>Get to chapter 7
>Fighting the giant tank
>It's tedious but all is going well
>Suddenly Selvaria spawns
>She runs down kills three units per command
>Lancer runs down and one shots my Edelweiss with every available upgrade
Artificial difficulty.
>Get to chapter 7
>Fighting the giant tank
>It's tedious but all is going well
>Suddenly Selvaria spawns
>She runs down kills three units per command
>Lancer runs down and one shots my Edelweiss with every available upgrade
Artificial difficulty.
Git gud
Nigga, I need a time machine or this.
>Artificial difficulty
That game was absolutely full of it. It's one of the reasons I held off on buying the remaster (aside from that distracting metal case).
Build the perfect strategy, then an enemy tank veers off and aims directly at your scouts.
I did that mission without even realizing grenades one shot the radiators
Waffle girl is cute!
Sounds like your strategy wasn't perfect.
I stopped playing cause of stuff like this, also it rewards you to much for speed running.
I do want to play it fully eventually though, its still fun and the story is decent.
thats nothing compared to the mission where Selvaria pulls out an MG and starts covering most of the map
you can position the edelweiss in front of the giant tank, behind the first camp, and have an engineer fix it every turn.
your welcome.
True. At the same time, the tanks performed the same way during the other tries.
or maybe plan positioning for potential enemy reinforcements. The game uses them pretty heavily.
Chapter 7 is incredibly easy, and the game hints that reinforcements are on their way before the mission begins.
As if yours was perfect on the first playthrough
meh, you just have to get some guys above and then it's cakewalk. one or two scouts to push through to the first camp, then bring all of your soldiers and bam.
I kind of guessed that, the problem isn't that there isn't a solution, it's that you have to fail to know what to do.
>he can't get past the casual filter
>Plan on getting everything one shotted for the first time in the game
That reminds me, I didn't even know you could save during combat until after i beat the game and was reading a guide to max rank the missions. At least I found out engineers can resupply troops and remove mines halfway through.
>At least I found out engineers can resupply troops and remove mines halfway through
They tell you these in unskippable text boxes.
>it's "I can't beat Chapter 7!" thread
looks like some things never chance
>At least I found out engineers can resupply troops and remove mines halfway through.
>chapter 7