ITT: Features/mechanics in games that you didn't know existed until way too late

ITT: Features/mechanics in games that you didn't know existed until way too late

>Holding the jump button in pic related lets you climb and mantle on top of objects too high to jump on

Literally just found this out. Can now cheese that stupid fucking cargo bay

This was in the first System Shock as well, and was necessary to get through certain areas.

Later on there's a point where it's necessary, and it was fucking frustrating without knowing about it.

This game also runs on the fucking DARK ENGINE and that's a primary mechanic in Thief 1 and 2. How can you NOT know this?

... Did you NOT play Thief 1 and 2? What is wrong with you?


not OP, but I've never played a Thief game, and only played SS2 for the first time in 2007.

Loved it never the less.

>only played SS2
>skipping SS and playing games out of order
For what purpose.


is there a hidden feature/mechanic in SS2 that lets me skip this?

Well damn I didn't think being on the same engine meant sharing gameplay mechanics and shit

SS1 has aged like milk.The remake coming out soon should fix that.

Things like ease of access (DOS was already out of the question, and DosBox is...well...), and SS2 was the more praised or popular game in general.

Also, Bioshock was just around the corner back then, and I kinda wanted to try out the "original game" before the potential GOTY arrived. To my surprise, however, I found SS2 to be a GOTYAY, and BS quite watered down disappointment in comparison.

The game plays perfectly fine with mouselook, no need for unoptimized Unity game remake

It took a few hours before I knew that you could just exit a hack in F3 and try again with your guesses refilled. I simply didn't think the game would be so easy. What the fuck is the point of locking players out if they use up their guesses, when you can just start over whenever you like?

Apart from that, I didn't know about the bracket-trick during hacking until after I'd finished the game. It is stated in the manual, but for some reason isn't explained in-game.

It tells you that in the tutorial, it's called mantling.

Did you not play the tutorial you stupid fuck?

Literally kill yourself for real.

The game is still pretty clunky with mouselook

I get it builds atmosphere but I like playing SS2 like doom

I didn't know there was a radio in New Vegas until my fourth playthrough.

>bracket-trick during hacking
The what.

If you mouse-over a bracket like ( [ or {, and there's a closing bracket of the same kind further in the text, you can click it and gain something.
Sometimes it gives you an extra guess, sometimes it removes a false choice.

How you got through hydroponics is beyond me

Theres this weird jump onto a ledge from the freezer basement that pretty much requires this

I wasnt aware the tutorial at the beginning was skippable. How'd you manage that?

that's what you get for skipping the tutorial
yes actually, look at some non-tas speedruns

you walk through advanced and into none of the vr rooms

It has very, very dated map design that gets on your nerves later on. The music is very hit and miss. Mouselook trivialises the game. The GUI is very clunky and takes a while to get completely used to.

I finished it twice and have a lot of respect for it but the previous poster is correct. I don't think if I'd give the game a chance if it wasn't for SS2. I'm also cautiously optimistic about the remake but won't be heartbroken if it's a mess.

How else did you get the basketball?

It's the thief engine, works in every game lad, deus ex too

>i have never finished the tutorial

>thief has bunny hopping but DX and SS don't


well fuck

>hold jump lets you climb
Oh yeah...I forgot about that in the tutorial...

The bracket trick never worked for me but maybe i misinterpreted how it works. And yeah i hate thre exit reenter trick, just makes hacking a tedious activity

I hope you've been paying attention, user!

>I kinda wanted to try out the "original game" before the potential GOTY arrived. To my surprise, however, I found SS2 to be a GOTYAY, and BS quite watered down disappointment in comparison.

This was my experience with System Shock 1. I only played it to ready myself for 2 and wound up loving it and feeling 2 was kind of shit.

I only noticed during my second playthrough that you can time your attacks for faster chains in Risen. Felt such a dumbass after that.

>It has very, very dated map design that gets on your nerves later on

I guess levels requiring actual exploration are dated now, but you're still a faggot.

>playing through this garbage a second time

you're mom is garbage

Fucking retard.

Just block when the opponent hits you and then spam the attack button to stagger the enemy. You literally rape everything throughout the entire game.

This game is literally brain dead the game. Even the last boss is a joke.

It would be nice if the environment wasn't a bunch of rectangular tubes that make you bleed your eyes out and keep running into the walls.

Groves and security were the only good levels. Everything else was irritatingly uninteresting as far as exploration goes.

>First game sets in a fantasy medieval universe
>Then suddenly the next game turns into Pirates of the Caribbean with the same characters.

I canät believe some people actually got stuck on that shit

I don't expect people know certain mechanics carry over in the same engine.

I DO however, expect people to play the tutorial where this technique is one of the first things introduced.

It's in every game made by the same people.

System Shocks, Deus Ex 1-2, Thiefs and whatever.

mahunt's charged executions
i literally stayed hours trying to understand how to get past that prison level

I don't remember ledge-climbing in Dude Sex.

It's there, at least in IW.

>he couldn't git gud
Also, all the remake does is combine pre-existing mods that have been around for years, namely mouselook mod and the higher resolution mod.

I'll have to take your word for it. Last time I tried IW was on an Xbox ten years ago and was turned off by how awful it ran.

It's only in IW.

never understood how people got stuck there.
i discovered the mechanics of it in like 10 seconds, its not like you have 50 different buttons on the controller.

>he didn't play Thief
Everyone who played Thief knew about this shit.