I'm a big fan of the original

I'm a big fan of the original

Am I going to regret purchasing this?

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le le monkey face meme game :D


What do you think?


Probably. I think it died with even less hype than Battleborn. EA has an access system where you pay $5 or so a month and get access to a bunch of older games. I expect MEC to be added to it in a few months, so might as well wait and save some money and get to play some other games while you're at it once you finish it (I think the main campaign and sidequests are like 10 hours long).

Not even once.

What the fuck happened to Battleborn anyway? I recall it being hyped on the same level as Overwatch, then nothing. Nobody even plays it.

u know it


All you need to do is look at your picture OP

First yes, then no, then probably yes again.

Definitely, it's worse in everything, even the fucking graphics are worse somehow.

No one thinks you're funny, not even your mother

No it wasn't. I don't recall Battleborn getting a trailer during the preview reel for the new Star Wars movie. You can't stop the Blizzard marketing juggernaut.

Same thing that happened to X-ray Python
Don't remember it? Me neither
Much like Battleborn

I think you won't
I wouldn't listen to Sup Forums on this one, they'll just cry about SJWs and Anita

Most definitely. Console versions look like shit, PC version is unoptimized and bugged as fuck.

Grab it once it gets patched and the price drops

Fucking fizzled out fast. About 500k copies sold on all platforms even after dropping the price to $40 or lower 3 weeks after release. Here's the current Steam stats.

2K didn't advertise it enough and launched it at the worst time. I personally bought Doom to keep me occupied until OW came out.

Would bang, honestly.

Copy+paste from something I put in a a previous thread:

>free-running is good
>added some new moves like the 90 degree swing
>combat is good only if you use traversals and run for it
>actually fighting is still awkward and clumsy
>story is still dumb
>dialogue is stupid as shit
>pretty as fuck
>standing still anywhere feels like a screen-shot moment
>11/10 sound design
>11/10 soundtrack by Solar Fields again

It's basically just like the first one. Mirror's Edge is my favorite game of all time. I thought I would regret this once I started it up but after 30min in it got fine and then it gets good. If all you care about is running then it does that mechanically identical to the first.

Settings in screen-shot not maxed. I really should set reflections to hyper...


>purchasing an EA game post-2010

What are you, fucking dumb?

the only significant addition to the mechanics is a grappling hook that only works on fixed points

Faith also feels so much fucking slower in this one, it's like running in molasses.


It's literally the same as first one, and I went into it hating it (I got it for free). The story is stupid (as in the first one), it has a pointless upgrade system (basic shit is already unlocked, new unlocks don't mean much) and an open world (yet most missions are set in new, unique locations except for side shit). AI is also retarded and can't even follow you on a small step let alone pursue you (except in scripted moments).

The free running is more fluid than the one in the first one, combat is a bit better (you can chain it into movement for insta kills), level design is less repetitive (visually) and game is a bit longer than the first one (was like 3 hours or so, second one is maybe 7 up to 20 if you do ALL the side shit I didnt bother with). Main missions are still pretty fun and full of chase sequences, which I like.

So yeah, it's definitely not bad, but nothing amazing either. If you like the original you will like this one too, but in my opinion the original wasn't that great either.

Would give it 7/10