So now that Nosgoth has fucking failed, thank God, will we ever see a proper revisiting of the series...

So now that Nosgoth has fucking failed, thank God, will we ever see a proper revisiting of the series, or shall it be forever dead?

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>now that a game in a series has been a total financial failure, will investors and stock holders want to waste their money again?

It failed because they tried to turn a lore-rich, platforming/puzzle game into a fucking MOBA, not because there isn't value in the series.

Dead. There was a great editorial on Eurogamer about how SE killed Nosgoth AND the actual LOK sequel they had.

Does anyone have humorous Raziel image with text everywhere?

Investors and stock holders don't see that. They see a name with a "failed" tag. That's it.

Also why the fuck would you guys want a sequel to this? Amy fucking left. Look at the garbage Crystal Dynamics is shitting out right now.

The actual LoK sequel they were working on was also garbage. Did you see it? It was better off dead.

for fuck's sake, just give me the script to defiance 2, so i can finally die

fuck you nosgoth was fun as fuck.

>can we persuade people who play Call of Duty now to play a Legacy of Kain game?
It was gonna be so goddamn shit out of the gate.

I didn't say it was good. I just said SE did attempt to go a LOK sequel but scrapped it.

Or the Legacy of Kain Spider-Man pics?

I don't have those either.

>waah waah why didn't they make more of these
Yeah pushing blocks was so much fun.

How can they have Defiance without Raziel? It would have to be BO3

>The main character was brand new to the series - a directive from Square Enix.

>Square Enix also wanted the new Legacy of Kain to be "idiotically easy", at least compared to the previous games in the series. As a result, Climax inserted plenty of hand-holding into the game world. The game's "main path" would be clear, and take most players around 10 hours to complete. But Climax wanted to add in secret areas that were not telegraphed, areas designed to offer a half an hour of diversion, a mini-dungeon that may go unseen. "We love the Zelda games and we love secrets," one developer says.

>There was a tension here, developers report. Square Enix wanted triggers for every area in the game, triggers that would alert the player to a point of interest. Climax created a compass and a map for the game to help guide the player. If you clicked in the right thumb-stick, the game would show the player where they're meant to go.

It's dead forever. And that's fine. I have absolutely NO problems with Defiance being the last game.

We had a good run. 5 games and 4 of them were great. That's a lot better than a lot of franchises can say. But now it's over and we all need to move on.

Amy Hennig is still supposedly working on a Star Wars thing, right?

Michael Bell is still alive and working. It's Tony Jay (Elder God) who died.

How is anyone whining here? Either you are fine with the series being over, or you'd like to play more. Clearly you are in the former, but that doesn't mean the rest of us are wrong.

True, and I can accept that. I mean, I think it would be interesting to see what Kain does now that Nosgoth was saved, how he dealt with the world, but at the same time, maybe it's better to just forget and leave it to our imaginations.

Not him, but I was actually talking to a friend about this series not even a week and a half ago.

As much as we'd love to see a sequel, we both feel it would probably be a bad game, mediocre at best.

I'd like that not to be the case, but if a sequel to Defiance was announced, I would not buy into any hype.

Raziel is dead.
What more is there to tell?

I've only played Soul Reaver 1 and 2. Should I play Blood Omens 1 and 2? I do want to play Defiance at some point, though I understand the ending is kind of another cliffhanger of some kind.

Defiance also ended on a high note. The Janus problem solves itself with LoK2 and Kain just rekt The Elder God's octoass. A sequel written by and made by other people is just going to ruin that.

Play BO1, then Defiance. BO2 after that if you want, but it's not critical.

Raziel's role in the story is done, best Michael Bell could do is be a cameo in Kain's time travels

dead, and that's okay
it ended while it still had some dignity, unlike say silent hill

LoK is better off dead
nobody wants a casualized LoK game

series dies with tony jay, let it rest in peace. we'll always have the classic games in the series to play again and again. besides they tried to bring it back with dead sun and failed miserably, be glad that shit never came out.

Kain didn't really accomplish much vs the Elder God though, the only difference from the beginning and ending of the series is that Kain knows he exists

Hence why I said it ended on a high note. It ended with hope.

I'd just like to replay them with maybe some cleaned up graphics and an update, but keep the original audio.

Out of all dead series, this one deserves its rest.
It ended properly.

This, actually. An updated, high-res version of Soul Reaver 1 would be fucking baller. But I doubt we're ever going to get it.

A dedicated fan might if he doesn't toot his horn before Square sends a C&D order.