What is the appeal and how is it any better than others in the same genre?

What is the appeal and how is it any better than others in the same genre?

It's made by Valve and has cosmetics. A Valvecuck's dream.

cause it takes strategy as a team, if you're amazing but don't know how to work with your teammates you'll lose

if you're amazing you can still carry pretty hard.

The sound design in the game is important which is unique to a lot of run and gun shooters. And it's easy to kill and be killed making the action very vast.

It handles "easy to learn, difficult to master" very well.

Also skins for the kids

You can 5v1 if you're decent all you need are not braindead teammates and you can win without any communication at all.

>What is the appeal
Relatively few gimmicks and a large playerbase, not to mention loads of player-created content
>how is it any better than others in the same genre?
see above

Good weapons. 100s of maps

Solid mechanics

Opposed to games like cod/ bf which have no user maps and every wooden
Weapon feels the same

It has an actual learning curve unlike most shooters.

Extremely slow and boring fps, thus appealing to the masses.

It takes skill
>Extremely slow and boring fps
You might actually have autism

It takes a set of skills, but not a skillset that excite me. Listening autisticly for footsteps and coordinating with a team is really dull. I prefer a more mechanical shooter focused on 1v1.

there are no game in the same genre.

I think it's really casual as fuck but I love certain things.

The map design is really good and adds a lot of nuance to otherwise simple gameplay.

The sounds and recoils make guns certainly feel 'unique'. That's why people love the AK-47, even though RNG may bullshit you or something stupid it feels great to fire, move and reload with.

A well developed client means it eases players into the game easily and goes through whatever you need quickly without any crashes bugs or slowdowns.

1. it's satisfying to land headshots and spraying someone down with a rifle
2. it takes skill to do this with skill and efficiency
3. getting better at it is addicting

Wow welcome to competitive gaming. Where you're leveling up your muscle memory rather than your faggy JRPG MC.

This tbqh. The asymmetrical teams, round-based economy and emphasis on stealth make it unique. It creates incredibly tense scenarios where you don't know where the last guy is and you're just hoping he fucks up and makes a noise.

it used to be good because of custom servers, now it's only mm tryhards and surfing.

RIP gro/v/e

>this will never happen in CS:GO

thanks gaben


... but who was she?

>L4D2 engine
>Fucking L4D2 engine
>Why do the guns feel like ass to use
>"""""""""""Learning curve""""""""""" when all it is artificial spray
>Skins for autists
>Boring fucking streamers
>de_dust2 only
>More AWPers because a lot of them are CoD migrants
>le videogamedunkey face :)
Yeah, no, fuck that.

>when all it is artificial spray
Recoil and patterns you shitter

>L4D2 engine
Time to stop posting, shitter.

Shouldn't you kids be betting skins for your objectively shit game?

Thats not objective you fucking idiot. Your opinion isn't the end all be all

kids gambling skins to feel cool

>L4D2 engine

It's called Source

A version of Source with guns that feel like they're made out of paper, the stupid film grain, and ugly UI. Not to mention the cursor works only half the time.