That one game that JUSTed the whole franchise

>that one game that JUSTed the whole franchise

whats her name, Sup Forums?

Other urls found in this thread:




Bethesda's changes would be non issues with a good story and interesting characters
Hopefully obsidian will get another chance

>not FF9
ok sure

FFX was good... 13 is the one that fucked up




I still dont get what JUST means. Fells like a forced meme

That's not Skyward Sword, you massive pleb.


F.E.A.R 2

That was 4.

just fuck my shit up say no more fäm etcetcetc.
It is indeed a forced meme. It's a meme, after all.

It is a forced meme. Comes from some stupid nigger shit from facebook. It's now associated with cucking.

>Not IV


>tfw you believed the Sup Forums memes for so long
>tfw when you actually get around to playing fallout 4 and it's really good

t. pete hines

Yeah its a good Borderlands clone for the most part


Fallout 4's biggest problem was that it was buggy as shit
The story and sidequests were bretty good

New Vegas was objectively better from a story perspective but Fallout 4 is better than the rest of the games

F3 was worse


Multiplayer was better, but the campaign and story are JUST

He's right you know

but 3 paved the way for NV

Story is not good.

>playing any halo after reach

I bet it is Todd.

That's not an argument.

Halo 4 really fucked it all up, though. Reach was the slippery slope beginning, 4 was the bottom of the ditch, and 5 is multiplayer pulling the franchise half out of the ditch while the story pulls it even lower than 4 did.



I enjoyed new vegas a little more than 4 but it was really nice to have guns that actually feel like real guns and not having to shoot someone in the head 100 times.

yeah that's why I enjoy it really.

Just going around killing infinitely respawning enemies and getting progressively better weapons and armour

None of that nerd role-playing shite, I'm not a mong

Really? You think "where's my son" is a more engaging plot device than all the mystery and intrigue of New Vegas?

>sidequests were bretty good
Go to dungeon #32 and kill all the raiders for us. There will be 50 caps in it for you.

What part of
>New Vegas was objectively better from a story perspective
do you not understand?

Are you illiterate?

This game and the whole Dragon age franchise was total garbage.

IV was worse.

It's not even the worst entry. Hell, it probably isn't even the second worst entry.

>completely beat bloodborne, fallout 4 and mgs5 for goty awards
>destroyed all competition
>wildly regarded one the best games in years




Go back to bed gramps
Daggerfall was fluffier than Morrowind and you know it

I think you mean 3.



Every 3D Fallout game was a buggy piece of shit desu.

Yo brah, did you even play dragon age origins breh? play that shit and then we'll talk (yes da2 was bad and inquisition was just complete meh)

Bad things come in 4s.

Wait a minute, those sims...

IV is miles better than the turd known as V, it just feels like a bunch of suits made the game.

Pretty shit actually, the farmgirl looks like Elsa for some reason.

>The story
it wasn't

>and sidequests were bretty good
they weren't

> Fluffier than Morrowind
Pretty much everyone agrees that Daggerfall was harder than Morrowind due to the sheer complexity and depth in the combat, magic and stats department. Did the materials your weapons were made out have any importance at all in Morrowind?

The Fallout franchise had been repeatedly JUSTed well before Fallout 4.

I think you mean Peace Walker

>Did the materials your weapons were made out have any importance at all in Morrowind?
You need silver (and above???) weapons to hurt ghosts.

Let's not lie, quite a few of a skills in Daggerfall are absolute useless garbage (the monster language skills just give you a minor chance to not have X monster fight you along with Etiquitte and Streetwise doing just about nothing unless you're really RPing hard).


>story was good

It's actually multiple forced memes put together.

You have the "just fuck my shit up" hair guy.

You have the Brendan Fraser expression.

And you have it being connected to the cuckold forced meme.

So it's basically just a hypermeme for failure.

Yeah, right, and calll of duty is innovative.

>I don't like/want mechanic x therefore it's not good and should never be used
Fuck off.

The meme isn't limited to Brendan Frasier.

>post yfw

Someone want to thow a newfag a bone and explain JUST? I've lurked enough to figure this place out pretty well but just can't lock this one down.
Is it JUST and is just sucked or was JUST good enough to make you hate it??? I don't get it.

I JUST posted the same thing lower down. I'm such a fuck up.

Did I really just get it for free on the boner? Fuck, I already have it on pc though.
Also what the fizzity fuck is going on?


No it didn't. Imagine if New Vegas was created with a competent engine and didn't have all those restrictions or even short deadlines.

It's doge, but way more forced. Sup Forums hasn't been the king of memes for 5 years.

Lurk more, also check Sup Forums if you really want to know what JUST means.

> I've lurked enough to figure this place out

clearly you haven't

Not him, but I tried to play Origins and it was pretty lackluster, especially compared to the Infinity Engine games it was influenced by, or contemporary games like The Witcher
>boring cliched "stop the apocalypse" plot
>stock character archetypes that are in every Bioware game, except half the party isn't even likeable
>setting has some neat ideas, but their marred by clumsy execution and bad writing
>mechanically it's no different than any other party based RPG game, except it has the same problem KOTOR does where you have like 6 or 7 people in your party but you can only fight with two at a time, which is stupid on a number of levels

I came here to post IV. This'll do tho

free Fallout 4 out on xbox one right now
get it while its hot niggas

Reach is fine because it's a spin off. From a gameplay standpoint, Halo 4 is a sequel to reach instead of Halo 3, that's where they fucked up.

Fallout 4 is the least buggy creation engine game.

Sidequests/Story and gameplay are trash.

>81 replies
>No dark souls 2

What the fuck Sup Forums

Doom 4 very thoroughly un-JUSTed the Doom series