Y'all ready for E3?

Y'all ready for E3?

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I got my grapes ready.

Im fucking hyped for the failures.


Ready for that to be some underwhelming shit whatever it is

I want to see From's new game.
Kojima's new game.
FFXIV expansion.
Battlefield 1.
Anything on the last guardian, FFXV, Star Ocean 5.
Any of the fucking cringe we usually get to see from retard devs.

He always over hypes nothingness
Seeing the new CoD trailer probably made him say that

He obviously is talking about the Youtube shit he's being a big part of this year since GameTrailer is dead.
And the games that get revealed in generalt and not the shit showsn the publisher have on stage

Now youtube is streaming E3?

Is he actually from the south? He mispelled "y'all."

>you will aren't ready for

Finally my Mtdew flavored dorito will come true

Its gonna be lit senpai

I thought dorito pope was just some hack shill but he actually seems pretty based

Every E3 I expect nothing and I'm still disappointed

What a tool.

He's pretty chill

He's always been based, he just has no soul.

He's pretty cool, he's just been beaten down by the industry and has sold his soul

He's a cool guy. Have faith

he's always been "based" but promotion is something that is 100% required in the media he's in. Do you expect him to work for free or something? In hindsight the doritogate scandal was a bunch of immature underaged Sup Forums cucks crying about a guy doing his job.

He should work for free. Entertainment isn't an industry, what he does isn't a job. God, when are you going to learn the rules around here?

He's a decent guy.

The only people who actually dislike him are nintendrones mad that he asked that nigger at NoA a couple of tough questions.

we all love keighley since he actually cares about games but because of the nature of the industry he has no integrity and will shill anything

deep down inside, you all know that this is just him getting paid to advertise watch dogs and mountain dew

industry insider here
its MGSV: TFC releasing Q3 16

>tough questions about a product not many people are that interested in on a console that isn't selling well
>at the time people defending Reggie
>2 years later, looking at Nintendo now, Geoff was 100% correct

He did nothing wrong.

Who's streaming Bethesda and EA on Sunday besides twitch? Twitch for Bethesda last year was shit.

>not y'all


but twitch chat is epic :D

>Geoff has been to E3 more years than average Sup Forumsirgin has been alive

>E3 is in 5 days
Where does the time go?

Reminder that there is literally nothing wrong with saying y'all (assuming you spell it correctly).

It's 3 days retard.

Well you're either a nigger or a redneck

Why is everyone excited for this e3?

Is this your first fucking e3? it has to be.

every fucking time they blow their load at one E3, the one immediately following the next year will be shittier because everything announced at the previous E3 won't have come out by then.

i've been watching them since 2008 and they follow this exact pattern every time.

All over your face you fucking faggot.

Last year's E3 will look like a circus compared to this year, especially when Half Life 3 is announced.

Or someone that recognizes the necessity for clear language.
English does not have a unique second person plural pronoun, "y'all" fills that void.

I havn't seen gundam poster for a while

I remember him on that chronicles of riddick documentary. He's based and been around forever. True gamer

In recent history it seems that Kojima has rekindled his soul, at least partially.

They're literally the most rabid fanboy group on the internet. They give twitter fangirls of pop groups like One Direction a run for their money. Anything they say can be discounted. These are people who defend fucking REGION LOCKING.

There was anything good announced last year though?

Hes alright in my book, he loves games but he understands the situation

Ya'll aren't ready for what is about to happen.


>e3 will likely disappoint me

He just lied about not knowing about Half Life 3 in Periscope as an end note, absolutely hilarious attempt at concealing that he knows nothing.

knows something*

it's been ages since anyone has shit on him, and when they did it was a totally different time.

E3 2015 didn't really had that many cringe moments like the previous E3. Most likely because they announced many great games last year.

Odd Future, I'm too white. How can I change that?

>They're literally the most rabid fanboy group on the internet.
>These are people who defend fucking REGION LOCKING.
I was gonna say Sonyggers have them beat because of that Uncharted 4 review they wanted to boycott but literally how do you even defend region locking?

The criticism surrounding him was misguided, but I still think it was justified. The hot topic around that time was "paid reviews" and publishers handing out incentives for 10s. Then you got this guy sitting in the middle of a shameless marketing orgy, going on about how exciting the new CoD installment looks, then the only time he's "honest" is when he's shitting on Nintendo in the face of one of their representatives. Some people saw it as Nintendo being insulted for not "playing along" and the palms of the media outlets.

I can never not laugh at that image.

I couldn't get through the whole thing holy shit that was hard to watch.

they did last year too.Went there when twitch's streams started lagging. They have the same setup as GS/IGN has with interviewing developers between keynotes. it wasn't too shabby.

>I was gonna say Sonyggers have them beat because of that Uncharted 4 review they wanted to boycott

To be fair every bigger fanboy group would rage about a review like this.

That has nothing to do with paid reviews, it's PR in the most transparent way possible.

>Some people saw it as Nintendo being insulted for not "playing along" and the palms of the media outlets.

Oh fuck off. Nintendo have had the benefit of most sites like IGN assigning a dedicated "Nintendo reviewer" (i.e. a fanboy who is clearly not objective) for decades now.

still such a surreal image

Is it wrong that I'm almost more hype for the extreme cringe and anger at the death of gaming than I am for cool game announcements?

Where's the user that made those E3 countdown threads with a pic of some green robot showing his hands? He stopped doing those?

I can't hate him after that article, shit I just feel sorry for him.

I swear he said the same thing last year...

what article

That's the whole spirit about the E3. But I'm really excited to see real gameplay from Mass Effect Andromeda.

you bet op

I've been having a weird gut feeling about this E3 for a while now. I think it's going to be extra magical.

I can't wait to have my expectations shat all over.

remember the golden rule for e3 guys

If he's friend with Kojima he's ok in my book.

Ready to see Angry Spic get BTFO?

Damn I have no idea why this has so many replies

>Keighley and Conan

Kojima is going to show P.T. 2
From is going to show CyberpunkSouls
Bethesda is going to show Elder Scrolls 6
Destiny 2

Doritoâ„¢ thread!

My Body is Ready

>too early for kojima
>expansion just got announced and dated won't be happening
>Red Dead 2 or something else will happen first


I agree

>internets fucked
>technician can come at soonest tuesday
>stolen wifi is third-world tier
>laggy 240p stream
hold me

>pls watch muh stream

Dorito Pope is the hero we need.

>Unwavering fiber connection over ethernet

He is.

I was kind of hoping Nintendo would do a public demonstration of Color Splash just so the butthurt fans would boo it off stage. Not that I'm a big fan of Paper Mario but seeing Nintendo having to deal with something like that live would've been a high point of this year's E3

He's one of the few gaming journalists who I feel truly care about games, he's one of us, we might shit on he from time to time, but he's a nice guy.

>got a meme you wanna come up with?
>you have to dig through ear burning NSW--NSF--NSFW Reddit threads to find it

holy fuck that black chick was the worst

I just want to see more of it at all for any reassurance it at least tries to fix any issues Sticker Star had. If they're going to keep hiding it like this though, it doesn't give me any hope and kills my interest.

>KONAMI listed as a VR developer for Sony and revealing a new game

>KOJIMA revealing a new game

>Kojima's name was recently added to the source code on MGS recruitment page at Konami's website


If he is replacing iJustine I will literally kill myself.

I don't like iJustine but I don't like Crybaby Carlos even more.

but he actually cares about videogames unlike ijustine

If he cares so much why he crying over only got 3 dollars?

I like him too.


l2Meme m8

You have no idea how much it sucks for games to cost like $80 brand new and only have FOUR DOLLARS

While I agree this would be the ruse of all ruses..

.. It's not happening.

Perhaps we will get new ruses with Kojimbo's new company, but Konami considers him as good as dead and his name is just a hoax on their site.

He says this kind of shit all the time.

Games are cheaper in Mexico though.

For the first time ever I'm not excited at all. My complete disinterest is making me unhappy. I want to be excited.

He's canadian give him a break.

You haven't been looking then.