Thoughts on Prison Architect?

Thoughts on Prison Architect?
It is also getting a console release on the 28th

It's the best spiritual successor to dungeon keeper.

It's actually done?

Quite a while actually.

>tfw separating blacks and whites
Truly a great game

>Console release

I wonder how counter intuitive it's going to be.

Halo Wars was pretty good. Prison Architect doesn't have much going on anyways.

>try to learn how to play through slow trial-and-error for hours
>repeat later

Just play the tutorial

That sounds like an incredibly tedious waste of time.

>tfw you play with no failure conditions because you're a huge casual
Prisoners just keep dying god damn

Great game, sadly I wore myself out on it during alpha. The alpha was well done and it "felt" like a complete game a year ago so every new feature was like icing an already moist cake.

Some of the features that made it into the final version like quick building rooms made me less happy, and the last time I played I had an issue with being stuck in the underground view when laying power lines so I could never place them. But I suspect that was just a bad installation or some ancient mod I had installed a long time ago.

Overall I'd rate it a genuine 9/10. It is really fun and while it won't last forever, it will stretch the money spent and give you a fuckton of hours of enjoyment. It's all game. There's no bullshit or filler.


knives everywhere.

some of those failure conditions are bordering on unfair and force you into making a certain prison with certain things that are guaranteed to always work. I've played since an early alpha and i don't automatically enable gangs and failure conditions.

random events are pretty well done though.

dying? In fights I guess?

get some metal detectors and dogs boi

like he said the tutorials pretty fulfilling and short. it shows you exactly what you need to not fuck up horribly right away.

Spent a ton of time on it during alpha so I'm curious how much new shit is in the full release. Unfortunately i don't have time for this game atm.

A pretty great game, shit graphics but apart from them its a 9/10 underrated game. One of those rare indies that is criminally underknown but actually pretty good like Duskers, Subnautica or Expeditions: Conquistadores.

I have barely played the game in 2 years since I got it early on, but I still watch the monthly videos the devs release since they're such a hilarious double act.

I like building games, but I don't get the appeal of the Prison Architect. The whole game revolves around designing a perfect prison, but the problem I have, is that you can't do that naturally during the gameplay, you have to have a plan, have to know exactly to the smallest detail what and how you will build, just then start the game and implement your plan and watch how it works out. If you try to do that naturally - expand and change your prison as you go - it's very tedious as it's a huge pain to move buildings around. I don't know how you're supposed to play this game.

You know you can't magically move buildings around in real life, right

I'm not sure you understand the point of the game

>30 bucks for this game
Looks fun and seems like it has potential replay value but god damn the art design on this game looks like shit. Is it worth 30 bucks?

Physical release though

I quite like simulation type games like this. Looking forward to the console release.

playing prison escape on your own prison was pretty fun after i got bored of thinking of what to add on to it

The point is to work with what you've got, get a high score, then sell it to start again with more funds (and bigger plans).
Do that 'til you've made a good enough prison that can sell for a billion, then make whatever you want.

I bought it for full price on GOG and loved it until I hit a wall with the way the workshops work (or don't work, as is the case).
They'll never fix it, so I'll probably never play it again.

No regrets, fun was had. Just can't replay it after hitting that point.

those monthly videos were textbook on how to update people on your new stuff.

they were informative, engaging, and funny.

Did they change that sometime during early access? I remember money not being an issue, just wait a month and you have more.

yeah at some point margins got slimmer. they're still pretty wide, enough for you to get by just fine, but they're slimmer than they were.

Starting funds and blank slates are the issue.

When you've built a prison complex and imported your first prisoners, you've established a working machine. To make major structural changes while that machine is in operation invites it to fail in unexpected ways. You can't demolish everything and start over unless you don't mind escapees or unintentional deaths, and doing that is incredibly tedious.

So the devs added this "sell your prison" feature that tallies up the current prison map's net worth based on various factors of capacity and success, and allows you to start a new game with that amount for starting funds.

Hold up. Does it have an equivalent of dark mistresses sexually abusing the fuck out of faries? Because if so, I have seriously overlooked this game.

There's nothing sexual about it and your guards can't physically abuse prisoners without a fight breaking out between them. At best, you can put snitches in red cages, and when the stabbing starts, put your riflemen on "fire at will".

Other than that, the only "torture" you can really do is starving them to death.

That's not even the violence levels in actual US prisons. Much less the guatemalan hell holes I'd want to build.

Just got to use your imagination, we had almost 200 prisoner deaths the other day after a riot.

I played the fuck out of it for a long time. Haven't played in a year or so. Maybe I should go back to it, now that it's finished.

That's not Evil Genius, son.

I thought it was very fun. I absolutely got my money out of it.

The "Campaign" is a good way of teaching you mechanics and giving you goals to work towards.

I played it on Steam Controller so it's totally controller viable.

>that luxurious cell