When are we gonna get a game about golden age superheroes?

When are we gonna get a game about golden age superheroes?

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When are we gonna get a Hoverboy game?

just post Sup Forums-man already

>you will never play a game like MGS V where you play Cobra Commander

>You will never be Hawkman

whoops, I'm dumb

Not diverse enough


Silver Age has more potential

Dam they were less creative back then

Amazing Man clearly inspired He-Man, or was ripped off

Big Blue dongs Sparky down nightly. Ambiguously Gay Duo

Every time

>"Big Blue"

Is this why DC refuses to reference Dan Garret in Blue Beetle?


>somewhat FUN


I'm in

>First heroes look like shit.
>Second era heroes wear tight spandex, latex and dress in awesome things.
>Third era heroes wear nothing but bodysuits with gadgets.

Why the 80's heroes are so much better then oldest and modern ones?


Nah those guys are the dregs, don't forget many of the heroes we have today are from the Golden Age. There were just plain old shit characters back then same as any other era.

If I remember correctly these heroes are actually public domain, meaning anyone can make a game out of them, and they don't need to pay a cent to any company for the license.

>The Black Terror, nemesis of crime

Oh, how times change.

>Go to pdsh.wikia.com/wiki/Public_Domain_Super_Heroes
>Click on Random Page
>Post results

Today I will remind them.

Vman looks a little too friendly with his vboys

>someone actually looks at these shitty characters
>I can do something with this
>They do
>The intertwining storylines, profound tragedy, and never-ending struggles of Jack goes on to birth an entirely new line of comics, free from both Marvel and DC

Someone do this I'm too lazy

>Yankee & Doodle
>Man of War
>V Man
>The Flag
>American Crusader
>American Eagle
>The Super American
>US Jones
>Captain Battle & Captain Battle jr
>The Liberator
>Major Victory


Stands for "Terror in Man

>major victory absolutely disgusted by dynamic man and boy


>Fighting Yank.

Haunted Tank in Injustice 2 when?


Skyman looks based as fuck

not a single one of these characters looks heterosexual

>Project Superpowers is a comic book limited series published by Dynamite Entertainment beginning January 2008. It was co-plotted by Jim Krueger and Alex Ross
>The series resurrects a number of Golden Age superheroes originally published by companies including Fox Comics, Crestwood Publications, and Nedor Comics, many of whom are in the public domain, including the protagonist, Fighting Yank.


It was a simpler, gayer time.

Death Defying Devil looks pretty cool actually

>yank and doodle
I bet they yank each other's doodles every night.


Black Terror game when?

Atomic Robo when?


Sup Forums

recommend me some good comic books.

I enjoyed Berserk and One Punch Man. Are there many comics under that vein?

when will The Shadow get the stealth game he deserves?

Hellboy. That's about it.
Western comics are pretty trash for the most part.

>Rainbow Boy

Punisher Max by Garth Ennis for maximum edge
The Goon is pretty good
Tom King's Vision is the only good Marvel book going on right now
Grant Morison's Doom Patrol

Any decent non-super hero comic books?


I think "western" is redundant

Hellboy is not a super hero comic.
It's also creator-owned like most manga and super unique.

Based Alex Ross

Sixpack game when?

League of Extraordinary Gentlemen

>mfw I'm making an indie comic and I see these.
I wonder how most of these guys even got a made when their costumes look sohorrid. How does DC and Marvel do it bros? Do I need an expert on making costumes?

Too problematic

>all white

How about no?

>the woman in red

Too based for video games

why did the pulp magazines back then look awesome but the comics look so terrible when the subject matter was so similar?

Superman had underwear on the outside because it resembled Circus Strongmen.
Bright colors represent warmth and friendliness
Artists were poor as fuck as well and the reason why there are so many American themed heroes was because they were made during WW2 and the Great Depression

You're white aswell, stop speaking for us nigs.


More time? More money? Less restrictions?


Hellboy is wonderful. I really love Mignola's art style.

Hopefully my artist will know how to portray my characters and will make them look good.

>Screw-On Head didn't get greenlit

Why are you making me sad user.

I already like this goofy-ass robot headed asshole

>Fire insurance salesman George Tweedle invented a potion that transformed him into the super-powered Arson Fiend.
>As Arson Fiend, Tweedle burned down the properties of those not buying his insurance.
This may be the best villain in history.

How does something with the Talent quality like Mignola doesn't get greenlighted? Yet shit like that edgy fucking satanic dog gets?

Truly the most diabolical villain

>dynamic boy is literally just a manlet

IIRC there was a vote by the audience on whether it gets greenlit or not
I think it was SyFy

Major Victory and Dynamic Boy look related

pretty sure that's duncan fegredo, not mignola. though he kinda mimics mignola's style so it's an easy mistake to make



Why couldn't heroes have sidekicks that were also men instead of little boys?

They were little boys to draw in younger readers



Because everyone in the 40's were into little boys.

damn son you got handed the big guns


What the actual fuck?



I just wanna play as he-man

>Project Superpowers
His name blows but Airman looks pretty fucking sick.

Good. Heteros are gross.

Self-insert for readers


He's diet Hawkman

>Solid motivation.
>Clear goals.
>Repeatable offences for the heroes to stop him over, with potential for great variation in his targets, without compromising his initial goals.

This is extremely homoerotic

>sjw cuck
>is making an "indie comic"

Like pottery