Senran Thread

>titty ninjas is now playable thanks to mods

Feels good.

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Why can't anyone into good nude textures?

Which Senran would you become?

>low resolution square nipples

Cause nobody knows what breasts are supposed to look like

Ew. Do it right or not at all

if they are this shit I rather have the white censor desu

Renka, she's so cool...

is the multiplayer any fun?

I tried it for a bit by pirating, and its seems pretty good, although one on one combat seems pretty cheap because of how hard is it to not get stun locked

I never expect those to be particularly well made, but square nipples, really?

Online is dead, and it was horribly imbalanced anyway.

I want a Momiji mod


Which Senrans would cuck me?

post thicc

What is wrong with her knee?

>underage not realizing that delicate parts being held back by little bits of fabric that create contours and emphasize lewdness is 10x more appealing than just bare skin

Have you maxed your favorite senran yet?

Post Mirai's.


Full nudity is for plebs with no imagination

>not realizing it's the combination of both that is hottest

Super lewd clothes with peeking nipples where nipples should be is the best.


No since flash is taking a while

Yagyuu. I have the most in common with her.

>Favorite Senran is Daidouji
>Literally nobody likes her

cutout lingerie? very top tier as long as it's elegant and lacey

>want to play
>gedosato no longer works

it's hard going back

>this mentality
Trying having your favorite be Yagyuu or Hibari, who are actively hated.
Daidoji gets talked about less because she has little presence in the games and the anime.

So that's it, huh.

i love her abs 2bh but i dislike her clothes and her gameplay. i'm neutral towards her personality. i wish there were more fit senrans

Someone really needs to make a better mod

I can understand Hibari, but why is Yagyuu hated?

I see people post her quite a bit

Probably for being a one-note character who can literally be summed up with her lust for Hibari.

it's a hassle to have to compile textures for 22 characters

She's "too obsessive." She might be the most skilled and serious Hanzo student but everyone hates her for her attachment to Hibari.
Without it, she wouldn't have any flaws.
Also, Hibari gets hated because of her bad gameplay. I think she's great as a character overall.

Ikaruga is pure and virginal.

I love snek!

>mfw new to series and first trying Katsuragi
I never knew how fucking FUN she is. I already liked her style just by seeing pictures of her but she is easily my favorite as of this moment.

Haven't gotten to using Snek yet but I also like her

You're forgetting that she's a prodigy and is the most principled of the Hanzo students in behaving and training like a shinobi.
You'd know this if you played the 3DS games. She has worse writing in the Sony games.

And also all the slutty shinobi outfits where the girls are spilling out and should be showing nips.

Is it normal for Ikaruga and Snek to have infinite dashes?

The exaggerated characters of the playstation games tend to be what people see the characters as, because they are more fun that way. Yagyuu's exaggerated character drops any everything but her lust for Hibari, which people probably find annoying.

Basically, the PS games tend to emphasize what people like about characters, except for Yagyuu, for whom it emphasizes what people hate about her.

what is special about this image?

Just got Estival, and honestly I'm regretting it. I hate how the lock on system is only for the camera and doesn't affect which way your character is facing. Speaking of the camera, it's way too wonky. And I hate how it locks you into (usually lengthy) animations. Ikaruga is ruined because of this bullshit with her putting her sword away constantly. Not sure if it was like this in Shinovi as I never played it. But Burst was so much better than Estival so far. Even the story seems worse.

I noticed that with murakumo as well.

Is there any reason to not go into frantic mode?
The defense debuff is insignificant

Yeah, the could've focused on her being a super powerful student despite her young age and experience, but instead focused on that. There's really so much more they could do with her.
I still thought it was cute, though. Her Shinobi Heart story was pretty great.

normal enemies become harder than bosses


Also the dash overshoots enemies when locked on far too often. Game just feels unpolished as fuck.

Underleveled characters die in 2 hits by mobs in hard mode

Yes, along side Imu and I believe Murakumo

It's not really Infinite dashes as it is their dashes have a shorter cool down.

You'll find that harder hitting characters like Katsuragi, Daidoji and Yomi have a mush longer cool down on their dashes, making them slower characters.

2 years ago, yeah. Will probably get SV on pc eventually though, the 60fps and better resolution felt pretty good, almost EV level, and playing with mods seems fun for a change.

So other than nude, what mods are out?

I would understand how someone could end up hating Yagyu, but Hibari? She is literal cotton candy condensed into a fluffy, soft and cutesy being.

because they are stupid

they think she obsesses over hibari only when in fact she obsesses over her lost sister that she subcounsciously replaced with hibari in a twisted relationship between lust and lost sister love but of course being a game about tits her character was never fully fleshed out and so people lash out at anything

I like her
Except when she run

She likes the worst girl

I agree, how can anyone's hate on Takaki's waifu?

they cant handle the thickness

This is what you get when you design a game for handhelds first.

Game engine sucks when put onto a system with far more power.

Er, I guess I'll wait for someone competent to do the textures. Fuck, just rip them from AA2.

How the fuck do I mod games? I've never done it before.

From what I understand I need umod?
I already downloaded the mod itself but I have no idea how to actually apply to the game.

William Ware Theiss'

Theory of Tittilation.

>the less overtly revealing the outfit, the sexier it actually is.

Constantly proven ever since ST:tOS's first run designrrs and shit still cite the muthafugga

Lurk moar

Bags of sand

please send help


Tits is life, ass is hometown.

pm'd u the fix :^)

Yes, good. Areolae are all I need to make this excellent.


More videos of giant tiddie ninjas when?



oh shit got a link to this mod?



Which girl has the fattest ass?

Not including muscles, but the ass with the most fat deposits.

>titty ninjas is now playable thanks to mods
why it was unplayable before? is the PC port shit?

I need a mod that just have this without full nudity

Murasaki or Haruka.

>yfw Ryouna would be ultimate catch 22 gf.

>just bend her over whenever the fuck use however you like as rough as you like. Will do anything for you.

>but will also be fucking 50 other guys on tge side totally not loyal to you.

That's why sekritly lewd senrans like ikaruga and Mirai are actually best.

Although kat is fine if you want ffm's where she doesn't really pay attention to you boning her. Is focused on lezzing out with the other f.

If we're talking fat only, I vote Murasaki.

The bastard removed their boobage

Ryobi desu senpai

breasts were too big

>wanting to fuck jotaro

She'll get upset if you actually start touching her, though.

>not wanting to fuck jotaro
>not wanting jotaro to fuck you

So. She won't actually stop you or anything. She's the ultra sub

>tfw you can finally make all the Senrans actually match the official art

I'll be releasing a pack that you can just drop in your game's directory once I finish it. It'll have all the characters adjusted to reflect how they look in the official art, along with matching their official measurements.

this, fuck full blown, a hint is better. Katsu should have nipples though her costume is stupid

Yep, those measurements are spot on.

I'm working on it currently. I need to adjust Haruka's boobs to be a bit larger to match the new body shape. Some of the adjustments include, but are not limited to:

>Ryoubi and Yomi get a bigger ass (but not nigger huge)
>boob sizes for ALL characters rescaled to match official measurements (AKA some of the characters might become smaller/flatter)
>height rescaled to match official measurements
>characters like Haruka and Murasaki made thicker to reflect official art

Anything else that I'm missing?

>first notable game mod is always poorly done nude mods

Disgaea doesn't have nude mods yet, so that's not true.

If you have a hammer, you see nails. If you see clothes, there are things underneath.

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