Dark Souls 3 (Steam) help request

Hello guys.
I just finished farming 30 Proof of Concord kept, which took me 6 hours.

Now I'm figuratively 1 ring away from 100% Achievements.
I want 100% Achievements.

if anyone has the "Wolf Ring", the one who does require you to get Rank 2 in Watchdogs of Farron, I would love it to get it lent to me for a second.

Please respond with a IRL time (GMT) and ingame-password and location.

I don't want to spend another 6 hours grinding.

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add me

sent :)

sent : ^)

are you guys being sarcastic?

just farm it from the ghru user

it's a lot quicker than the silve knights

I never figured out how the whole GMT thing worked, meet me at firelink in 10 minutes. Use "ring_loan" as a password.

even at 499 Item Discovery outside the Abyss Watcher Bossroom (Best place for farming) I did not drop shit after 20 minutes...
I need 28

Sent you 2 :^)

I would love to, but you can't co-operate jollily in Firelink how about First Bonfire of High Wall of Lothric?

I'm so fucking desperate, I did not notice the troll until i tried to type in "ring_loan" and noticed that 8 characters is the max.

Just dropped it for you behind Lothric's throne OP plz hurry and pick it up before someone else does I want it back after

trolls have taken over

The wolf drops the wolf ring if I am not mistaken

thou'st mistaken gravely

Just follow the guide youtube.com/watch?v=-lOEJ5FgBo8&ab_channel=OGamir0

now there are even trolls pretending not to see the "3" in this threads title

nobody cares

Saw the DaS picture, thought you were part of the 10.6. DaS restart group. Sue me for trying to help.

If you pve'd for your covenant items you are a fucking casual shitter. It's a lot faster to invade, even for Darkmoon.

you do know that in order to get the covenent items for Darkmoon/Blue Sentinels or Watchdogs of Farron, you need to get summoned?

Every condition to be summoned was met while i was farming, but i never got summoned.

I can PvP well enough, thank you

>Every condition to be summoned was met while i was farming, but i never got summoned.

Sounds like it's your own fault for buying the game on a dead platform.

You didnt possibly expect help from 4chin, did you? Ask on reddit.com/r/pumparum/ you faggot.

did you just call PC Gaming in Europe shit?

I beg you to differ

I stayed in proper level ranges for covenant areas and had no trouble getting summoned barring Darkmoon. Even still, it was fast enough at times, so I eventually got the Concords in like a day anyway.

>6 hours grinding

Wolf Ring is way easier, you can grind it out within an hour. The drop rate is much better.

No, I called it irrelevant. No one plays on PC, so you might as well cheat engine that shit in and get your 100% achievements. If you get soft banned it won't make a difference anyway.

You have too many opinions on things you know too little about, console friendo.

Explain how I'm wrong, I'll wait.

k. www.google.com/search?q=dark+souls+platform+sale