in an mmo.
If you mean the shit they pulled with Gwen I WILL find a way to punch you over the internet.

never had one

beacons to droks run bring me way back


Never completed Underword.

gw2 removed content from the original game to put it behind the expansion paywall

cleared it once. was a pain in the ass. did some ecto farming with rito tho


>never had an obsidian set
>never had chaos gloves
