Nintendo eShop Sale

Time is running out. What have you gotten, what do you recommend?

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The EU one just went up and I don't want anything on offer
Oh well, next time

The rankings are a bit surprising, I saw カエルの為に鐘は鳴る but had no idea it was that popular, will be grabbing it for sure. Probably also Nyanko Dai Sensou and Hako Boy.


Nope, it'll be up for a while.

I already get every 3DS game for free

But that's mean, how will the nice video game creators make money?

Here my man

This thread isn't relevant to your interests. You are free to make a piracy thread or visit the homebrew general.

Ah, that's pretty crappy, not a lot of titles in there. At least most of them are good, and the Japanese one doesn't have the Famicom Mario/Zelda games on sale, I'm sure most people will find one or two things to grab.

Is the US one going on or pass already

>mfw I can already play everything I want on the 3ds without giving the japanese jews any money

woah really quick.

So I got homebrew on my system, what do I need now to get freeshop and download vidya?

do i look japanese to you? fuck off already. noa eshop is coming on the 14th anyway

If you pirate games you enjoy, you have NO right to complain about the current or future state of vidya, because you gave zero support to the devs to show them what kind of vidya you like and what you're ready to pay for.

And if you pirate games you don't like, then why pirate at all?

I can't wait for all those Wii U games and Western indie games on sale!

I can't wait for those 15-30% discounts!

Am I misreading or is SMT IV literally the only retail 3DS title going on sale?

How is the first Dillon's Rolling Western? Worth picking up?

>making threads every day until the shitty Japanese sale is over
that's just sad, man

I like the style (visual, music), but gameplay got old to me after a while. I'm left handed though so maybe it was harder for me. It's not bad though.

You need to:

install emunand
Pick a cfw
unlink nands
Inject FBI
Install freeshop

Optional but recommended
Retrieve OTP
Install a9hl

It's only retail for the US.

It's Digital Only games on sale.

Hey, that's like getting a game tax-free here in Canada!

What does Sup Forums think of Boxboy

Since I don't actually care about Nintendo first party, I pirate to force devs to stop putting games on the 3ds

>Only decent game is SMT IV

Is this a joke? Is this what you consider a sale?

My fucking sides

It's a neat puzzle game, I liked it

>Japan getting sales on newer titles like Smash and FE:F
>Even sales on games that never go down in price like Starfox and Kid Icarus
>NA gets sales on gameboy and indie games

redpill me on what fbi and otp are

They even put new Sufami games on sale (Goemon, some Kirby spin-off and Street Fighter II)

well, "new" as in they just added them

FBI is an installer for CIA packaged applications/games, they run right off the main menu

OTP is a console specific key needed for installing a9lh

>japanese jews
What does Konami have anything to do with this?

It is definitely a hidden gem, I still have to finish the challenge stages

What are your top 3ish in the retail games on sale? I can only afford one, but I'm not sure which one.

>I'm entitled to things because I don't like the store that sells them
How petty and sad.

Final damage report for me for this sale, hopefully

さわるメイドインワリオ doesn't count though, I just noticed I had forgotten to add it earlier when I redeemed it.

so what is this sale for? 50% off the entire shop and some 10% off voucher?

i hope the NA sale doesn't suck, but im sure it will

Up to 50% off for what's on the page and additional 10% off for My Nintendo members

>Some shitty virtual console games and a handful of download only games
Thanks Nintendo!

That's what you get for not being Japanese.

g-gomenasai, senpai

I just tell Nintendo I'm in a province that has a much lower tax than mine.
But don't tell them I do that because I think that's technically tax evasion.

The European sale is pretty good in my book since some of the VC titles that I was planning to get are 50% off. Too bad that I already got most of the indies that interest me already. I might get Fast Neo Racing but it's obly 25% off. Maybe it'll get a better discount soon.

I almost wish I could give enough of a shit about the industry to go through all that trouble.

Almost, but not quite.