Spooktacular Spooky Thread!

Watch out, Spooky has a knife. What do you do?

spooky thread

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Bring it bitch

>tfw USA will never get Forbidden Siren 2 on PSN

unzip dikc

We will never know source of this image


>Bloodletter transformation

Proceeding to make the thread 100% more spooky.


Holy shit user too far I almost had a heart attack jesus fuck

Fight her to death with a knife i have
Then passing out until she's gone

C'mon user, you know I have a weak heart.

post your favorite vidya ghosts that are female


I want Spoopy to go poopie.


Woo woo!


She is a pretty cute GIRL. I like GIRLs like her.


i ran through the maze level for like an hour before realizing you need sound on to complete it

I'd hit it.

why is Mario so KAWAII in this?

You'd hit anything.

Wouldn't hit your mum

Who wouldn't?

What is this from?


>playing a jumpscare game without sound


tasogare otome x amnesia

I'm going to fucking kill Spooky

Thanks friend

How do you kill a ghost?



The manga and show aren't amazing but they're enjoyable

I'm going to fuck Spooky

You can only make it deader

How the hell do you make it dead if it's already dead?

By killing it.

But this brings us back to the original question, how do you kill a ghost?

By making it deader.


Ask it to be my gf


ghost knife, but you can only use it if you're a ghost

But if the ghost is trying to kill me and make me a ghost, what's the point of me killing me and making me a ghost to kill the ghost?
That shit's redundant


That's why you make friends with the ghost npc in town before you get to the haunted mansion level. Come on user, actually play the game

rename her game

Mario probably smashed it like a truck


I'd hit his mum

Ask if she'd like to play video games, of course.

Do ghost knives work on the living?
More importantly, do ghost knives work on ghost ghosts, or do you need a ghost ghost knife? Would a ghost ghost knife kill a ghost?
What are the rules here?

yes to all

Nice girl

Fug the spug

She is for being spooked by, not for lewd

Why the fuck would you need a ghost ghost knife? That's stupid and doesn't exist.

For when you use the ghost knife on the ghost and it becomes a ghost ghost, you mook
What else would happen to a ghost when you kill it (again)?

>What else would happen to a ghost when you kill it (again)?
it dies, obviously.

Ghost ghosts aren't real you retard, why are you trying to apply logic to them?

>ghosts aren't real

>you'll never make love to this qt ghost
why live
also, post spooky lewds

who was your favorite Specimen

>Being this much of a skeptic
Kill yourself, your ghost & your ghost ghosts.

Ghosts are obviously real, halfwit. We're in a ghost thread right now.

Ghost ghosts aren't so there's no use in trying to kill them with ghost ghost knives. A ghost knife should work fine.

Feels bad man

>You'll never have a ghostfu that will remain at your side forever
>You'll never be able to fuck with people and haunt them until they go insane together

>You'll never have a dad as based as this


>oh no, some hot ghost woman is molesting my boy. Damn, I wish she still did that to me. Enjoy, son!





>tfw you were afraid of ghosts before
>tfw now you wanna fuck them

go through door

who's that spooky cutie?



8 is also my favorite

The correct answer is "I'm in a rush and don't have time to talk"


Or throw candy at her, if I remember the story correctly

Full image?

I remember watching this on Youtube after having played through it myself and someone got the bad end and didn't understand why. I think a lot of people bad-end and may leave the game on a sour note without realizing why. Or that there's a good end.

Deer god is best god

But what if I say "I'd fuck you" and start groping her?

I wish to fornicate with that wall

Is it made by a H-artist? Maybe?

There's a whole thread for degenerates like you and me on /aco/


No you dolt, she'll take offense to that
You say "You look the same as anyone else"

She's Japanese, you just have to put her in her place with Politeness Judo

>he actually believes in ghosts
Listen, you die and that's it. At the risk of sounding like a euphorafedora, there's is nothing at all after. You're dead. Return to the nothing from whence you came. Sorry, pal, but there are no ghosts, we aren't real and that's that. So just go to bed and stop worrying. It's pretty warm, so you might not want to sleep under the covers though.

>we aren't real

>He's never been visited by a ghost
Maybe you're just not cool, friend

There's no rule in the legend about giving the ghost a hug. I give the ghost a hug.

>we aren't real

I'm on to you, you fucking spook
