An ancient evil has awoken

>an ancient evil has awoken

>The worlds aligned and magic crept into our world

>magic and the gods died off long ago and now it is the world of men

>They called it The World Tree

>an ancient good has awoken
>an ancient neutral has awoken

>a perfect world where nothing bad happens
>evil creeps in
>you must defeat all evil
>game ends with you realising the world was never perfect, and accepting that it never will be

>long ago the forces of men and monsters battled fiercly
>humanity won one of the closest wars ever fought

>An ancient evil has joined the party

>you can kill everyone
>the game recognizes your rampage

> And his name is

>you are the ancient evil

>a young neutral has asleeped

there's always gods & magic, and the world of men, but what comes next? WHAT COMES NEXT?!?!?

>love interest is the key to everything

>it's a human experiment gone wrong

>a frog has been posted


The age of doggos

>If you kill him you will be just like him

>do it anyways
>game whines about it like a cunt

>An ancient evil has joined the game
>An ancient evil: "you're fucked m8"
>He proceeds to open a can of whoop ass

Name a single game where any of this made up trash happens, you reddit meemee fucks.

Saints Row 2

>being an uneducated nigger

do your own fucking research

tales of symphonia

Super Mario Bros. 2

>you are the ancient evil
Doom 2016

The Elder Scrolls 7: Niagra Falls

>you can kill everyone and the game recognizes your rampage

Soul Nomad, Undertale, Fallout 2 and NV to a certain degree