Of course /vr/ loves Quake, but what does Sup Forums think of it?

Of course /vr/ loves Quake, but what does Sup Forums think of it?

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Q 1 > 2 > 3 > 4


My opinion: 4>2>1>Objectively it's probably like: 1>3>4>

How do I get to play sound on that game, yes I downloaded the music separately it still wont play

3 > 1 > 2 >>> 4

How can you NOT like Quake?

are you using quakespasm ?


one of the best and most important games of all time, quake was an era in my life, not just a game.

being an adolescent and young teen during the dawn of the internet was pretty amazing.

it makes me sad to see the positive response to the new doom, because the gameplay is bad and doesn't feel anything like quake etc

Quake 1 has probably the best level design in any shooter. Quake 3 was extremely good

Yes. And I followed those instructions.

Quake is awful

The bullet sponge enemies ruin it

by growing up with CoD and Battlefield

I like Doom more

what kind of music files are you using?

i never got it to work properly. i downloaded a torrent on tpb that had the game + darkplaces + the music files in them

mp3 files

Makes sense. Just like kids who grew up with Quake don't care much for Asteroids or Space Invaders.

Quake 1's level design is yet to be surpassed.

If you're using Quakespasm, set up your music folder this way

If the folders and files are indeed set up properly, then perhaps the reason why the music isn't loading is because your PAK files are from the shareware release. Extra files and mods are blocked from being loaded unless you have the registered release.

If you're talking about Quake 2, definitely. There was a time when I actually preferred 2 to one until I revisited it recently. How stupid and foolish was I to fall for the sci-fi setting and notice the boring and straightforward level design. It doesn't even touch Quake's magnitude of ferocity and depth

I might look for that

Thanks that might be the problem

Never been a fan of Quake. Found them to be ugly and boring, especially Quake 2. I preferred Duke 3D back then.

Use darkplaces and look for the quake music pk3 and drop it into the id1 folder

People are praising it because it plays like a good Metroid Prime game, but MP is completely different in terms of gameplay and style compared to Doom and Quake. They made a decent game, but not a worthy successor

I love this article that talks about the first hidden level in the game. I didn't even know American Mcgee worked on the level design on Doom and Quake, I loved his first Alice in Wonderland.


Not really my thing, didn't find the gunplay fun like Doom

Best way to play Quake 1 with bots?

i'm not talking about the mp, but the sp which plays like a combination between painkiller and serious sam. zero id influence there. the QTE thing, though i gave it a chance, actually does ruin the game because the enemy damage is balanced around it.

MP is about 100 times better than i thought but it is fundamentally dead on arrival because they wanted to segment the player base with DLC. You can't even find matches for clan arena anymore, the only mode without demons, which is "I got the powerup so now I get kills! yay!"

Got this 2 nights ago, thoughts?

>playing ziggurat vertigo runequake in 1997 with gravity turned super low

good times. good times.

reaper bot

The nail's too big. Try again.

What went wrong with 2?

yo that shits quack

>video game tattoo
>visible with short sleeve shirt

Creativity leaving the company

It wasnt even quake they just stuck the name on it because they couldnt think of anything else

cancer was fired from the company. there's nothing wrong with 2, it's a great game also

romero is definitively the "idea guy" of gaming who has no idea whatsoever waht is possible within engineering or budget constraints, and the only important work he ever did was over 20 years ago and couched in the work of other legends like tim willits and sandy petersen

Now I downloaded a version that gives you the shotgun and the triple gun in the first room on normal
What the fuck? This wasnt there in the other versions

Quake II is the pinnacle of the FPS genre.

That's the stupidest opinion I've heard since "HL2 is the pinnacle of the FPS genre".

So this is the best we'll ever see, huh?

You can download the original CD image here:

Install Quakespasm after that. Don't forget to mount the disk on drive E: else the music won't play.

some versions are modded for some stupid reason. if you check the description of the torrent it should tell you if its the original version


Jesus christ so much bullshit I just want to play this old and popular as fuck game youd think it would be way easier

dat floaty recoil
one of the things I didn't like about Quake 2

PAK files

Music files

Download Quakespasm, put these shit in there, set up the music folder like in and you're done

More info here

i hope id does a reboot for quake a la doom

That looks like garbage

old-games.ru is a pretty legit site.

t. Russkie

>Crouching in a corner while enemies light you up
>on the second level

lol, you don't get to have an opinion kiddo

only that gun has the floaty recoil and it is the design intent of the gun, so you haven't played the game

It's actually a good site. Has original images for many old ass PC games, no need to register, can either download through http or torrent.

>but muh retro fps
Quake 1 doesn't look any better.

Is there any other source port besides DarkPlaces that preserves them? This is a major deal breaker for me when it comes to the authentic Quake experience.

>only that gun

Nah I'm pretty sure guns other than the machine gun have it too more or less. Quake 2 is typical 90s floaty-core. One more reason original is better.

Nigga just get dark places and look for the .pak files then look for the music .pke and drag and drop them into the id1 folder

>Nah I'm pretty sure guns other than the machine gun have it too more or less

they don't. the floatiness is the design intent of the gun. recoil of that nature had not been seen in an FPS game yet. no other gun in quake2 lifts.

I meant in terms of gameplay. You're just standing there shooting generic enemy #3. It truly looks like a modern FPS, not in its graphics but its lack of originality and boring and tried game design

>not recognizing the demo sequence
>thinks he's hardcore

quake should be played with directquake. quake should be made to look like software quake, in an engine that supports all features of software quake. I think quakespasm is also acceptable but i'm not sure about quit messages

oh yeah the way shotgun's animation moves in the very same floaty way.

i was actually quite sure it was the intro sequence at once but i guess i forgot exactly what happens in 18 years. i didn't remember the crouching in the corner

we can go right now and ill paste you in any quake btw. after a 10 year layoff.

i'm skeptical, but I'll take your words for it.

>shotgun with drum
>it's pump action


I hope they focus more on the horror element and atmosphere rather than trying to appeal to neo-Quake "LIGHTNING FAST OLD SCHOOL H4RDC0R3 ACTION" crowd that clings primarily to the multiplayer. Make it like a gothic Dead Space, Dark Souls the FPS or a non-shitty Doom 3.

DarkPlaces is a good example that you can only go so far with 1996 assets.

a fucking disappointment

So many years..

When the world was much better.

Finished Scourge of Armagon last night. It's really fun but the final boss is kinda crappy.

vQuake looked pretty damn good way back when. Never liked the game, though. Especially the weapon sounds; they just sounded crap.

They're not there. I read the Quakespasm development history and apparently they were taken out in an earlier update. Is there any way to patch them back in?

isnt pump action. it's a revolver with a grip.

Quake is a trash series except original tf. It wasn't as revolutionary as doom and didn't have the texture technology of unreal. Then by the time you get to quake3 the speed us upped because they wanted it to be an unreal clone.

I never had a chance to play Quake 1, only played Quake 2 with the Xbox 360 release of Quake 4. It was just a series I never had a chance to try. I was born in 91 and played plenty of Doom, Doom 2, and so on, so it wasn't a lack of FPS interest at the time.

But yeah, back to Quake. I would absolutely love to play Quake 1 and Quake 2, but every modern release of them fucks shit up. I want the original game, just updated to work well with modern systems without tinkering. I want the original soundtrack. I want to -buy- them legitimately, to support more older FPS coming out in a better modern fashion. Stuff like RTCW, Hexen.

Sound still doesnt work

I give up

there's no reason a shotgun with a drum cannot be pump action.

Yes, by using directquake. You do not need to specifically use quakespasm. I was there for quake and imo directquake is better.

>Unreal was ever faster than Quake/Doom
>not the other way around

>It wasn't as revolutionary as doom

yeah that whole inventing internet play and inventing consumer 3d acceleration for video games didnt even make a dent

quake is actually far more influential than doom. doom created a genre which lived and then died, and would've existed anyway. without carmack's programming acumen we may have been waiting 2 more years for tcp/ip in games.

nigga I did that /vr/ guide a week ago it works fine if you actually read that shit

The atmosphere of Quake is excellent. I love entering Cathedrals and castles that boom with this old, gritty setting mixed with the Lovecraft enemies and industrial soundtrack. the claustrophobic level design fits well with the eerie and dark world.

I mean, when you open Quake the brightness of the game is so low because it fit with the universe of the world and how the lighting was so dark practically no monster needed eyes, the blood smearing the walls as if the Ranger entered some nightmare realm fighting through to destroy all the devilish enemies. Of course now Quake looks a bit edgy, but it stands the time with its heart-racing gameplay and level design and unique setting

I did exactly as its said there, maybe is my computer.

buy it from gog, it works. and you get arena and daggerfall with it.

There's no reason to give money to id software. Nobody involved in doom or quake is there anymore except for kevin cloud, who is now an executive producer, ie moved past his competency into management and now does not make a difference.

download the warez, download the soundtrack, play in source ports that maintain the original experience. Not hard to do. whatsoever.

Just use a virutal machine or DOSbox.

Quake could have been so much more if the development team wasn't so busted to just make a reskinned Doom team more or less. Check out the book and Romero's interview, it delves more into what happened during the development of Quake. A shame Quake could've been so much more, but what we got still was great nevertheless.



it doesn't mean anything. stop saying it.

>wow this game where you go to fight interdimensional evil monsters has gruesome level design
yeah no shit.

>quake is edgy
>in 2016

Love it. Can't get enough of classic FPS games honestly.

Just do this It's important to mount as E.

Quake's soundtrack is the best NIN album and one of the best videogame soundtracks of ALL time.

I'm zipping up my quake directory that's got a ton of shit already set up and ready to go from the /vr/ guide.

I'll post a link to it if you guys want.

Its spoonfeeding newfags but fuck it, its quake, in quakespasm.

Quake could not have been more than it was, it stands as one of the most important and greatest games of all time.

Romero is just saying exactly Peter Molyneux shit. Anyone who has been playing video games for more than a few years understands that shit like that never comes to fruition.

Romero wanted quake to be a fucking MMO game. in 1996. when people barely had internet access. Great idea.

edgy =/= bad










I've played so much Doom in my life, I guess I should really get around to playing through Quake 1 at least at some point here.

My first and most beloved FPS game.

Wish they would bring Quake back to it's interdimensional pseudo-Lovecraftian roots, rather than keep it going as just a remixed Doom shootoff with Aliens instead of Demons.




I'm not saying I find Quake edgy, but compared to today's games a lot of people would think that.

>enemies smeared with blood
>soundtrack with gritty and guy screaming at you as if this is postal
>dark gameplay that means sewious business

I mean just look at this video. I know the author wasn't serious, but its as if Quake would be mocked by today's standards


One billion dollars > 3 > Pizza > 1 > Sawdust > 2 > Rotten garbage > 4 > Your waifu

Ironically, CoD's engine was built off of the Quake engine.

Modern Warfare used a heavily modified Quake engine.