ITT: Vidya characters you liked even if you weren't supposed to

ITT: Vidya characters you liked even if you weren't supposed to

I can't work out if this guy was supposed to be a bad guy or what, but I just found him to be a bro.

It was just a switcheroo in terms of expectations. They make you think he's going to be a huge cunt, but then it turns out he's pretty chill dude. Same with that one witch hunter you see a couple of times and Damien, Anna's bodyguard, in the B&W expansion.

You weren't supposed to like Voorhis? He's a bro.

The description goes on about how he's some sort of haughty upper class snob, but then he's actually really down to earth. It's almost like they had two different ways they were going to do him.

>I can't work out if this guy was supposed to be a bad guy

That's because he wasn't a bad guy. All nilfgardians in w3 were decent people, or pretty bro. Even the emperor was pretty chill, leaving the idea of fucking his daughter behind.

maybe he is a snob, he just likes Geralt and treats him better

I'm on my first playthrough, should I play BaW in the NG+ or before I finish the main story line?

Aren't witchers supposed to be the lowest of the low class wise though?


>My first playthrough
>Should I do NG+ halfway through
Absolutely not. New game plus raises all enemies up to your current level. Starting a new game before acquiring the grandmaster armor and Aerondight would put you at a disadvantage. Especially in regards to Gwent and if you bought all three tiers of the enchanter.

Yeah I always thought he must have some ulterior motive or something but turns out he just wanna hang out

So I should play blood and wine before I finish the main quests?

>Implying you're suppose to dislike Voorhis
Guy was cool. Just wanted to talk about horses and stuff. I feel like the point of The Witcher series was to never paint anyone as the bad guy, even if we were doing subjectively bad things

So it's not just me finding the DLC weird for timing? That's reassuring. I just feel like level 32 is going to be a long way into the game.

Damien was great.
I'm glad he didn't die in any of the endings.

I couldn't bring myself to dispise him and the game in general as much as I should have. In particular I really liked the VA work and somewhat predictable plot twist around his character.

the VA also seemed to play 99% of Witcher 3's background characters too, so there's that.

Main quests are the biggest source for experience. For someone that already was on their third or fourth playthrough, Blood and Wine should be pretty easy. For someone who isn't prepared, it can be a challenge starting out.

The story of the main game isn't too drastic, nor challenging. There really is no reason to avoid it.

hes just a well written character
witcher series tries to have as many morally gray characters as possible after all.
The purely "you should hate this guy" chars like whoreson are most boring ones.

No finish the main quest first

Intelligent, nihilistic, with a wicked sense of humor

>wicked sense of humor
good example of a sentence engineered to make people cringe

I haven't read the books, but maybe it's a nod to his relationship with Dandelion.

Blood and Wine enemies begin at level 40. Depending on your build, stack either attack power or the magic damage of the main spell you use.

I'm level 42 but I'm talking storywise should I play blood and wine after or before the main story?


why weren't you supposed to like him? he's pretty bro.

>oh sup geralt saw you in the palace want to go to this super elite horse race?

>oh my bitch just ditch me? lets go anyway whores ain't shit

Should I start with Witcher 1 and play on the hardest difficulty so the gameplay is at least a bit intense?

I already have the game, but got it for like a buck 50.

Finish the main story first. When you meet story characters, they refer to Geralt is a hero for saving the world. Blood and Wine is a small timeskip from the first story. I messed up by not playing HoS the first time around.

The dialogue changes based on when you do it, but its mostly tailored to be played after the main quest. You'll miss out on scenes and shit. Its a lot better to do the main quest first.

So was Nilfgaard Holland? Because that guy was Dutch as fuck.

the hardest difficulty means you have to use more potions - which is fun in it's own right, but it won't make the combat more engaging if you don't already enjoy it.

HoS before the end?

Daily Reminder that his creepy fuck bones Ciri day and night in Empress ending

>The Witcher 1
>play on the hardest difficulty
For what purpose? At this point, people play the first two games to establish the main story of The Witcher 3.

Does the story, atmosphere, and exploration more than make up for it?

I'd feel bad just leaving it there collecting virtual dust.

It's been a while since I read the final book. From what I remember he never really wanted to fuck his daughter, but the prophecy talked about The Swallow (being Ciri or her future child) would prevent the white frost--but I thought I remembered something about him/her also needing to be the emperor of the southern kingdom. Also since nobody knew that Emhyr was the father, since he was masquerading as another person when Ciri was born, he can't just adopt a Cintran noblegirl, say she's his daughter, etc

idk. I guess in the games that's one of the possible endings, I don't remember if there was some weird specific technicality to it or not.

In the games I don't think they ever mentioned what happened to the fake Ciri he married though.

I remember the first game being quite easy after early game once you actually get some decent gear, so go for it. If you bother taking the time to use potions and oils you'll be OP anyway.

I guess everyone is vaguely celtic with dashes of germanic and latin judging by the elder tongue and Nilfgaardian looking like it's the vocalization of a Welsh valley girl being deepthroated.

HoS doesnt matter. Some extra dialogue if you do it before you've even found Ciri tho I think. The whole DLC is a very seperate story really.

imo TW1 has the best atmosphere and characterization. exploration is hit or miss. there's only a few locales in the game but each is pretty open and many things to discover in each. witcher contracts are also much more interesting.

I thought the Voorhis character was really well done.

Most every game will paint anyone wealthy as a bad guy, and equate refinement with cruelty and dehumanization. Voorhis is a genuinely good person that happened to be raised wealthy. He is congratulatory and deferential to the witcher when he's bested, and acts in Ciri's best interests in the grander scheme. It forces many players to re-examine their snap judgments about people.

I'm not really sure if your supposed to like him or not but he's my buddy

I actually think the witcher is better than the witcher 2. I think the concensus is that acts 4/5/6 are all really great, but I personally enjoy 1/2/3 a lot. I think if nothing else, some of the choices you get to make in the game are pretty cool.

>Saved Jenna
>Saved Kraden
>Saved Weyard
>Never even took up arms against Isaac and Felix

Alrighty. Thanks, anons.
Got it downloading.

he wants to fugg Ciri, ofc he treats geralt better

>thinking people are either good or bad
You must be American.

I'll admit I thought Voorhis was going to be a haughty, upper class asshole who treated Geralt like shit, but he turns out to be a bro who probably likes Geralt more than Geralt likes him. Though he's going to be emperor following Emhyr according to book canon so he'll fug Ciri.

TW1 has the best actual gameplay mechanics like alchemy and character growth. It captures the atmosphere of where you are pretty well and has some good quests with choice and consequence, though some are collectathon fetchquests. Combat is usually where people dislike it, though I think it's just an acceptable rhythm mini-game. Pacing is horrendous at chapters 1 and 2 though so be very wary.

When talking to regis and he talks about a last resort to find dettlaff is he talking about the man of glass?

Don't forget about maxing out igni

I had the book right next to me.
This is the prophecy in full.

Nah he is talking about PENIS HAHA

Who can hate a cool dude like this?

I guess were supposed to hate Bowser since hes a villain, but...


Go further in the story

I no longer respect bowser. he is comic relief now.

Fuck off newfag

Nilfgaard is the Holy Roman Empire which was predominantly German but also partly Italian and Dutch.

then who is the japan of witcher world?

He was the only Nilfgaardian who wasn't a snobish dickhead as every low infantryman in their army believed that conquering the nord actually helped them to get a culture.
While the game tries to paint everyone in a grayish light (Roche being fiercly loyal to even kill children in the name of Temeria, the fat scheming jew helping the mages, Mad Rad being a necessary evil) they managed to make this seemingly textbook example of a sneering imperialist into one of the best friends of Geralt.
The only shitty thing is that it's so forced as Geralt seemingly has to have friends behind every enemy line.

He's introduced as being kind of a dick to you after the tutorial zone, in a way that is almost patently reserved for "I will become the main antagonist later in the game!" type villains.

Then you meet up with him and have a chill time at the horse races.

damn, woulda been a cool reference.

Geralt was knighted, so he's not like every Witcher. Voorhis probably also knows about how Geralt smacked the Nilfgaardian forces at the Battle of the Bridge and has some respect for him as a commander.

geralt's also the biggest mary stu this side of the pontar

>doesn't know about wicked sense of humor
>uses cringe
You might as well outright say you're a complete fucking newfag.


yeah it's kinda odd that people like rapey mcwifebeater

No it's not. No country or culture in The Witcher is based on a single thing. Nilfgaard is more like the Roman Empire than the Unholy German Cluster. They are ruled by an emperor who isn't elected (like the Roman Empire), are a powerful empire in the south who is constantly in conflict with northern barbarians, is constantly driving to expand.

Felt like a bit of every imperialistic power of Europe smashed together.
The structure and expansive policy clearly shows the influences of the Roman Empire, complete with vasal states, army discipline while the names sound Dutch, German and even Spanish. The language sounds like a mixture between German languages before the modern german was established in parts of the present day Czech Republic (Böhmen and Mähren) and Spanish/other Latin language
The HRE is a wholly different cup of tea with different structures and a lot less "liberalitá" in terms of culture and heritage.

He is referenced in another quest. Pretty cool scene.

Any side really.
I don't understand how one guy can be so integral to virtually everything that's happening and still has to risk his neck for petty coin it's like everyone already knows him but retarded bandits still try to rob him even bloody monsters should know him by now.

Nilfgaard isn't based directly on one single thing but you can't say nothing in the Witcher is. Skellige is literally named after an island in Ireland and based entirely on the Norse-Gaels. The elf language is based almost entirely on Welsh. Novigrad is clearly a parallel for Novgorod in that they were both major trade republics.

skellige was modeled after skyrim

Your mom was modeled after Skyrim.

I think it's because he seemed like a genuinely likeable person who'd been dealt a shitty hand, made some shitty decisions based on it, then got caught in an ever worsening spiral of shit.

He was a properly tragic character.

Woedica did nothing wrong, and it is never properly explained WHY overthrowing her was a good thing considering how unruly the gods are in her absence.

it's true, she's often referred to as the sleeping giant, or widepeak inn


until me3 ruined him for all times. martin sheen really nailed it though with the voice acting

>appears in fantasy novels and rpgs
There's your answer

Tricking you into the same ship that butchered most of your crew instead of telling you what to expect wasn't a smart move.

Agreed, but what didn't 3 fuck up?

How much did he really know before the suicide mission?

>No country or culture in The Witcher is based on a single thing
But that's wrong you fucking retard.

Nilfgaard is based on the German Empire/Nazi Empire/Russian Empire because poles are retarded and perpetually butthurt and couldn't not make a villain based on germans and russians. They even have the Sig rune and Aedirn is based on Pooland.

Skellige is based on scandinavia with irish naming customs.

Kaedwen is also based on Russia/Scandinavia.

Temeria and Toussaint are based on France (Northern and Southern, specifically.)

Novigrad is Danzig and/or Novgorod.

Oxenfurt is Oxford.

Redania is either Pooland or Bohemia, it being a kingdom with slavic names, although in 3 it acts more like Prussia.

>what didn't 3 fuck up?

The levelling system, gunplay, multiplayer... And that's about it really. Citadel was pretty cool too, I guess.

I don't remember any real changes to the gunplay. Meant what from previous games, there was no MP in 1 or 2. Although they did a good job making it.

It felt tighter and more responsive than ME2's to me, and weapons sounded amazing most of the time thanks to DICE's audio wizards being brought onto the project.

Seemed almost exactly the same to me which was fine to begin with.

Also the variety of weapons. The animations were worse than in 2, though. I noticed it when Shep was reloading a sniper rifle.

>Kaedwen is also based on Russia/Scandinavia.

I thought it was Scotland. The Kaedwenis you meet look like highlanders.

>Nilfgaard is based on the German Empire/Nazi Empire/Russian Empire
This is book Nilfgaard, they're fairly the same as the Northern Kingdoms when it comes to how shit they are in game.

>Skellige is based on scandinavia with irish naming customs.
More like Scot/Irish mix.

I agree with the rest, but I'd throw in Italy for Toussaint.

it's because like most characters in Witcher 3, he isn't a 1 dimensional cardboard cut out you're supposed to like or hate within 5 seconds of meeting them. i.e. every single NPC in every single RPG ever released u[ until Witcher 3

According to the openings to some of the chapters, it implies that he grew old with Fake Ciri. It's really odd that didn't include her.

Beside the main quests what gives you the most xp?

Hang on a second... Is that hitler?

Of course not, that's Fuhrer