Ramadan Bundle

>Ramadan Bundle

Aren't videogames haram? Like any form of entertainment?

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I thought it was just music. which I find a bit ironic because their prayers have musical notes in them.

Anything that isn't killing infidels and fucking goats is haram

>Aren't videogames haram?
only in fundamentalist groups
this goes for Christianity and Judeism too

>Like any form of entertainment?
they seem to like beheading people for fun a lot

>I thought it was just music.
only music that has instruments
this is why nasheeds are still allowed, since they are voice-only

they can play them but only after dusk
i once gave up video games for lent

But games have music in them


>Music is not forbidden in Islam. Music is one of the purest and most beautiful creation of God Almighty who set the tone and rhythm of every sound in the universe. Music or singing like all the creations of God, that now constitute an important part of our daily life can be lawfully used or maliciously abused.

>ps4 dying
>have to appeal to mudslimes

Is this an edit? Imagine being a poor GameStop employee that has to deal with lunatics because people feel your employers are corrupting youth.

>only music with instruments

as a muslim, I find this a weird rule. I don't wanna hear someone crying out in notes, I want to hear a soft piano or...whatever.

I pity the man who rejects music in his life.

how much is that in real money?

PlayStation is huge in the Middle east and North Africa

Although Wii U is oddly big in Dubai for some reason

ITT: Autistic kids that don't know shit

>"I was all alone in the bar when two passersby stormed in. They pointed at the alcohol bottles at the counter, and one of them told me in Arabic, ‘You should be ashamed of serving alcohol during Ramadan," the woman, a Muslim, told the French Nouvel Obs newspaper.

>One of the men then threatened her, saying, “If I was God, I would have you hanged.”

>ps4 dying

music is the gateway to decadence
see that filthy rock and roll

>go to GAME
>a gaggle of Muslims are rowing with the merchant
>they are demanding Ramadan bundle PS4s
>getting natty as a result of not having eaten all day
>the merchant kindly explains to them that they have been unable to acquire a restock
>the Muslims take out their vimto and start spraying it everywhere
>they splash vimto all over the games
>they splash vimto all over the till
>they splash vimto all over then me
>then one of them detonates his vest
>fucking GAME

>releasing a new console
>attempting to appeal to minorities
>advertising campaign stepping up
You're blind kid.

Vimto is fucking delicious though

PS consoles were always popular there

In the PS2 days piracy was rampant, but with since the PS3 the market have grown and there have been localized games with arabic subtitles/dubs

desu it's piss easy to fast if you play vidya all day

I've been fasting all day and I'm not even muslim and I don't even celebrate this retarded ass ramadan. I'm fasting because I'm a fatass who ate too much yesterday.

Not eating because you are full isn't exactly fasting.

I'm not full at the moment but I ate too much yesterday.

>Ps4 dying

Dis makes me happy.

Who /fasting/ here? Gonna go for everyday InshAllah.

Subhanallah brother. What vidyas are you playing up until sundown to distract that hunger and thirst?

How do you think they find out who to stone?

We have PS2 rentals right next to Islamic schools where I'm from, lil fuckers play modded GTA SA everyday of not some Fifa

>tfw not muslim
>You will never find a good Arabic muslim wife

Been playing NBA 2K16 recently since its free on PS Plus rn. Story mode is pretty fun so far. Got Overwatch on the side too.

Looking forward to E3 too broski.

>music is the gateway to decadence
And videogames aren't?

Just look at this place.

Not in summer.

There are bees about.

wow the memes are truly real

I heard you can't draw living things?Like if you draw you have to leave their faces blurry or something. Maybe that's why it's haram since 95% of video games contain that

What about pedophilia though?

only the imagemakers (devs in this case) are cursed
but they're kuffar anyway so who cares :^)

if it bleeds, it breeds
the reasonable choice


Oh shit nigga.

>1,599 bucks
So much for the console gaming is cheap meme

Arab dollars.

1600 arab dollars are 400 euro/US dollar.

You can't capture likenesses of real life people in drawn portraits (not sure about sculptures). Fictional characters are fine and using technology for it, like cameras or digital scans, are fine though.

Video games and music are fine too, I've no idea what these other anons are talking about.

The most severely punished people (1) on the Day of Resurrection would be the image-makers. [Bukhaari and Muslim]

Every image-maker will be in the fire of Hell. A soul will be made for him for every image which he has made and it will punish him in the Hell-fire. [Muslim]

It was simply a factual statement

>its like this because arabs were a bunch of stone worshippers before Islam arrived and Mohammed wanted to get rid of that
>Saudis still worship a stone till this very day