>Game 2 is a prequel
>Games 1-5
>None of them are related to each other
>Game .5
>game 1 ends with an amazing cliffhanger
>game 2 takes place with another character at the same time as game 1
>Game 2.8
Who in their right mind wants a prequel in any form of media?
>Sequel contradicts previous game's true ending
>game 1-15
>none of them are related to each other
>Gameboy Game
>Game 2
>Game 2 Special Edition
>DS Game
>Mobile Game
>3DS Game
fml, you all know what it is
>Game 64 DS
Don't try your Sup Forums memes here, Sup Forums is for reddit humor only.
>Game 2
>Game 3
>Game: Subtitle
>Game: Subtitle 2
>Game 4
>Game is great
>Game 2 is a sequel and even better
>Game: WORD is an alternate universe and absolutely dreadful.
>Its one of the best games ever
>Sequel takes places 1000 years later
>Game: Game
like what the fuck
>Game 3
>called Game 2 overseas
>Game I.5
>Game II.5
>Game II.8
>Game 3 is sequel to Game 2, which is a sequel to Game, but Game 4 and 5 are prequels
How's the NDS remake?
> game
> game: title A
> game: title B
> game: title A 2
> game: title C
> game 3
> game: title A 3
> game 4
>Game has great story and characters
>Game 2 is not related to previous game by anything
I want more Darksiders too.
Not a bad or spectacular game in its own right but its nothing like the source material so it may as well had a different name.
>NEW Game
>it's a rehash
What if its valkyrie profile 2, where its a sequel and prequel at the same time
>Its one of the best games ever
>Its one of the best games ever