No zombie panic: source standalone game

>no zombie panic: source standalone game
>no the hidden: source standalone
>no sourceforts standalone
>no zombie master standalone
>tfw the glory days of sourcemods are long gone

>try to go back to play source mod that I loved that hasn't been updated since source was updated
>Error: could not launch executable

who nmrih here

>someone else has played zombie master

Thought I was the only one.

>playing zombie master
>ZM decides to just spam hulks or banshees.

Fuck, I loved that mod so much.

What does it matter if it is standalone or not? And if you already own HL2, why would you want to pay for a standalone modded version of another game over and over? Are you just pretending to be an oldfag?

spamming banshees was the best strat

Good game. Atmospheric as fuck.

I miss zombie master, what happened to it?

But CONTAGION is a standalone ZPS?

>not empires mod

wasn't a big fan of zombie panic personally but zombie master was great

I like how Obsidian Conflict was a neat hl2 sven coop type thing

Then some of the original devs returned to working on missing information and handed it over to a german guy
things were fine for a while

then the german guy and his "girlfriend" had a lot of drama and his girlfriend turned out to be a weird boy from california. eventually culminating in the german guy deciding he was a girl

now the mod hasn't had an update since and was meant to be on steam years ago.

>no natural selection: source

I'll never forgive you, Charlie.

>this story

What the fuck?

I wish Valve would release a proper full source 2 sdk rather than just tossing out tidbits periodically

I played quake and goldsrc mods from around age 9 to 15. Then Source mods from 15 to 20 or so. I got to help develop popular mods in each era, thankfully. Real good shit.

I have to say, I think the goldsrc days were more hype because there was wider variety. Mods were less work to make so there were more of them worth playing.

Not to say Source didn't have fucking awesome mods too.

>no NEOTOKYO° standalone game

Why do you think they only toss out tidbits vs releasing the whole thing?
Could they possibly be hiding features they do not want to showcase just yet?
Why wouldn't they want to showcase new features in older titles?

Recently I've seen some HL2 mods available as standalone on moddb. Unless I'm just thinking of Paranoia 2, which runs on goldsource.

because valve are retarded

Is that legitimately your answer?

100% all of my money on Source 2 still being leargly incomplete. Valve pushes out barely functioning chunks of it when necessary. Dota 2 workshop tools were a unusable buggy mess for a long time. I'll bet money their new Destinations shit is buggy as fuck too.

in short, yes

I could spend hours researching, planning and writing out an essay on why valve are handling source 2 rather poorly, but it's summer and it's too warm so I can't really be bothered.

dont you fucking remind me

The same shit happened when they transitioned to Source as well. Barely functional tools with half finished features made working with it a fucking joke. For years, to compile a texture, you had to create a text file full of material instructions, then drag it onto an exe which ran a DOS window before cranking out a file nothing but the engine tools could use. And the engine tools took 8 minutes to start up. And you had to restart and recompile the texture to see changes.

anyway I'm stopping there because I could do this all night and no one wants that

I just want to add that a lot of those mods being praised would have never been made without extremely talented third party guys making tools that improved the Source engine art pipeline.

Valve did fuck all until the workshop started making them so much money.

It's not the same user