E3 2016

>E3 2016
>Todd Howard walks on stage to thunderous applause
>"So I'm sure you're all aware of a little game we released a few years back called 'Skyrim'."
>Audience cheers
>"So, we've listened to all our fans and are proud to announce Skyrim: The Definitive Edition, with updated graphics and all the DLC."
>Light cheering from the audience
>"However, if you think we're just going to re-release the exact same game on next generation consoles, then I'm sorry to say you're wrong."
>Audience buzzes in confusion and anticipation
>"Rather than just re-releasing the game, we've done something better: A complete overhaul."
>Audience members gasp in excitement. Todd turns to the screen behind him.
>"Not only will you be getting an upgraded Skyrim with all the DLC, you'll also be getting what we call 'Classic Mode'."
>Screen shows the character select from Skyrim, with the demo going through each race one by one
>"Classic Mode is something that I'm sure all you diehard Elder Scrolls fans will love, as it harkens back to the days of Morrowind and Oblivion, where each race had certain skills, attributes, and weaknesses. No longer will you be able to just jump into the fray and start playing, but rather you'll have to plan out your character beforehand and decide just exactly what kind of character you want to be."
>Audience is going crazy at this point, some look as though they're going to have a heart attack
>"But that's not all."
>The audience clenches their assholes in excitement
>"Not only will you be getting the full game with all the DLC, but you'll also be getting something extra: Over 100 all new quests, along with different branching quest lines for the Skyrim civil war and the Dawnguard DLC, as well as more choices on how to complete certain quests."
>The crowd goes wild. Todd just smiles.
>"All that said, I am more than happy to announce that Skyrim: Definitive Edition will be released November of this year."
>Todd drops the mic. Everyone gives a standing ovation

>The crowd goes wild. Todd just smiles.
>"All that said, I am more than happy to announce that Skyrim: Definitive Edition will be released November of this year."
>the crowd gives a standing ovation
>"Exclusively on Xbox One."
>Todd drops the mic. All but three people stop cheering and sit down.

I'd pibuy it

>no console mods

Why not just mod your skyrim ?

>implying they would ever ever make design decisions that a 4th grader could not grasp

hah, newfag

>pee-pee pants tippy toes todd.psd

When did TH get a lobotomy?
This has to be a worse idea than Morrowinds combat.

you guys are so obnoxious

they are remastering skyrim for three reasons:

1) it only needs a few updates so it's easy cash

2) it's a fantastic candidate for console mods so they can continue to expand their bethesda.net console modding platform

3) to give TES fans something to chew on while they wait for TES 6. TES 6 is still 2-3 years away, but skyrim was 5 years ago. 8 years is too long for a franchise to not have a new entry. So bethesda will continue working on TES 6 while bethesda's surrogate studio in montreal releases skyrim remastered.

the game is FOR you. skyirm had to run ps3's 256 mb of ram and it was an aweful version of the game. this way, console players get to play it for real this time and have some mods in addition. if you google "funny skyrim mods" you're going to see a million videos with a million views each. all of this is free marketing for bethesda and now console players can use some of the le ebin mods that they've seen so many times on youtube.

the remaster isn't made for jaded Sup Forumstards who don't even like video games and who never liked skyrim in the first place.

*the game isn't for you. skyrim had to run...

>jack resolution up to 1920x1080
>fix frame rate to run 30fps with a few dips to 25fps (lol consoles and Bethesda)
>change the UI a tiny bit for "new" controllers


>game has lighting and 7 voice actors now instead of 5


>Can finally marry Serana
>She has new and unique dialog for when you propose to her
Day 1 buy desu.

but that's what every remaster has been

why are you memers so upset by this? ffs i remember TLOU getting a "remaster" like 6 months after it was initially released. skyrim is 5 years old and ran like ass on 7th gen hardware. it's perfectly appropriate for a rerelease.

it's REMASTER, not REMAKE. they're not remaking the game, they're remastering it.

skyrim had 70 voice actors, more than every other TES game combined and then multiplied many times.

>but skyrim was 5 years ago

Hate mic drops.

Every time they remaster a game my soul dies a little. I'm not trying to be melodramatic or something but this gen really hurts me, everything I've seen so far has been pure cancer.

I just want the old days back, when I was a kid, Sup Forums. Growing up in the early 90s, when video games were magic. Then seeing the PS1 come about. I miss that.

I'm so fucking sad.

sorry I still don't see the point
skyrim mods on console would be a shitstorm
it's not like you can skyproc the leveled loot lists, you'll just have a bunch of random content scattered through out the game
not to mention people fucking their saves by adding and removing mods, installing two overhauls of whiterun at the same time, or some other pleb shit

oh boy, finally I can go into some hatch and find some game breaking armor on a ps4

Honestly they'd be stupid if they didn't remaster it. Every TES page I've seen on facebook to twitter to whatever literally ALWAYS - A-L-W-A-Y-S- has fans crying for a remaster of Skyrim onto the PS4/Xbone. Literally every one.

People want this moreso than any other potential remaster I'd say, barring stuff like RDR. Sup Forums may hate it, and I'm by no means defending the game, but Bethesda knows about the insane demand and they'd be printing money if they did it.

Plus this guy was right on the money.

releasing old games on new hardware isn't new. the context has changed a big but in the 80s and 90s you'd see plenty of games that would get released several times on more and more powerful hardware over the years.

i find the anti-remaster sentiment to be confusing and far too consumerist. why must a game die off once it's released? you're thinking of these things as products and not as games. games are supposed to be timeless. to make them timeless, you need to release them on as many platforms as possible over time. i reject the notion that games must die and rot with the hardware that they were initially released on.

Yeah I reject that notion to. So if I wanted to replay Skyrim, I'd just replay it. For an older game, like KOTOR for example (which I replay once a year), I'll just replay it. It's still the same great game it was when it came out.

Why must you need to give a game a fresh coat of paint and resell it just to give it life again? Why not just go play that old game? Look at all the remasters we've gotten lately, the vast majority of them are still easily playable on several consoles or PC, but nope - let's just remaster them and sell them a second time with slightly newer graphics.

Fuck you. I don't think games should fade into obscurity either, and because of that I replay old games to keep them fresh. I don't need to have Skyrim "remastered" and sold to me again, if I want to play I'll play it.

console mods aren't as much as the wild-wid west as it is on PC. Bethesda is regulating it to a certain extent. only certain types of mods are allowed for consoles.

and you not wanting to use console mods is irrelevant.

bethesda wants mods on console --> bethesda spent a large amount of money on bringing fallout 4 mods to console --> they want to continue expanding their console mods --> "hmm, what's a good and quick game we can expand console modding with?" "skyrim, duh!" "that's a great idea!"

not confusing. skyrim was very popular, was a late 7th gen game and most late 7th gen games have already gotten remastered, and has the biggest modding community on PC of any game ever made. it's the perfect candidate for a remaster because:

1) easy money
2) easy to update and re-release
3) easy to get console mods working to expand their business venture
4) easy way to keep TES alive while they finish TES 6.

Nobody makes quest overhaul mods ever.

because video games are different from other types of games. video games are inherently tired to the limitations of the hardware that they run on.

basketball. i played basketball as a kid in my backyard. at any point in time, i can pick up a basketball and it will be just as fun as it was then. nothings chagned and there's no limitation.

monopoly. i played monopoly as a kid with friends. at any point in time, i can pick up the monopoly board and it will be just as fun as it was then. nothings changed and there's no limitation.

skyrim. many played skyrim years ago. but skyrim ran like utter garbage on console with ~600p resolution and the ps3 version in particular chugged at ~25 frames per second. releasing it on a new console allows for 1080p visuals and possibly 60fps, or at the very least a stable 30fps. things have changed, standards of changed, the hardware to play games has changed. some games aren't affected as much by this ie super mario bros 3 on NES will still play great in 2016. however, super mario bros 3 wouldn't get any notable benefit from being on new hardware. skyrim undeniably would. video games are generally tied to physical limitations more than other types of games.

>E3 2016
>Todd Howard walks to nearby Skyrim fan
>Guy is shocked seeing Todd Howard himself with his hand pointing at him
>"Your wallet."
>Give me your wallet.
>Todd takes wallet of a confused skyrim fanboy, puts it on his red haired dick and fucks him right in the ass, using fans wallet as a condom.
>lights off

Bethesda won't add any new quests or improve the existing ones in the remaster.

This is what will actually happen honestly

Do we know for sure that it's Skyrim?

Oblivion is 10 years old this year and to be honest it could really do with an overhaul/remaster.