I just got fired by Konami over the past week

I just got fired by Konami over the past week.


Other urls found in this thread:


Which office did you work in

What did you do?

How big are your tits

Prove it.

Are they closing?

Customer services


are you a girl

Did you get fired for talking shit about pachinko?

Do you know anything of value?.




They had a london office?

What where they do? Was it most administrative?

Have the executed the biggest hack ever yet?


The new Metal Gear title will be a remake of MG1

How does it feel to be fired and reminded that you're a failure?

I want to believe


Coming soon to a pachinko machine near me?

>no trip code

Kojima is still at Konami, it's all a big marketing stunt, MGSV will get a huge expansion before the end of the year, Silent Hills is still cancelled though.

>customer services
>knows what vidya they're making

Is there any chance of Konami selling off IP like suikoden which is no longer financially viable for them?

Hideo or Kojima?

did you forget to clean the pachinko machines ?

>MGSV will get a huge expansion

I want to believe this as well

Incase is Shadman-tier shit

why would you play with my heart like this user? what do you get from it?

Suikoden has been abandoned, the only IPs Konami are interested in are Metal Gear and Pro Evolution Soccer

bemani in europe when?


just import it you dumb weebshit

Post proof of your employment, Not sure what you're supposed to give us and put on a trip

When is next MGSV patch coming? Someone screencap the reply, we'll know in time

Even if MG1 was getting a remake, I wonder how they'll handle the boss fights. The only one I can think of that'll be amazing is the one against Ven- I mean, Big Boss.

When will there be a formal announcement?

not entirely relevant but I used to work at a cable company doing customer service shit,and we would constantly get emails about upcoming products and shit we're not supposed to talk about.

Granted,in the television industry it's not entirely secretive,mostly shit like the lineup of the entire season of American Idol and the description tags for each episode.

I actually placed a few bets with a few shows like this and won a few hundred bucks over the course of two years

What games are Konami making, just PES?

I used to work for Sky TV in the UK and the plebs at the bottom got told absolutely fucking nothing. Last to know about everything.


Any hotties at the office?

Any game rumors?

If you could fuck any Konami character who would it be?

Snickers or Baby Ruth?

here is what i want to know. has anything happened with boktai/lunar knights or even been acknowledged by anybody at konami? i dont want to keep hoping for something that may never come

it's too easy these days. Just look at this thread.

Good point, forgot about just how often retcons are used throughout the entire series.

Will there be a new platforming Goemon game at E3?

prove it
time stamp

stop lying
get out

your choice

I work at a game studio, and everyone here knows what projects we're working on; that's what the NDAs are for. It would be pretty impossible to keep it secret from someone who's working at the same building.

>Customer services


Do you play YuGiOh? If so what deck do you use.

I use the Dragons Collide deck.

Neat. Is it possible to break into one of their warehouses to steal a good amount of rare cards?

New yu-gi-oh game or some news about it?

that sounds terrific which is why it's a lie

It's possible, but I'm sorry to say user, I'm not OP.

>customer service

pajeet please