No standalone TTT game

>no standalone TTT game

TTT is permanently tainted by Gmod kiddies

Garrys mod is prettymuch standalone ttt.
Do people even play construct?

its called spacebuild fuccboi

>Report window pops up whenever you die
Why would they pander to "ban everyone that isn't me" players

TTT in public servers is honestly beyond shit.
TTT as a part of a group of friends or gaming clan is some good shit.
Lemme post my favourite story.
>be me in private game
>clay pigeon shooting crates, boxes, etc with one other guy at start of round
>one guy is stood above us throwing the boxes in to the air
>traitor hasn't been selected yet
>round starts, it's me
>perfect opportunity
>wait for him to throw box
>aim at guy beside me and shoot him after the box is thrown
>then shoot the guy throwing the box
>no-one questions the gun fire since they think we're just shooting for sport
>dispose of bodies as if nothing happened
>the perfect murder

Spacebuild(and Wire) has been dead for years.
And it's just called sandbox.

>there will never be a game as amazing as Gmod released ever again

When it was at its peak, it was the only game I needed since you could do whatever you wanted and the community shat out tons of gamemodes.

A gamemode that is and was barely played.

I don't get the appeal of TTT

Why is it a thing, why is it fun

>make standalone TTT game
>put a $10 price tag to keep all the peru's and kids without mom's credit cards out
>game dies due to no population in a week

Let's face it TTT is a fun game mode but they would have to add some serious features for it to be a game people would actually buy and play longer than a week.

>detective work
>deceit and coercion


I've never heard kids spout rules all the goddamn time and refute them like they were fucking lawyers trying to find loopholes with their shitty games. Gmod has become a cesspool of YouTube kiddies.

the best part of TTT was trapping someone in a corner with props until they attack you and get kicked for RDM

Fuck, I was thinking about this game today. It was fun back in the day (I played it around late 2010). I jumped on it not too long ago and was soo let down.

>80 percent of TTT servers only played that fucking minecraft map.
>just about all the players in these servers were all annoying young teenagers.

I blame youtubers like Seananners for attracting all the children. Is it still like this?

>not "accidentally" murdering your fellow terrorists with the traitor traps while your innocent
>not hiding their hanging corpses as trophies in your bathroom

Calling a KOS on your fellow traitor when you see them kill somebody so you can hear them go off on you in traitor-chat is pretty funny.

>Join minecraft mapserver
>grab a sniper and head for the light house
>proceed to rain down hell onto all the kids as they get confused and look around for you

95% chance you get kicked at the end of the round but so worth it fuck that minecraft map.

some pub servers were alright last time i played
vizzys was the shit, used to play that all the time

looking for the stuff for spacebuild and wire was hell

TTT would be vastly improved by
>better weapon code
>proximity voice chat
>better movement system

>most servers now ban you from turning on your t-buddy, even when he has been called out and shot at
>can't sell your t-buddy out for team trust anymore
>servers that say fuck all to balance and mod in 20+ OP weapons and 10+ new T items that cause some serious issues (remember when turrets were basically rapid fire snipers?)
>minecraft 24/7 servers

It really needs a standalone game to recover. Like this is TF2 brony server levels of "what the fuck"
Who do I have to kill to get a TTT server that is nearly vanilla (a few added weapons and items), and with maps that rival winter_mansion and clue?

Just play Space Station 13 mate, obviously it doesn't feel exactly the same since it's not FPS like TTT but the core gameplay, which is finding the traitor is the same and well more advanced, it's basically TTT with a lot more content.

It's still shit sadly, ever since youtube cancer ruined it, I doubt it will ever recover itself.
>Join a server
>That awful minecraft map again
>Shitton of kids screaming in their mics
>Someone follows me all the time
>Slowly getting worried
>Kill him after he was following me for few minutes
>You were kicked
It's terrible nowadays and as long as community won't change, it will always be like this
Youtube was a mistake.

>There won't be a worthy Gmod successor until HL3
>I will never get that feeling of wonder as I buy Gmod 10 for the first time after leaving Gmod 9 behind

>used to play TTT at its peak
>really enjoyed detective work and figuring out who the killer is
>got really good at it

>gmod now
>can't ever have a decent game because half the server is 8 year olds and other half is xd so funni rdmers
>every server is minecraft 24/7, 60 GB of skins, and broken as fuck T weapons

I know that feel
>been playing TTT since near its release
>gotten so good at detective, that I can figure out Ts even on innocent rounds, based on behavior, etc.
>one round I was Detective
>get all Ts except one (was a 3 T round)
>Down to 5 of us, no provens
>Find a body, last person he saw was X, was killed via headshot with a rifle
>Person X has a Mac 10
>Find someone with a rifle
>Ask them to drop it
>one round missing
>Give it back to them, ask if anyone else has rifle
>Others say no
>Had other evidence stacking up against him that round
>Crossed other live people off list throughout the last 2 minutes based off other deductions
>Kill person, was T
>Was also admin
>Claims I RDM'd him without solid proof
>Walk him through my steps and logic that led to him

Guess what happened next. Thankfully I was friends with the server owner, and it turns out later this guy had an autistic breakdown and admin abused because he got caught ghosting and abusing his powers.

I'd play that

Yeah, its called SS13.

Murder is okay
It doesn't seem infested by children and shitty admins yet, but the population and servers are not that great.

Wow, a riveting tale. So much merriment between friends.

>join server
>it's that underground tunnel level
>everyone splits rather early
>some dude decides to start following me
>he keeps following and becomes more and more suspicious
>even call him out as being suspicious in chat
>end up eventually killing him because he just kept stalking me
>obviously turns out to be a traitor
>was also apparently an admin
>get kicked for "RDM"

What would happen if there was a public, populated TTT server with no rules and no admins?

it would be shit
really shit
TTT needs good admins to function

It would be a 24/7 FFA deathmatch.

There is one. It's basically deathmatch.
It's 24/7 Minecraft so eh

RDMing constantly.

TTT needs to be moderated lightly, you can't kick people for killing suspicious people but you also gotta be able to keep out the retards.
Accidental killing's part of what makes the game great but with no admins it's more 13 Dead End Drive than Clue.

Guys, I'm literally the creator of Murder, the predecessor to TTT (not the new Murder, the old Murder where you only had a 357 magnum and 1 bullet where if you shot the wrong person, you'd be instakilled)

I've considered doing a TTT standalone but in my tests, it requires a strong community that is administrated by trustworthy people. Best to leave it to modders desu

I have a better game coming soon. Asymmetrical multiplayer is my thing :^)

The Ship

Wiremod is dead?
Now i'm sad.

The Ship Remasted is gonna be sweet when they get it working

Dont know if there are, but I miss vanilla TTT servers instead of nearly every server having fucking power ups (speed boosts) or retarded shit like mulitcoloured chat covering my screen.

I wish more people liked vanilla things desu

TTT needs admins or it just turns into chaos.
Problem is gmod's community is absolute fucking garbage and you have to babysit 24/7 to keep shit in order.

I used to run a fairly popular server and it was hell, every round without fail someone would RDM or break the rules and I had to go back through the damage logs and review rounds constantly.

>GMod Tower is permanently closed so the devs can work on their shitty UE4 version
>No copyrighted work put into it
>Removes literally all charm
>No Chimera Hunt
>No retarded playermodels
>No collectible posters and figurines from different games for your rooms anymore
>And they're charging 14 bucks for it

I want off the ride Anons

>tfw don't own CS:S
>tfw can't play on any of the good maps because i don't have the textures

TTT is unplayable because the standardized ruleset used by every pub server is so rigid and strict, theres literally nothing to do as inno/detective other than sheep about until you kill someone attacking you or die. Anything you do results in negative like slayed, RDM'd or karma loss until autokick. You can tail people. Cant throw nades, shoot your weapon near someone, act suspicious to confuse players, can't damage someone to stir up shit, etc. Most people who play it are crybabies and children who lose their minds when any of these things happen to them. It doesnt help the RDM popup appears on death, enabling shitters to submit complaints to powerhungry admins, who'll interrogate you for accidentally/mistakenly killing someone.

>regular a private server for the community I used to be a part of
>business as usual, regular TTT stuff
>after a few weeks things change, some people start crying RDM whenever they die
>by this point the server owner no longer players the game and just bases his decisions on reports he recieves
>the RDM criers file a lot of reports, quickly getting many people banned because the owner is a retard
>even when they were a traitor they still cry RDM
>I got banned a couple times for RDM when I was a traitor myself
>due to the combination of people getting banned and people leaving due to the crybabies the server dies
>friend in community starts a new server
>a week after it's up the same shit begins to happen again
>that server dies too
I just don't understand why people cry RDM, the key element of the game is suspicion, people are going to shoot based on suspecting you're a traitor.

>tfw try Star Wars RP for the first time
>server's cool
>missions are basically matches of Battlefront II
>admins are great
>everything's chill
>summer rolls around
>so many kids
>barely can function
>half don't have mics
>half don't have sound on
>server becomes shitshow
>anyone decent gets banned because kiddies whine about them
>or donate so they don't have to deal with the shithead kids
>kids can barely shoot, let alone follow simple rules and orders
>stuck trying to train them
>come back to the server a few months later
>kid problem is ten times worse
>friends from the server all gone
>purge half the population of the server with a friend
>find out later that my friends still go on the server

Star Wars RP is ten times worse then TTT, community wise.