There will never be another Legends game

>There will never be another Legends game
>There will never be another Zero game
>There will never be another ZX game
>There will never be another Battle Network game
>There will never be another Star Force game
>If were lucky we might get a new classic or X game
>Mighty no 9 is the only future "Mega Man" has
>Capcom teases us with legacy collection and a new cartoon
>Funko Pop toys announced today

Tell me fellow MM fans
Why haven't you killed yourself yet?

Other urls found in this thread:

>Funko Pop

mighty no. 9 is looking bad
the new megaman cartoon
the new megaman games coming out on mobile

yeah what is keeping megaman fans from doing a mass suicide....
I'm a megaman fan and I've been on life support for a long time now...

end me

>Funko Pop

Protoman at least kinda works in that style but my god those things are trash.

>Why haven't you killed yourself yet?
I hope for more ZX.
If they fucked up ZX even further, I might take the end route though.


literally who in their right mind can think those things look any good, they're always hideous

There are no heroes left in man.

Maybe if you stop revolving your life around one franchise, you wouldn't be so damn weak

>only game upcoming is the equivalent of Sonic Boom


ZX Advent sold like complete shit. There's never going to be a sequel. The only thing I have hope for would be remotely realistic is a Battle Network collection that combines the features of both versions of each game and has online multiplayer.

I think Rush and Wily look good. What always bugs me is the no mouth shit.

Red Ash makes me even more sad because it was a concept with a storyline and aesthetic I could really get behind, except we know it's in the hands of fuckers who are going to ruin it, 100% guaranteed.

I'm holding out for a BN game.

You can do it, Capcom. You stupid, stupid fucks.

Pop figures look so awful. Why would anyone spend money on them?

BN1 HD for mobile

I will usually buy most megaman stuff i come across but not this, i refuse to own any of those shitty pop vinyl figures and cant understand why anyone would want one. they look like something someone would put on their shelf for a youtube show or tv show so people can see how much of a "nerd" they are

>No Roll
I would stab a bitch if they made a Funko Pop of her.

Protoman only "Works" because his base design is so great.

This shit still looks retarded and I'd rather have a real figure that this fat headed bullshit.

Play Gunvolt man.

It's basically the spiritual successor to ZX, had Inafune involved, and didn't actually suck ass.

Plus the sequel looks incredible.

Megaman had a pretty good run.

There's a ton of Megaman games already so I think it's fine that he's dead. Im still really really fucking mad about Legends 3, they didn't even release the prototype demo $5 game. I bought a 3DS for $250 just to help make and buy that game. And let's not forget the 3DS had NO GAMES at the moment

>Funko pop
Is this the buyfag thread?

Gunvolt is a very different beast, and if you go in expecting ZX you'll be a bit disappointed. It scratches a different itch. Decent game though.

>gameplay revolves around tagging enemies instead of actually shooting them, having to hold down a button to slowly wait for them to die of the electricity damage
>can no longer just destroy enemies, have to dash into them to finish them

Why are these games so fucking desperate to ruin the fluidity of normal megaman-style gameplay?

>TFW capcom will never make toys for the OG PET or the Hunter VG so your collection will always feel incomplete

I'm kind of thankful they're not making a Roll. It would've probably looked bad.

I do play Gunvolt, but ASG and ZX are pretty different. It's not the same.
Gunvolt is pretty good too, though.

Well, technically you can shoot enemies to death in MN9, but it takes longer. The dash mechanic isn't that bad fluidity-wise, but from what I played of the demo it only works if the level design supports it properly.

In the fire stage, for instance, you can instantly die even with mercy invincibility on some obstacles, so it becomes a "why bother" thing.

Probably because they're trying to develop their own brand, and don't want to be recognized solely as clones of the old franchises.

Personally I found the dash mechanic interesting, but I can see why others hate it.

Only Protoman looks good, those fucking eyes are terrible

It's not the death of the series that bothers me like most these limp dicked faggots.

It's the raping of it's corpse and legacy.

The last REAL megaman game we had was MM10, and that was six years ago. And that's fine, I wish there would be some resolution on some weird plot things(namely the time gap between classic and X and getting volnutt off the moon) but it had a good run. But look at all the absolute garbage that's been either using it's namesake or trying to rip off the "spirit" of the series since then. Xover, MN9, the cartoon, these stupid figures, SFxMM, all the cancelled games and the dumbass drama around them.

This honestly feels worse than the early 2000s when we were getting hot trash X games like 6 and 7.


Y'all are fuckin' stupid.

Plus Gunvolt does have a gun which doesn't tag people, called the Dullahan, designed to make it more similar to Mega Man.

You only unlock the gun after doing all the challenge stages though.

>There will never be a game that explains why Axl is nonexistant in ZX
>There will never be an explanation as to what Lumine's shard did to Axl's skull gem
>nor an explanation on why he's the perfect picture of health in Command Mission

Why do Mega Man fans act like they're victims? 7th gen saw the release of
>the final BN game
>the entire Star Force series
>the ZX series
>classic 9 & 10
>Powered Up and Maverick Hunter X
>Zero collection
>Volnutt, Roll, and Zero in TvC/MvC

But Capcom cancels Legends 3, and you guys act like you're being persecuted and that you haven't been getting games this entire time. Then you guys, out of desperation, fund Inafune's scam, and get completely burned once it's apparent it was a hoax all along.

I'm fucking glad that Capcom is just squatting on the Mega Man IP just to spite you faggots.

>Or why Zero has an armor that makes him look like Bass

This desu

Post Splash Woman.

people wouldn't be as upset about it if it all didn't end on such a sour note. you have the legends 3 cancellation, followed by the cancellation of universe and the MMO then capcom says megaman will be in street fighter X tekken but its actually bad boxart megaman (which people would have taken better if not for the previous stuff happening). there is also Xover being a shitty game and capcom thinking that they can advertise a literal fangame and make it look like they did something new and now recently there is the legacy collection which is a crappier version of the anniversary collection that also runs worse.

if capcom just let the game die off quietly, people would not be as mad and then they wouldnt have all ended up being rused by the conman



Left or right?

Obviously the fucking left

left left left left left



Even though left is sexier, it has a fish vagina. So right

Ganassa tier

Why do you hate funk pop?


The true Phantom Pain was not some shitty Big Boss game, it was the loss of this series.

right senpai