They're not real

>They're not real


>OP is real


Technically, you can't prove that anything is real.
How do you know you're not just dreaming all of this while your real body lies comatose after having been in a near-fatal traffic accident four years ago?

Thats what makes it good


Because no one's mind is cruel or sick enough to create the universe I find myself in.
Wake me up.


What the fuck, Op?

>Implying dreams are real
>Implying dreams aren't real

Reality is self causing


You can find Poo in Loo shitting in the streets of India.

Thanks for that reminder ;_;

Keep spamming this like it makes you useful faggot

but thats literally me on the left

Marry me


>Having Poo in loo instead of Mei


>Wake me up.
You can't wake up.

Fuck I only now noticed Tracer wear crocs.

>She's still real

>tracer, widowmaker and symetria are not real.

>pharah and mercy are not real.
it hurts.

Call my name and save me from the dark

They're not real, but Zarya is.

Well she's got the hairstyle, but not the muscles and dick.

>yfw probably a tumblrina

>No muscles
Close but no cigar.

What, do you jerk off to women's personalities?

Me on cé second from left.

not enough muscles. she's basically a young Arnold Schwarzenegger with a butch head

Natural hair color and I would enjoy this a lot.

Before you go go.

Prove to me that you're not just a figment of my imagination.
Pro tip: You can't.

Look behind you, Jeremy.


Why is my wife on this picture? Why is she next to Tracer? How did you get pictures of my Amélie?

They're as real and attainable as any other woman for me.

>she's racist as fuck
>embraces russian stereotypes
>body builds for the benefit of her own people
>ditched fame to fight for her homeland

I doubt it. She sounds like she would be like the tf2 heavy.
Who cares if people don't find her attractive, she is a good soldier and being russian, probably opposite of tumblrshit.

Haw can our love be real if our waifus arent real?

>they're not real
Wait 10 years and all waifus will be real

Meant for op

I love playing Pharah and I love how she looks at you then looks away. Cute as fuck. Shame real Egyptian women don't exist anymore, that eyeliner was sexy as hell.

you're not supposed to choke your wife until she turns purple user

that's called murder


It was an accident. That makes it manslaughter.

i dont want to penetrate her personality, just her body.

This game is set in the future. After Trump defeated Putin in WW3 Russia has become a very progressive place.

>trump not teaming up with the ol' put put



I keep thinking of this dude when I see the thumbnail