I5-2500k master race - is it finally over?

is the i5-2500k master race truly over? it has been a good run, but i'm beginning to see bottlenecks in games like TW3 and others even when OC'd to 4.4 (lost the lottery).

Should I move to the 4670k or go for the 6600k for the meme DDR4?

Other urls found in this thread:

amazon.com/Kingston-HyperX-FURY-2x8GB-1866MHz/dp/B00J8E8Y5C/ref=sr_1_1?s=pc&ie=UTF8&qid=1465509659&sr=1-1&keywords=ddr3 16gb
amazon.com/Corsair-Vengeance-3000MHz-PC4-24000-Memory/dp/B0134EW7G8/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1465509661&sr=8-1&keywords=ddr4 16gb

get the meme ram senpai

>get the meme ram senpai
i don't much see the point. vidya games hardly benefit from an increase of 1600-2133Mhz, and the returns are diminishing and even negligible near 2133Mhz.

I need a new processor.

Should I purchase an i5-6600K?

I applaud you for sticking to Sandy Bridge for so long. Have fun moving on user!

I finally upgraded mine to an i5-6600k much less stuttering and cooler Temps than my old 2500k.

How desperate is your need? November is the best time to buy new hardware and this year potentially even more so since new hardware will be landing around that time.

I went from a 2500k to a 4690k and didn't see that much of a difference in gaming.

It did cut my video render time into 1/3rd though

>I applaud you for sticking to Sandy Bridge for so long.
Well, I would have upgraded sooner, but Ivy Bridge was a shit show, and Haswell wasn't worth what you gained at the time. Now, shit has gotten to the point where SB is showing its age.

Still don't really see the point in Skylake, much like Haswell when it was released. 5% improvement over Haswell for a few hundred dollars more... No thanks unless someone can provide a convincing argument otherwise.

I really wish I had gone for the 2500k instead of the cheapest i5. I thought I was going to upgrade to an Ivy-Bridge i7 but the I5 continues to be just good enough.

>paying for the meme HD 3000 graphics.

I bought a AMD 7850k. Can play DOTA 30 fps on max.

>Can play DOTA 30 fps on max.


Not OP, but video rendering is pretty much the only reason I can think of to upgrade my 2500k.

Meh, I had to rebuild my PC and I went with Skylake 6700K and it's a noticeable difference

DDR4 helps too.

>meme DDR4


>Muh 60 fps

Literally spent $120 and can play every game I've wanted to with console tier performance in HD.

Spending more than that for not even noticable performance increases is a complete waste of money especially when you consider the mark up on processors like i7

>no comparison between DDR3 2133

In CPU bound situations faster RAM helps.

OP, wait for Kaby Lake, Skylake was a fucking garbage release.

What the hell. Can i get more benchmarks

>>no comparison between DDR3 2133
There's no DDR3 at 4000 so DDR4 is still better

>he spent over $200 for a processor that comes paired with a shit graphics card that he will literally never use
>sarcasm will make this acceptable

I didn't know Intel shilled on Sup Forums.

Compare it to DDR3 or fuck off. Comparisons of only DDR4 are worthless to me. Yes, FPS improves when the RAM is faster. We have known this for decades.

Show that there is a SIGNIFICANT improvement in DDR4 over DDR3.

And also don't use ARMA 3 with fucking 8x AA as a benchmark for obvious reasons.

>he spent $120 on a processor that will bottleneck a 500 series card
>somehow this is more acceptable than spending on a capable processor with a useful feature in case your graphics card shits itself

>Yes, FPS improves when the RAM is faster.
Ok then there's no need for comparision.

It's never significant. We're talking about RAM

> And also don't use ARMA 3 with fucking 8x AA as a benchmark for obvious reasons.
Did you even click the link?

The 4670k had problems that led to he release of the 4690k, get that instead unless the price difference is substantial enough for you.

Though the 6600k would be a proper upgrade for you

>It's never significant. We're talking about RAM
Then why are you defending it and trying to get me to get DDR4 RAM?
>Did you even click the link?
No, I saw increases of maybe 5 fps in fucking ARMA3 with DDR4 RAM and no comparison to DDR3 and trashed the link.

I agree, fellow Gamer! The old 2500k just doesn't cut it anymore.

I recommend making the jump to the revolutionary new Intel® Core™ i7-6700K. Available at your local tech retailer today for just $349.95!

you're not going to get significantly better performance from a newer CPU

I can run pretty much anything on Ultra 1080p at 60fps with a 2500k and 780ti.

It's not over.

>Then why are you defending it and trying to get me to get DDR4 RAM?
Because it's better?

>62 degrees


I have a 980 and W3 still framedropped on ultra without hairworks at 1080p.

The GPU was not being taxed heavily, but the CPU was.

I want 60fps stable, not dropping and stuttering.

The question is HOW MUCH better, and is it worth 2x the price of DDR3?

i have a 4690k, OC to only 4ghz. does it all for me, wont need a diff cpu for a while.

W3 doesn't run very well on anything

>not waiting for Zen

Top kek. Even if you're a brainwashed anti-AMD Sup Forums kiddie, it'll knock the price of Intel's HEDT chips down. Now that's a proper upgrade from a 2500k, not this pathetic 15% bullshit you'd get from a 6600k.

it does on my two rigs I played the game with. good job talking out of your cornhole though.

That is what i currently have and it works wonders. Only really get it if you have nothing else as its pretty damn good possibly for the next 5 years.

DDR4 isn't even close to 2x the price of DDR3.

1866MHz 16GB DDR3 $60
3000MHz 16GB DDR3 $70
amazon.com/Kingston-HyperX-FURY-2x8GB-1866MHz/dp/B00J8E8Y5C/ref=sr_1_1?s=pc&ie=UTF8&qid=1465509659&sr=1-1&keywords=ddr3 16gb
amazon.com/Corsair-Vengeance-3000MHz-PC4-24000-Memory/dp/B0134EW7G8/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1465509661&sr=8-1&keywords=ddr4 16gb

Runs fine for me on my old ass 965 / 7870 rig.

That's during a burn test. It's perfectly acceptable.

truth, cpu's have been stagnant for a while

DDR4 $70*

>my anecdotal evidence is better than your anecdotal evidence

>Waiting months to get worse processor because it's cheaper

>those framerates with an OC'd 2500k
I don't get these, so I'm assuming my system is just fucked.

Time to finally do the sensible thing and dual boot linux and win10 enterprise.

Just because you buggered your PC up with shitty bloatware doesn't mean W3 runs badly.

Go fuck yourself buddy.

>Worse than 1151


I'm talking about Zen, not Broadwell-E. Broadwell-E will not see enough of a price drop to make it worth while for gaming regardless of what Zen is.

Wait to see what Zen does to the market

i don't think i buggered up my computer very badly, but i still don't get the framerates shown in for W3 in Novigrad even with a better graphics card.

forgot pic

As long as Zen is at least Haswell tier and cheaper than Intel I'll get on the AMD bandwagon

your java is outdated

>tfw I have an i5 2500k but haven't overclocked it
>i don't know how

The only game I've seen framerates tied to ram speed is Fallout 4. That says more about Bethesda being hacks than the actual value of ram speed in most games

>Kaby Lake
this is the first time I've heard of this

I'm actually kinda glad because I've been wanting to build a new PC and now I can start planning

Don't expect a big or even noticeable improvement over Skylake.

No. Even more so if you're a 2600k owner.

I'm still on ivy bridge so I'm hoping at the very least they'll either be worth buying or drive the price of other CPUs down

Kaby Lake will not be a major step up from Skylake.

Previously Intel had a tick-tock cycle where every other generation they would make a new architecture or shrink the die size. When Intel released Skylake last July they announced that the next generation, Cannonlake (which was supposed to be a die shrink of Skylake's new architecture) was being delayed till 2017 because they were having manufacturing problems getting the process smaller and that instead they would be releasing Kaby Lake in Cannonlake's late 2016 spot. Kaby Lake is basically just Skylake but with native USB 3.1 support and a iGPU that supports HDCP 2.2.

who fx here

Welp, looks like I might be holding out until next year then. I don't usually find myself being bottlenecked by my CPU but seeing as I'd like to get a new GPU it could become a possibility. I guess I'll cross that bridge when I get there

Go to your motherboard bios and crank your multiplier. You can easily get a 4.6GHz on air with the 2500k without even needing to increase voltage or whatnot.

None of us have any need to consider Kaby Lake. Our money's better spent on getting a single 1070 or 1080, or hell, even on RX 480.