-Battlefield 1
-ME Andromeda
-Sims 5
-Titanfall 2
-Plants vs Zombies Garden Warfare 3
-Battlefront 2 teaser
-Visceral's Star Wars game teaser
-Peggle 4 teaser

-Skyrim Remastered
-Prey 2
-Evil Within 2
-Wolfenstein 2
-Dishonored 2
-Doom DLC
-TESO expansion

-Gears 4
-Halo Wars 2
-Sea of Thieves
-Crackdown 3
-Forza Horizon 3
-Dead Rising 4
-Phantom Dust
-Lost Odyssey 2
-Age of Empires 4
-Xbone Slim

-The Fractured, But Whole
-For Honor
-Watch_Dogs 2
-Ghost Recon Wildlands
-Beyond Good and Evil 2
-Assassins Creed 2017 teaser

-God of War 4
-Ace Combat 7
-Persona 5
-Horizon: Zero Dawn
-Shenmue 3 update
-nier Automata
-From Softwares new game
-Crash Bandicoot
-COD Infinite Warfare
-PS4 Neo

-Undertale Wii U port

Does that about cover everything that will be shown?

I love her so much.
How do I ease the pain of loving someone I will never meet?

anzu is a cutie

That must've taken a while to type on a phone.

Deus Ex.

>no ricochet 2

We already saw that didn't we?

Silly Anzu, have you forgotten what E3 is?

We've shipped over twenty seven million units to retailers - Every console maker

Our digital sales have made *million dollars in 2015 - Every console maker

We estimate we will make over a billion dollars over the next five years - Every console maker

She is Turkish, is she also Muslim? How is she so white (pale skin, natural blue eyes, light brown hair) her features are incredibly foreign for the area. My neighbor's mom was similar, she was from Turkey, but pale, had red hair and blue eyes. She was a Christian minority. and immigrated to the US. Are they just a small European minority left over from territorial changes over time?

Missing Colour Splash

Also checked

Dumb turksmell poster

Fuck off.

Oh, that's right. They might do a quick mention of it, though.

White skin isn't unnatural for Arabs and Turks but most have black hair with brown eyes. Also, Islam isn't a race.

>Sims 5
They still have to jew out Sims 4 a bit more, they only released two major expansion packs by now.

>lost odyssey 2
except that won't happen. The IP is in limbo. Otherwise somewhat believable besides all this PS4 neo and xbone slim and shit nonsense.

I want to cuddle with Anzu.

Checked your great digits senpai

>Nier Automata
If Nier Automata is shown on Sony's stream I'd suck my own dick.

Learn the actual scale or projects and audience they target before throwing titles at a wall.


Can't wait for God of War 4

You guys think there will be any surprise announcements or is everything getting leaked before?

Could be territorial changes or just had slavic ancestors that were slaves for the Ottomans. Or has an ancestor that got abducted by the ottomans

Double Trips and Anzu. What a great thread.

I'm going to marry Anzu!

it is pretty unnatural, not only given their ethnic makeup but the climates of their countries. They're not all dark brown, plenty are tan or olive skinned and I know Islam isn't a race, I was asking if she is a Muslim. Turkey is a more moderate Islamic country, the women wear skirts, go on the beaches, wear makeup etc.. I was just curious if she identifies as a Muslim.

There might be one or two, but mostly everyone has been able to guess what they may be or it's been leaked

so is this a grill or a >she

>Skyrim Remaster

What a redundant crock of shit.

If the excuse is consoles dont have access to skyrim mods, then fucking kill me- I dont want to live on this gay earth anymore.


>Release date(s) November 11, 2011[1]

Just think of all the complaining people did about PS2 remasters and now we're getting remasters of 5 (FIVE) year old games.

Never mind then.

Everything you listed is utter shit, prove me wrong.


>skyrim remastered

>this is your average turkish woman

because normies will eat it up and todd can retire

If only.

Germanfag here. The average Turkish woman is an obnoxious nigress with lighter skin.

What a shitty E3...

How do I find a girl like Anzu?

Devil May Cry 5 might get announced. Probably during the Sony conference.

Honestly? With a room that clean and well organized, a bunch of parents wouldn't mind that much.

>all those rehashes
g-golden age of gaming

what the fuck that's my room

Odds are it is supposed to represent a parent that found out how their college fund was spent.

Did the second expansion flop or something? Cause I feel like it's been forever since it came out


is this the new primitive sponge meme but with a disappointed mom?

You got it, user

>-Plants vs Zombies Garden Warfare 3

are you retarded? they haven't even released half of free dlcs and you want GW3 lol

black twitter sure is uncreative

>Undertale Wii U port
Does the Wii U even have GameMaker support?

>Halo Wars 2

Literally the only thing I give a fraction of a shit about

Everything else can drown in shit and die



I just want to die

Is this her without makeup or someone completely different?

Completely different, this is her.

I can't believe I'm in love with a Turk!

I LOVE ANZU! And her cute feets!

Let's also have totally-not-a-boy-Anzu

I forgot how in reality, she avoids hamburgers and fries.

She is VERY skinny, but that's okay! It would be fun and cute to chubben her up!

>-Sims 5
Written off from the start. Literally doesn't make sense.


Cuddling with Anzu!


If EA is willing to take a major hit to gain a substantial playerbase, they would release the base game with several expansions of content included.

The Sims 4 was heavily boycotted due to the price and offering the exact same experience as The Sims 3.

Anzu's cute feet, marinating inside her sweaty, stuffy stocking!

ITT: degenerates

Implying you are a saint that just happens to be passing through this thread, on this site.

I can't have a room like that
I'm scared that a earthquake will happen and then people will find my dead body underneath a rubble of anime shit


You sure caught me, lol



post her butt already

you forgot hl3

I-I've never seen Anzu's butt...!

go find it

>Anzu posting

I wanna cut up and eat anzu!

I'd like a Peggle RTS before they even think about making another sequel.

I-If that pic even existed, it would feel wrong to look at it!

I want to squash that roach.

stop stuttering like a faggot and go find that roach girls ass

There is something very unsettling and off about this person

You post it! It's too lewd for me!

go find it fuck boy,you're the only one who can keep this thread from being shit

i would plow that feminine, malnourished boy so hard

There are plenty of white skin red hair kids from Syria and all over the Middle East. It is about as rare as it is in other ethnic populations except Scotland and Scottish descent in America.

Imagine coming home to find a homecooked meal on the table, and a horny Anzu wearing only an apron!


>you will never put her in a boston crab so deep that the heels of her feet would press against the back of her head

If there was a point to living, it certainly wouldn't be ignoring the bell ringing as she taps out because I'm a sonnovabitch.

why are you exclamation mark retards so fucking cringey?
jesus fuck kill yourselves

I would put Anzu in a Figure Four, and I would want her to put me in a armbar so that my arm is touching her cute, sticky groin!

>Sims 5
Are you a joke?

post her cock

Someone post the Turks are white pic


>looking this thin

literally have the urge to rip her apart

Thin is in, user. Eventually people will lighten up to the idea of thick dominating thin, and then we can live in harmony.

I love thin! I want to be a big guy with a cute thin wife! That is the cutest pairing. Also, you can fatten them up and they'll still be cute anyway, whereas in other cases it would either be an average girl becoming a fatty, or a fat girl getting fatter.

I would do unforgivable things to do unforgivable things to this girl.

how do you defeat the hungry skeleton

I've been going to the gym but I don't know these terminologys /fit/ speaks of. I've been going on that elliptical machine for 3 days and been doing adobminal crunches in between

Anzu is FLAT!