So did he redeem himself since the hate from MGS2?

So did he redeem himself since the hate from MGS2?

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I never did, only autists that unironically worship Big Boss hate Raiden.

In MGS4? No. He was trying way too hard to be cool.

In rising? Yes.

Raiden was Adam Jenson before Adam Jensen.

I dislike every incarnation of Raiden tbqh

>inexperienced rookie trained entirely on simulations and videogames, perfect example of an artifical soldier with no real worth, a solid criticism of over-reliance on technology in the military, and also a striking pisstake on 'gamers'
>sent on a super serious but also intentionally stereotypical movie-plot mission to literally save the president and stop a nuclear strike, huge pisstake of Raiden's idealization of Solid Snake and of generic action game/movie plots
>hated by mgs1 fanboys because he doesn't fulfill their adolescent desires for a generic action hero badass who smooth-talks ladies
>somehow not the best fucking character ever made

how do I get the steam version to not crash instantly

He was a child soldier and leader of his platoon

Anyone who thinks Raiden isn't a neat Metal Gear character after Rising is a huge baby. Big Ballsack can fuck off

I don't like either very much. Raiden could have been such a cool bishounen character, but instead they made him a whiny loser with an ugly cunt girlfriend.

MGS2 raiden was a good character, i didnt like the edgeman he was in 4/rising.

A meme hater like Raiden is bound to be worshipped by Sup Forums.

As he himself put it : "Your memes... End here!"

I've always liked Raiden. At worse his lines are extremely hamfisted but that's primarily 4 being bad in general. Quinton Flynn did the best shit he could. I didn't know whether to cringe or if I should like it when he said shit like
>I am lightning, the rain transformed

I like Raiden.

Even homoerotic MGS4 Raiden

Flynn really did try his best to make use of bad writing.

He wasn't edgy in Rising, he just went full nuclear and accepted that he was a full blown killer of men.

Anyone who thinks Raiden wasn't a great character after MGS2 is a huge baby, to be honest.

If you've EVER complained about a character being a mary sue, you have no reason not to love Raiden. He's so completely flawed and human, he's a total fucking loser with a bitch girlfriend and no useful training who gets carried by Solid "Gary Stu" Snake through the whole game.

And the fanboys could not stop crying back then. The asshurt was astronomical.

Revengeance is literally the best MG game

He was never the problem with MGS2
Rose was

>who gets carried by Solid "Gary Stu" Snake through the whole game

But Raiden does everything.

Upon the announcement of Rising 2 one day, I will literally piss my pants

>MGR manages to have a godly Codec, way better than anything mainline game had for last 10 years

No, because he never had to.

Yes, Rising was a gift from the heavens and it managed to have almost only fantastic characters, Raiden included, surprisingly.

no raiden never redeem himself

>that ending in the MGS4 "happy family conclussion" is the worst idea of kojima for redeem this weaboo

>almost only fantastic characters

Who sucked?

The coffee bitch for me. She was the only codec call I never made.

Well Rising is the best Metal Gear game so it makes sense

Rose was great too, she really contrasted Raiden's womanizing skills with Snake's.
not true, Snake saves Raiden in the first Vamp encounter, and on the connecting bridge to shell 2, and defuses half the bombs - faster than Raiden does. Snake is constantly ahead, constantly helping, and constantly keeping raiden from getting in over his head.

MGS2 was the only good Raiden

the kid is the only one I can think of
>all the bad guys are likeable
I love this

>the kid

Oh god the kid. Jesus fuck I forgot

Rising was not only a bad game but also basically invalidated everything about Raiden's character development. The only good characters in that game were Sam and Wolf

He's good in canon series, in MGR he's edgy shit
MGR is also shit

I thought George was a little mediocre, but didn't outright suck. Every other character besides coffee girl was literally 10/10 though. Sunny a cute.

Mein nano-negger. Knowing the shit story writers can pull, I hope they will make Sam or Armstrong the protagonists of the next MGRR game.

Lemme guess you're one of those DMC aspies who SSSSS++ rank everything and play through a game 50 times and MGR didn't let you button mash enough.

Unfortunately that reflects on him poorly enough to ruin him as a character. Guys that cow tow to women are pathetic.

and here we go with the "he's a bad character if he's not a cool badass who follows my opinions and morals" meme.

How big of a fucking pleb are you that you think a character is "ruined" if he isn't some sort of ideal male figure for you to look up to?

He was the same as he was in MGS4 except less broody.

>no lower lip
>wouldnt be able to speak properly

I never hated him. He was more badass than I will ever be.

Characters that are impossible to respect are pretty terrible, and it's not possible to have any respect for beta straight guys.

He kinda needs that metal jaw. He would have got it very fucked up in Rising had it not been there.

Fine, fits the story
shit, ruins the MGS2 character, character is only redeemed to the pond scum fans who play Metal Gear for the awesome ninjas and bandana big snakeman
Redeemed from MGS4, actually pretty good aside from the added platinum edge

I'm one of those DMC aspires and I really enjoyed rising. Just played and beat it yesterday on hard because I wasn't planning on replaying it ever


audience members who can't appreciate a well-written character because it doesn't live up to their ideals of what's "respectable" are pretty terrible, and it's not possible to have any respect for power fantasy addicted pleb guys

>oh I didn't like the game
No user, it's Rising that is basically button mashing. You can play through hard mode with nothing but mashing and parrying evey once in a while, and combos make no difference in it.

I also didn't play DMC until way after Rising, and I don't have the patience or the skill to get high ranks in it.

I just hope they make a good game. But I honestly MGR2 is happening at all because Konami, etc.

I didn't like what they did to him that much in MGS4 either, but there was the difference of doing what he did because he must while fighting his trauma and doing all that shit in Rising because he's an edgelord and got off on it. That part where you go through the city listening to your enemies think because of Sam was cool as fuck, I thought the plot was finally gonna pick up but it does a 180ยบ instead and turns to shit.


does ye olde god of thunder still have a dick?
or is he all nanofibers, steroids, and hormone replacements?

>But I honestly MGR2 is happening at all because Konami, etc
I honestly don't think MGR2 is happening at all*
How did I fuck this up.

>power fantasy addicted
He didn't need to be a superhero. He just needed to be unattached and have his own personality instead of being stuck with some ugly bitch that never shuts up.


His body from the jaw down is machine. He doesn't need a dick but they probably gave him one when he got a "real" body for sex time.

They made him even worse

Wanna explain how?

>liking raiden
>calling other people autistic

raidenfags are this delusional


>big boss is his favorite protagonist
>calls other people autistic
bigfags are delusional

He's supposed to be flawed, he's supposed to be shit at women, he's not supposed to be some cool detached operator who don't need no women like in your Doom fanfics. He has a girlfriend, she's a bitch, he doesn't know how to handle their relationship. that's part of why he's a believable character, it's a normal and relateable situation that a lot of people find themselves in and it helps to build him up as NOT solid snake. NOT a gary stu.

That's how you write good characters, you make them human and flawed and put them in shitty situations they aren't always in complete control over and might not easily overcome.

raiden was better before they changed him in 4 and rising.

mgs2 Raiden is the second best protag right before Solid Snake

There's the problem. It's only relateable for somebody who puts up with ugly hags. To anyone with more than two brain cells to rub together the situation comes across as pathetic, because it's completely unbelievable that anybody could be that much of a loser. It makes him look like Mike Dawson. That's not well a written or human character, it's just stupid.

Raiden was literally a bland self-insert until 4 and rising. Nobody liked mgs2 for raiden, people liked it for the writing and overall themes.

Now you're just being nasty.


Yeah I'm sure you're a real alpha who'd never put up with no ugly bitch if she wasn't good in bed LOL am i right Sup Forumsro????

Stop assuming shit idiot

I've only played MGS1 and 2 but when I get to 3 I'll try my fucking hardest to make Big Boss my favourite

it was funny how goofy he was. i liked it.

He has a nice ass


I don't care how realistic she was as a shitty girlfriend, she dragged the game down with her annoying shit

Nearly everyone in mgs has a nice ass

Does anyone remember the bizarre advertisement campaign for MGR:R? It had it's own website where it showed really zoomed up shots Raiden getting operated on or something?
Was that ever explained?

she was a great character, she reflected how Raiden interacts with people and things, especially his "mission" in mgs2

Early promotional material really tried to focus on how solidus fucked raiden's mind when they were in africa.

>she was a great character
top cuck

You're on Sup Forums so I'm gonna assume you like Dark Souls. A lot of what Sup Forums would call plebs and normies would say that Dark Souls was dragged down by the constant deaths and harsh difficulty, because it wasn't superficially rewarding the way mainstream videogames are.

That's what you're doing now, except it's with writing instead of gameplay mechanics. You're criticising good writing because isn't as superficially rewarding as a hot scientist babe or a banging sexy redhead soldier girl flirting and being enamoured with the rolemodel protag. We can all agree Rose was annoying as fuck, but that was a literary mechanic to frame her as a shitty girlfriend, and contrasting her with the MGS1 girls, as well as contrasting Raiden with Solid Snake. From a writing standpoint she's a believable character serving an important mechanic in the framing of the characters.Writing doesn't get much more solid than that, even if you have to suffer through some annoyance the way normies suffer through annoyance when they die in Dark Souls.

Think Kojima was trying to tell us something?

Raiden was a great character in MGS2 and 4. Rising completely shit on his character development but it was still a cool game.

Raiden goes through no character development in 2.

Ever play on extreme? The hardest part of that final shootout in Arsenal Gears rectum is keeping Solid alive. For a legendary hero he gets killed fast if you don't babysit him. He died at that part more than I did.

>he missed the entire point

I merely stated a fact.

Raiden has always been cool. Only memerinos ever shit on him for not being Snek.

His entire character arc has been
>horrible things happen to me
>more horrible things happen to me
>some how, despite all this, I keep getting exponentially cooler

Even if that were true it has nothing to do with my statement you dumb shitposter. The point was that the character progression from 2 through 4 was shit on with Rising and regressed his character.

no you missed the entire point of MGS2.

How? Raiden's family was safe, he decided to make lemonade out of lemons and use his body for PMC work and support them.

>Raiden has always been cool.
I thought a good 90 percent of people fucking hated him for not being Snake upon the release of MGS2

Don't think so

Dudes who always refer to themselves or others as betas or alphas are the biggest faggots around

They did. We call those people "idiot manchildren whiney faggot fanboys who got BTFO by based Kojima"

Because the ending of 4 was Raiden coming to terms with who he is now and allowing himself to have a family and see himself as a man again.

And then in Rising he goes full JACK THE RIPPER fuck everything I'm a monster mode.

Feels good not being a pleb.

The only people who hated him are retarded in the first place. Venom is a cool guy too.

Only really after being taunted about it while being up against some absolute crazy shit.

>Character stars in a sequel that puts him through new scenarios and events
His Ripper persona was very underdeveloped, the writers wanted to explore it more and they did.

>And then in Rising he goes full JACK THE RIPPER fuck everything I'm a monster mode.
>Completely ignoring how his enemies fucked over his mental state and made him accept his past
>Completely ignoring how in the begging he tried to stray from Jack the Ripper as much as possible by associating himself as a man of justice and nothing more.
>Being this much of a faggot

>One of the best and most deeply meaningful characters ever in fiction
>Becomes one of the most badass characters ever in a video game

It's the best fucking character development ever. Not milking the meaningful aspect too much and then making him just cool and nothing else. What's not to love, since day one?

not muh snek therefore he is sheiti1!!1!!!1

Well if you listen to his lines again. He never says anything with an m

>Sup Forums used to worship Big Boss.

Not knowing that Solid Snake was the one true Snake.