Skyrim is getting remastered

>skyrim is getting remastered
>I just want TES 6

>skyrim remastering
>not any of the other Elder Scrolls that actually need it
It's cause they recognize the fact that normalfags think that TES=Skyrim Only.

Why would you want TES 6?
It will just be even more dumbed the fuck down than skyrim already is.

A remaster? I thought they were just porting it

That is what a remaster is.
A port. with maybe some upscaled bullshit.

You want to give Bethesda another chance to fuck up an elder scrolls game? Fucking why?

At least when companies remake games they can't fall back on the shitty "creativity" that ruins modern titles.

>tfw it'll look and play infinitely worse than modded Skyrim


>the game literally prints money even years after launch
why would you expect anything else? Especially from the people that thought paid mods were a great idea and are coming to console versions

Ok so it's not like they're taking much time away from TES6 development. Porting Skyrim to the current consoles shouldn't take much effort at all seeong as the PC version exists for x86 architecture

I thought a remaster was a ground-up visual overhaul (see: Halo CE Anniversary). A port is... well, a port. The same game, just running at a higher res/settings on new hardware.

It's been almost 5 years and it's still decently high up in steams most played charts. Even more so then Fallout 4.

Why wouldn't they?

This is Bethesda we are talking about.
It doesn't matter how much time they give or take from one of their games developments. they will still shit out a dumbed down piece of shit in the end that the Modding community will have to fix.

They are announcing The Elder Scrolls VI: Redguard on Sunday. I know it's weird to reuse a name already used in the series but trust me, it's happening. The trademark they filed all those years ago was for a reason...

t. insider

Id wager its because Skyrim would be the easiest to remaster actually

I really want morrowind with sick graphics and actually good combat

>Implying Skyrim 1.2 isn't TES 6

Watch it still be 30fps lol

>skyrim is getting remastered
What are the chances that they just take some addons like sky_ui and texture packs to release it again?

are there any overhaul or mod packs that fix like every single thing with this game? I got bored of the combat and magic so fast.

but it makes sense to release an update for new consoles

>It'll use models and textures taken from mods
>And run at a "stable" 30 FPS

Calling it now. Bethesda have gotten seriously fucking lazy in recent years.

How about they completely remake ESO so it's not shit

It's just going to be Skyrim with console mods or some other bullshit 1st party modding solution that they can eventually start charging money for.

I rather have one of the older games remade.