Its time for the hunt

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Hey guys, wanted to get some additional opinions. I really am enjoying this beta with my buds, but they have shitboxes so I won't be able to play with them when the full release comes around if I decide to buy.

Is it still worth it? I really think the beta is fun, but I'm worried about burning myself out quickly and/or the game not being as much fun with randos. Also moderately concerned about DLC Armageddon due to Starbreeze Studios. Are these valid concerns or should I not worry about them?

Your game is shit

is this crap brocken ?

Always be wary of DLC fuckery.

I'm in the same boat otherwise. Only a few people I know could even run it and those that can I'm not sure they'd like it as much. I'm worried about burning myself out as well but I'm thinking bing able to lvl forever will help that just be using different items all the time for survivors. Not sure about killers longevity.

I had a blast with the beta, just need those other maps and killers.

It also needs easier ways to play larger games.

Agreed on the larger game note. They honestly should just make a custom lobby where you set all the rules, # of generators, maps, etc. "Kill your friends" mode is 100% for optimal fun. So, they should let us have fun and customize the game settings. I hate being limited so much for arbitrary reasons.

here you go lads

1 more and we are good

>Not calling the thread dead by daylight

How are people supposed to find the thread you dumbass?

Is there a way to gift the codes? My friends wont follow links into oblivion just for a beta.

Shit it took me 2 days to get a working link.

I just always type Daylight into the catalog to find them. It's not hard.



Just came out

Save me before I drift into the abyss senpai.

>click connect with steam button
>nothing happens
>jackhammer that fucker
>your friend has already been saved
I bet the jews are responsible

pls help


t-thanks u guiz

I legitimately enjoy this game. I'm just afraid that it will die shortly at launch. The only reason there's so many people playing it right now is because it's free. What happens when the pay wall goes up?

Also, fuck the toolboxes

>Want to play with friends
>Realize how fucking OP it would be against the killers if we're able to communicate at all times

Stupid people is part of the trope of the horror movie genre and having a coordinated team go against a killer just seems completely unfair.

I think in-game voice chat based on your proximity to others would be fantastic. You can only communicate if you're next to your nigga. But you shouldn't abuse it as the killer can hear you too. Maybe even give the killer a perk to boost his hearing. Hell, you could even use it to draw attention to yourself to cause a distraction or save someone.

Unfortunately, PC shitters would just use other VOIP services to coordinate and leave the killer out of the conversations.

We should atleast have some emotes or some simple texts to say.

>Follow me!
>This way!
>Killer is over here!
>There's a generator here!

Having to spin around in circles or fucking teabag the ground to say "Follow me!" is kinda dumb.

That be great for random matches, but it wouldn't solve the issue with coordinating teams bullying the killer. halp not like this

>survivors on teamspeak
>trap stuff
>see no one for 5 minutes
>realise all my traps have been disarmed
>all generators come on at same time
>mfw go to exit
>not open
>game ends
>all 4 survivors got away

I am getting tired of this shit, why do they even play the game? Everythings wiped after beta and there is literally no challenge, how can they have fun playing gennies simulator?

please click comrades

I have the most fun when I'm in the survivors team and my team mates are full of idiots.

It adds to the horror.

It's also great how the objective is just for you to survive. Anyone else is just extra points.

How do they have fun working together as a team in a team based videogame? I don't know man you got me.

because survivors are scum user
you gotta remember this

help me sempataichi
click this chucklecucks

What are your favorite things to do as a killer Sup Forums?


You could have all gotten a key if you just clicked each other's link instead of making your own.

more links popped up as I was linking my steam account fampai

>doesnt understand that this isnt a voice chat multiplayer game
>games balanced around survivors lack of communication and need to improvise to add flavour to matches

So that what

described doesnt happen, scrub.

Save me famalams

Please help.

pls help

Man, I try and the person has already been saved but it counts it as a failed attempt anyway. It's either kind user handing out codes or waiting 4 days for me.

Save me fampai

still need 1 more

Pizza party?

weird, because for me it already said you were saved.

Help, please.

website is fucking shit

Still need one more.

Hey guys i like to mix things up and throw up links to already saved people, and you wont know which is which.

Were you in a private lobby or did four shitters actually manage to coordinate getting on teamspeak in the less than 60 seconds they were in your lobby? Because I find that VERY hard to believe.

>copy link
>ctrl f
>ctrl c
>"results 2"

It's practically impossible to lose as survivor

1 more on this

the way lobbies are set up you can just wait until your friends get in. so people will just leave because it's taking too long and , you can't votekick. then your friends can join. so it's possible, it just makes them assholes.

>6 minutes
Oh fuck oh fuck

>MFW survivors think they can juke and keep me distracted

If you start vaulting back and forth and I can't catch you within 30 seconds, I'm moving on to the next shitter. You're wasting my time and you'll be dumb enough to get caught again.

Again, highly unlikely because the lobby counts down from 60 seconds the moment it fills up, and there's no way to join a friend's lobby. The moment they leave their slot fills up. This isn't even taking into account how often people get dropped from lobbies.

Apparently not if you couldn't catch them the first time

They made vaulting slower and the jukeshack has been changed to have only one window in the final version.

If survivors feel like camping a juke-shack for the entire game while I go after their friends, that's their loss.

got into the beta. Game isn't even that good. If you have any survival and escape instincts whatsoever you will never be caught. I've gone 3 games now where the killer never even sees me.

>See the beta and start playing it
>Having a blast playing as Survivors
>Other survivors are not that good but we try to help each other
>Killer is merciless, fast, powerful
>Finally manage to get a game with a killer who attacks people on hooks, use this distraction to escape the map on last guy
>Be the last one alive and finally survive
>Decide to play as killer for my last game of the night

>Survivors are fucking impossible to catch or see
>They get all the generators they need except one, then they start fucking around my main building and basement in the middle of the map
>Literally wasting time
>One of them jukes me around in this pattern like 3 times
>Finally get tired of this shit
>Put up a bear trap at the top of the stairs
>Chase her through it
>She gets caught
>Drag her down to the basement and hook her
>Stand as close as possible to her character model and watch her die slowly as all the other players leave the match knowing I wasn't fucking around any more
>Match Result: Petty Victory

Yes I am.

Not true in the slightest, you see people on teamspeak on twitch constantly, what are you trying to say? that theres no way people can get in the same lobby from leaving and joining? because thats exactly what they do.

Show me these twitch streamers that happen to have all their friends together in these fucked up backasswards lobbies.

>Down someone
>Push them onto a hook through their neck
>They can still run around and live after being saved

lol no man, no.

Last night I got jewed out by their shitty servers, let's try again!

looking for one more

so how does this thing work?

I load up the page, connect with steam...havent gotten past that yet. What do i have to do?

Once you connect w/ steam it should give you a link to send to others. I don't really remember, I did it like a week ago.

Save me sempai

>Refinery map
>Down the entire team
>Carrying AVGN to the nearest hook
>Injured Slut thinks she's smart tries to follow so she can unhook him
>Drop AVGN
>Chase after her
>Heads into the refinery and goes upstairs
>Trys to juke me by vaulting in and out of windows and going in circles
>I'm not having any of that shit
>Stop chasing and place a trap near the exit stairs
>It wasn't the best placement on my part so she could avoid it if she's paying attention
>Avoids it
>Does the circle shit in the refinery again instead of booking it and really losing me
>Can't afford to lose her because she'll go res AVGN who has probably crawled somewhere else
>Decide to just waste her time and stair at her from the window until AVGN bleeds out
>AVGN dies
>Stop chasing her and look for more traps while looking at the refinery
>Come back
>She's still fucking in there
>Place second trap in steps
>Spot her coming down
>Chase her back up
>Place another trap by her favorite window
>Realizes she can't vault anymore so she books it downstairs while I place it
>Probably saw how fucked she was

I can only imagine her expression

Also, disconnections should be considered suicides and have a suicide animation tied to it.

Maybe even give you points for it

Samantha Wright being a coal-burning feminist is such a drag.
Also, I have all three savior slots with a big green check next to them but I'm still bleeding out, what's the secret?

What's your highest score Sup Forums?

Sounds to me like it's going to be YOUR lose when they win because you can't catch them xD

I can't get into the beta because the servers are so fucking shitty.
I'm just going to use my $90 of steam cash to pre-purchase the $18 version.
Seems like the launch content is totally worth it anyway.

link me


it says youre dead hahaha

You really just typed that out.

this game is absolutely bullshit as the killer
>Slash guy
>he runs away to sacrifice building
>constantly jumps through windows
>he does this faster than me for some reason
>play stupid game of one legged cat and mouse

or alternatively

>down survivor
>all the hooks are fucked because reasons
>take him to the basement
>fucker keeps on wriggling away
>chase him down constantly
>finally get him to the basement
>try to put him on a hook
>fucker gets away and runs to the exit which is like 5 feet away from the basement

I hope this shit game is dead by day one

I still have 20 minutes left :/ THE JEWS!

But I did catch them again. If you're tunnel vision and focus on just one survivor who's just abusing vaults, you're just giving the other team members opportunities to succeed.

The current killer works best if you manage to trap them and keep them into areas where they can't vault or toss obstacles at you. If all you're doing is chasing and slashing, you're not using that killer at his best.

I had 3 idiots this last game try to juke me in my rape shack. I set up a bear trap in the window to the right of the steps 3 times. Every time they were saved from the hook, the idiots decided to split up and always go into the same window into the same damn bear trap.

Don't waste your time chasing. Play smart. Learn when to chase and when to let go.

I've only lost 1 match so far and that's because that team was full of toolbox shitters that destroyed all of my traps and hooks.

now it says you got saved
fucking servers

>its a "endless loading into sacrifice game and rank down" episode

Best Killer perk?

Help me guys

Alternatively, you could learn to play.

help me save this guy anons

need 2

Use the bear traps.

Don't always go for the hooks. If a hook is too far, just leave him on the ground. Look for more bear traps or hints.

Trap the escape switches.

Trap underneath anyone you hook.

Don't bother chasing someone if all they're doing is vaulting the same obstacle. They're distracting you. Either destroy the object so that they can't abuse it next time or move on. Alternatively, just leave but keep an eye on them.

>Changing the house of jukes
>Not the refinery tower
Understandable I guess, but the tower is worse. Playing the other two heroes is going to be such a pain when they can't preemptively lock down heavy juke zones.


why would I want to play a game with abuse-able mechanics and absolutely no immersion?

mein gott save me !

Not that guy, but you're retarded.
Fuck off from the thread already.

Anyone know how to reset progression? The couple guides online don't actually work, and my perks mostly suck ass and I have 800K blood points with nothing to do with them.

Please help me out.