Anarchy/Socialism = Sad Panda

Why do companies keep pumping out trash where the protagonist is some combination of criminal, hooligan, "rebel", and other types degeneracy. Why do we always have to bring down corporations or governments?

Why can't we have games where the protagonist is an stalwart citizen loyal to Queen and country? Why can't we bring order and purge the heretics, the undesirables.?

Also, why is the protag in pic-related black? How many sjw points is Ubisoft going to get for that?


The number at the end of this post... 5...


but really 6

Pretty easy response. Edgy kids eat that shit up.

You mean 3

Here's to you my ultimate technique!
*gathers energy*
*rubble around me starts rising up in the air*
*wind pressure blows OP and his shitty bait away*
*releases energy in a blast of light*
*points finger to the upper-right"

Check out Wolfenstein A New Order OP I think you would like it.

>Work for Ubisoft
>Not wanting to take down excessive corporations
Unless you hire some kid off the street, you are not going to see much change.

How is it being a corporate cuck ?

Because its popular with their target audience, children.

Hmm, I wonder if there's anything on sad panda involving hackers. Time to go on an adventure.

>muh big bad institutions

so tired of these cringe-a-thons

where's the nuance?

Trips of truth

They look like they were designed by a focus group of hipster marketers using data from 2012

>Can I haz hack guise?

And what is wrong with that?

All of you "freedom" ""fighter"" who shove it to the """man""" use shit developed by the """man""", payed for by the """man""", and built by the """man""", usually via slave labour by your fellow men who you conventionally ignore in your fight against the big bad """man""".

It seems there is a lack of any kind of hacker doujins, I'm just getting results for smt soul hackers, and the search continues.

how about you play some nonshit games that don't have to force a protag on you

>Why can't we have games where the protagonist is an stalwart citizen loyal to Queen and country?

Because that makes for a pretty boring game

People consume media to be entertained

>How many sjw points is Ubisoft going to get for that?

Only enough to get them the "cultural appropriation" achievement. Seriously though, this game will flop, the first one was shit and now they are shoehorning diversity into it as well.

Fuck ubishit, fix r6 siege before starting on your nigger quests.

>They look like they were designed by a focus group of hipster marketers using data from 2012
Try 1995

>those outfits

Looks like some 42 year old who desperately tries to stay hip and relevant designed that shit. What the fuck?

People in real San Fran don't even dress like that.

>loyal to Queen
neck yourself cuck.

What's the kid on the left snowflake power?
Center is a black hacker, right is a muslim with shorts.
Is he a fag without AIDS?

this, at most this game is aimed at 15 year old kids

>in modern games
Nah they got beat you over the head with the "corporations are evil", never mind the fact that the game is made by a billion dollar corporation.

>Why can't we have games where the protagonist is an stalwart citizen loyal to Queen and country? Why can't we bring order and purge the heretics, the undesirables.?
You mean 90% of military shooters?

As long as the gameplay is improved, and the protag is more interesting than Aiden, I'll probably buy it.

Aiden was one of the flattest protagonists I've seen in a while.

>implying that would be boring
You don't have to be a good peasant worker in it. You could be a soldier who dedicated his life in protecting the Queen and country from monsters and neighboring armies.


is that the chick from Star Trek: Enterprise

No, that's the chick from Tomb Raider.

This movie really pissed me off.

It's still entertaining then, right?