Why is Sup Forums the only place on the internet that hates nuNaughty Dog?


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A good number of Sup Forums players have been playing games for nearly twenty years, some even more. I find Drake entertaining to listen to and Sully's a bro, but honestly they aren't much as far as games go. It's near impossible to fail at climbing, the puzzles aren't that hard either and the characters following you around usually mention where to go if you don't instantly find it out yourself. When you look at it closely it's not as much of a game as it's advertised to be.

No one here hates it, it's just it's objectively not a 10/10 game and sonyggers are easy targets.

I don't hate Naughty Dog, the devs are some cool people. I enjoyed that video about people with disabilities and the little, optional things they added in to allow them to play it. Cool shit.

That being said, Uncharted 4 was just boring. I loved replaying Uncharted 2 and 3 with goofy extra shit on, but 4 didn't have a single level I wanted to replay. By chapter 16 I didn't even want to continue.

But I don't understand how they can't be considered games when you're doing everything you could want to do in a game and it emphasizes utilization of all the mechanics. With 4, they even give you the choice in pretty much every encounter. Do you want to ignore the enemies and try to use the environment and play reverse-pacman to mitigate the ludonarrative dissonance or do you want to go ablaze, use the melee, use the neck-snapping, use the takedowns, use the grenades, use the contextual items, use the guns, etc.

Well why didn't you want to replay?

Did you 100 percent completion on your first playthrough?

Did you platinum on your first playthrough?

Did you unlock zero gravity?

What does a game have to do to be 10/10?

Have complicated controls? Be 50 hours? Be an rpg?

Zaxxon, to me, is a perfect game.

What makes a perfect game?

I can't stand shooting in the Uncharted games. An entire army of thugs in one room all shooting at you at the same time with automatic weapons where each bullet throws off your aim just pisses me off.

Be a game, for starters.

What doesn't make it a game?

This is the age old question that I've been trying to figure out for years. I will never understand.

What makes Zaxxon or Burger Time more of a game than Uncharted?

Uncharted has multiplayer.

You do realize you've just criticized the gameplay of said game, right?

Yes? I don't find them all that enjoyable.

You're deflecting.

You implied they're not games. Why aren't they?

I'm neutral on them and really don't have an opinion because I have not played one of their games since crash team racing.

Seeing all of the sonygger posts about "muh graphics" and whatever else I would assume there's a good deal of people on Sup Forums that like them.

I don't.

I actually really like Uncharted, but 4 sucked most of the fun out of the series.

Fuck Kikemann and his fuck buddy Straley. Fucking retards.

because Sup Forums is full of autistic children and naughty dog games are for well adjusted adults.

>Sup Forums is one person

But I like Naughty Dog games.

>have all the money in the world and the best 1st party support for 4 years
>make a worse game than some polacks did in 6 months

quality devs


>why does a site full of PCucks and Nintendorks hate Naughty GODS

Gee whiz I wonder why?

How about you try toessen your fanboyism a little bit?

The gunplay in uncharted inst even above average. How could it possibly be a 10 out of 10 if it could be better?

Are we back in the 90s?

Should be ninteniggers
Shit even just nintendofags is better

If you stealth sections that the developers want you to fight in then they allow enemies to spot you through cover and buildings anyway.

If you run past past or climb out of the arena your character will just instantly die.

If the developers want you to succeed an on rails action sequence then your character will soak up bullets and damage that'll ordinarily kill you.

tl; dr its all alot more shallow than it appears

I don't know how to describe Uncharted's gunplay other than say it feels the best to me. And I've played a vast majority of tps's out there.

And 4 even improves on it and takes from the Last of Us by having more wiggle and looseness but not being to shaky and inexperienced. Idk man, everything just feels right and perfect in Uncharted 4. Meaty and weighty but with a perfect balance of accuracy and looseness.

nice falseflag nintenyearold
now buy some amiiboos

>If you run past past or climb out of the arena your character will just instantly die.
That has never happened to me. Are you talking about jumping off cliffs and into bottomless pits? You're being dumb and not supposed to jump there. This isn't an open world game, johnny.

>If you stealth sections that the developers want you to fight in then they allow enemies to spot you through cover and buildings anyway.
Point this out because I've never discovered this. You can stealth the majority of the game and you're supposed to use the platforming in the environment to do so. You can even stealth in the section where Elena and Drake have to steal the jeep.

Yes, there are certain segments you do have to DEFEND yourself in, but that is just that. You're defending yourself and not killing in cold blood.

I don't hate them. Only thing I haven't liked from them was Left Behind since it was boring to play through. Haven't played Uncharted 4 yet but I'll probably like it if it's like the others.

I just wish they would go back to making more gameplay focused games. I honestly would have enjoyed Uncharted more as a movie or tv series, the endless climbing ruins it for me completely.

But climbing is gameplay. People loved it in Assassin's Creed 2 with the temples. Why not in Uncharted? There is room for error. You can die up there. And you're also looking for bonus treasures while you're traversing. I don't think you guys are playing it right or understand the fun of it. People have different perceptions of fun. To me, Bayonetta isn't fun. I'd much rather play Super Monaco GP.

Maybe I didn't word it right. The climbing is gameplay, I just find it monotonous.

Because their new games are just lackluster.

Who the fuck likes the idea of a tomb raider game with no bosses and it being on rails?

>What does a game have to do to be 10/10?

I don't know exactly but I know what it shouldn't do. It shouldn't have boring "platforming" segments that exist purely to show of the environments, it shouldn't be a generic cover based shooter, and it shouldn't have wait-a-minute-that-card-tier puzzles shoehorned in to try to make you forget you're playing a brainless shooter.


Because Sup Forums seems to be the only place on the internet who can see how ND is nothing but movie shit with occasional pres X for more movies to happen.

The climbing is insanely boring and mindnumbingly easy. Infamous did this shit better.

Because they are so long. Previous games were far better paced and the climbing sections were just short breathers from the action. Gameplay wise it's probably the best in the series, but everything else is just kinda frustrating and makes it (for me at least) the worst in the series.

>nuNaughty Dog

You mean just Naughty Dog?

Alright, then if people start wordingit like that, I can understand.

People here hated The Witness and said it wasn't a game. But I thought it was the best game of this year up with Uncharted 4. Maybe if people stop saying what they don't like isn't a game, there wouldn't be so much contention. People enjoy different things in games. And those cooldown parts of 4 in Scotland and Madagascar were fun to me. I liked the exploration, the puzzles, and finding the hidden treasures while talking to Sam and Sully.

I commend Naughty Dog for really adding those parts in and emphasiziing them because not only is this more adventure-focused than any Uncharted before, it's also a subversion of sequel expectations and really an artful sendoff. Normally, you would expect bigger and bolder action than in Uncharted 3, but no, Naughty Dog expanded and added more depth to the series by making this a return from an older Drake. I haven't played the Uncharted's in years since 3 came out, and coming back, I felt it.

I felt like an old man going through the motions in order to save my brother, and getting sparing sprinkles of action throughout early on because Drake didn't want to be drawn back i. You notice that sigh of relief after the first big setpiece with the market chase Drake gives? It's because that was the first time in a while we got that. It meant something, it was exciting. And we almost wanted more, but when we met wit Elena, we knew we fucked up. Things took a more sour note and there was tension buried on. We began to doubt whether we should continue on, but we HAD to in order to save Sam.

Sup Forums doesnt ban negative opinions.

No, Sup Forums just appears to be an extreme vocal minority. Everywhere you look on the internet and even from just random people, they love Uncharted. People bought a ps4 for Uncharted and Horizon Zero Dawn.

Yes, sonnygers like this shit.
Who else want to play this if not?

I still like Naughty Dog but I don't have a PS4. TLOU is good and you're all faggots!

Press x press x press x

What do you mean by this?

Elaborate. Do you mean simplicity of control is what makes it noninteractive? Because Pac-man is simple but eternally fun and increasingly complex with plenty of room for strategy. Uncharted has that. How far have you made it in 4? Did you reach Libertalia? Did you beat it?

Even then, not even just 4. What about the others? That entire boat scene in 3? You have to play through al of that and deal with the waves, use your environment, swim, hide, shoot, everything. How is that generic? There's no other game I can think of that combines platforming, stealth, melee, shooting, and etc. so well like Uncharted if at all?

And? Are people not allowed to have different likes and dislikes? I personally LOVE EvE online but most people cant stand thr idea of having gankers destroy all their shit. If I dont like 3rd person shambling and cover shooter games or said cover shooting is not to my preferce compared to say Gears or whatever where does that leave me and others eith simillar opinions?

Uncharted 1's waves and waves of enemies broke all suspension of disbelief/weren't fun to deal with. Jet ski sequences tanked.

Uncharted 2 was pretty fun, but there wasn't really much depth to it. Cinematic and explosive, and I won't say "hurr durr it plays itself" because that argument really doesn't apply to the Uncharted series, but it is what it is -- a shallow arena shooter. Yeah these games are supposed to deliver the pulpy, classic feel of Indiana Jones, but video games haven't come far enough as a medium (or maybe the writers are just shitty Hollywood rejects) to deliver that experience.

Uncharted 3 was just the same game as 2, only shinier and with a far more convoluted story, in which all characterization was tossed out the window for the sake of making Nate seem edgy and reckless. It was cool how stealth had a bit more of a focus, but the moment you were seen you couldn't slip back into stealth (unlike, say, Last of Us) which really broke the experience for me and ruined the whole point of stealth.

Haven't played 4.

I liked it.

Every time I watch this, I just cringe throughout and feel like killing him when he says "durrr y'know people like to compare uncharted to gears and tomb raider, but those are games, this is more like simon." Regenerative health makes it not a game somehow even though those games have it and he completely bypasses it.

>ut the moment you were seen you couldn't slip back into stealth

You can do this in Uncharted 4 at least.

Cuck devs

Cause most mouthbreathers just like whatever is hyped by MSM outlets and the publishers. Tbey don't actually like vidya they just like whatever they are told to like and is cool. They never knew jak and daxter or Crash so they can't compare it to vidya. And all they care about is "graphix" though funilly enough they are all too retarded too know about pcgaming so will just look at shit outdated console graphics and sperg about them.
These are the same people whose first fallout was 4
Their first mgs was V
And they loved both cause their 9gag meme dealer but them on goodguy.jpeg posts.

He's a retard who contradicts himself several times in that video. Don't take it too seriously.

The platforming, stealth and melee sucks balls in Uncharted

To add ti this it's easy.
Having to repeat because you reached a failstate is frustrating, they just want a cinematic experiance.

>There's no other game I can think of that combines platforming, stealth, melee, shooting, and etc. so well like Uncharted if at all?

Deus Ex.

What makes the writing in Indiana Jones better than Uncharted?

I want to hear your points first before I rebuttal.

Makes sense considering the progress they made with Last of Us, just seemed a bit ridiculous considering how hyped and "technologically advanced" 3 was that enemies would know exactly where you were on the map no matter where you went after you were spotted

you are one sad motherfucker typing all that shit. when did you become this sad cynical piece of shit that hates fun?

>But I don't understand how they can't be considered games
They are games, they're just poor games because they don't do much of anything that takes advantage of the medium and instead try to be interactive movies.

You don't have to think critically, your reflexes aren't being challenged in any real way, it's just a much more passive experience than, say, playing something like Super Mario Bros. or Tetris. The people that find these games appealing aren't looking for that "real" game experience that requires they actually apply some critical thinking or figure something out on their own, they want to be passively entertained, like they're watching a film, but still feel engaged.

They're different games.

But they're both critically acclaimed and hailed as the best games of all time, so I don't know why Sup Forums feels offended when critics and users respond universally positive to Uncharted. They're both top-tier games. Why does one have to be shit and the other goat? They're not even the same game. Deus Ex is a damn rpg.

Pac-man requires precise timing and fast thinking to make sure you don't get cornered. You have to approach levels methodically.

Platforming in Uncharted is just pressing X and watching the pretty animations. Shooting in Uncharted is just sitting behind a wall.

>only place that hates nuNaughty Dog
absolute false
a lot of people hate that cinematic dogs.
Hate Tlou and Blocktarted games and i think are subpar cinematic experiences.

because for the most part you can voice differing opinions without becoming literally hitler, theres good AND bad in everything but we're the only people who will talk about both

in you are in the car and dont go in the one direction you are supposed to continue the cinematic experience the immersion breaks down.

its all just a theme park ride to the bottom nothing more.

these kind of games are generally better off being watched then actually being played


Can you faggots shill this casual shit series somewhere else? God damnit

Uncharted just doesn't have much substance as a game and what is there has been done many times before, and better. It looks nice, it's easy to play and it's not very challenging, that's why so many people like it. It appeals to as broad an audience as possible and is streamlined (dumbed-down) enough for just about anyone to pick up and play it.

I don't enjoy the games because they're so utterly boring and devoid of any real challenge or risk. It just felt like a setpiece tour and I was there simply to observe the pretty explosions and graffix.

This is just blatantly wrong though.

You can die in them and they are challenging.

The stuff you can d in Uncharted is stuff we've wanted to do in games for years. Is it that it has realistic visuals and action that's akin to a Hollywood action movie that turns nerds off?

Uncharted takes skill and effort on Crushing. What's the difference between it and Halo? What makes Halo more competently made than Uncharted. They are both top-tier echelon shooters.

Because the way Deus Ex implemented those things was way more interesting? You have way more options to deal with any situation in Deus Ex than you do in Uncharted.

Is english not your first language or something? I assume you mean different genres, not games. The only relevant point is that Deus Ex combines those elements better than Uncharted. Yes, it's an RPG, but that just means that's one more genre Deus Ex tackled and doesn't detract from it's other accomplishes at all.

Yes and you have to go forward in Gears and Halo.

They're both linear. What's the difference?

>I don't know how to describe Uncharted's gunplay other than say it feels the best to me.
>can't even describe what he likes
When you have an opinion you can talk.

You have a lot of options in Uncharted, but you're not Solid Snake. You can't carry a bunch of spygear. You're grabbing whatever you come across and using your hands.

I've played Gears and I've played Uncharted. Uncharted feels better.

You describe how Gears feels better than Uncharted and makes it somehow a better game.

I fucking love games that say "Play how you want."
Lol. Far Cry 2 has more choices.

I haven't played Gears but the shooting and challenge in Halo is way more satisfying than in Uncharted. The AI at higher difficulties is relatively smart and demands a greater degree of strategy than Uncharted does.

>in you are in the car and dont go in the one direction you are supposed to continue the cinematic experience the immersion breaks down.
This is why games aren't great for telling stories. The very concept and implementation of player agency and freedom works against what makes a strong, structured narrative the author has full control over.

You allow players freedom, they can break sequence, see/do things out of order or skip them entirely, the narrative isn't nearly as strong because it's no longer structured. It would be similar to reading a book and skipping a couple chapters or reading them out of order. It just doesn't work.

Take that away from the player in order to have a more structured, linear narrative and stronger story-telling and you're losing out on what makes games unique and engaging in the first place, player agency and freedom.

>You describe how Gears feels better than Uncharted
You are implying I enjoy gears of war.
You are implying the only TPS games I know of are Uncharted and Gears of War.
Go play Vanquish like a real man.

You've obviously never played the games.

>the amount of fanboyism in this thread
Holy shit, what happened?

>gears of war and halo are you're fucking counter examples

Those games are shit too.


no thank you


>not very challenging
Then you shouldn't play on easy.

I played the first 2. Maybe 3 and 4 are better but I highly doubt it.

>Gears and Halo are shit


Is it a matter of the games being Western-made now or are liked by a lot of people?

The difference between easy and crushing is just how much time you spend behind a wall.

This is amazing subbed
>health regen makes it not a game
Its like you didn't watch the video...
Mind you you probably just are subconsciously strawmaning him as you went into the video biased.

That is exactly the kind of experience most people look for in these games.

Halo has a lot more going for it in terms of its mechanics and actual gameplay. The missions aren't 100% linear setpiece tours full of scripted events that trigger automatically, there are no idiot-proof QTE climbing segments and the like and the player has a lot more freedom in how they approach each encounter and some amount of freedom in how they progress through each mission. The AI, especially in the older games, was great and is still better than what you see in more modern games, including Uncharted.

Halo is structured like a game first and foremost and I'd argue Uncharted is not. It was designed as a narrative first, game second.

I'd like to see you "just sit behind a wall" in 2.

>halo 2 on legendary
>those fucking sniper jackals

Uncharted doesn't have QTE's right?
Uncharted doesn't have single button take downs right?
Oh vanquish is too fast paced for you? Requires aim and skill? Oh too bad you focused on one very small part of the game. GG shitter.

>uncharted on the same level as deus ex
Kill yourself.
Whats next, Avengers on the same level as the godfather or pulp fiction?

I know someone's gonna reply to you shitting on 1, but honestly, I don't see the problem with it really at all.

Yes, the placement of ruins for chest-high walls and how gameplay is essentially divided into platforming then shooting then some puzzles is more out there and not as combined, but all those segments are competently made and it was made in 2007. 1 is still great. Dialogue's great, plot gets a little janky with some off-putting conveniences here and there, but the voice acting is still phenomenal, the shooting handles great and is really snappy, and the platforming was damn great for 07.

All "good" movies succeed because the plot comes from the character. The character drives the plot. Indiana Jones' character drove the plot,

All of Nate's decisions in Uncharted 3 weren't in his character. The developers marketed the game as Nate "going too far," being so driven to solve a treasure hunt that he lost his friends along the way, but it practice it felt more like the plot was forcing him to do things, not that he was doing things and a plot was unfolding because of it. (The entire ship sequence, for instance, had literally no relevance to the plot -- it was a massive set piece that happened because, 'Oops! Wrong boat!' That'd be cut out of a script because it doesn't advance the story. Likewise, it had fun gameplay moments, but didn't add to Nate's character or the tension of the game.)

Uncharted 1 and 2 had coherent enough stories, but failed in the regard of character because Nate was mercilessly slaughtering whole armies of people yet playing the moral high ground over his enemies. In any other game, this would be fine. But because Uncharted purports to be cinematic and have depth, there's a clash between playing the game and mowing down foes relentlessly without Nate exhibiting a single shred of remorse and then the cut-scenes of Nate being a jolly good guy.

because moviegames are pretty boring

these two videos sum up modern naughty dog very well



but cover is destructible

>the platforming was damn great for 07

No it wasn't. The platforming isn't even on the level of the original Super Mario Bros.

delete this

I've said it plenty of times, Uncharted is just a glorified Ass Creed's game, it's barely above average

There were moments of playing that were fun. It all got repetitive though, and Naughty Dog doesn't help because they're a bit pretentious, combining the movie medium with the video game by compromising both and acting like they're cinematic geniuses. They're literally all writers who weren't good enough to make movies so they got shafted to the video game industry.

Compare this to, say, Deus Ex: Human Revolution which has a comically bad story, but doesn't let that encroach on the gameplay, gameplay which is varied enough to be fun on its own to begin with.

Ideally I just want a game that doesn't try to use cinema's tropes and embraces the medium for what it is -- a fucking game.

Because Sup Forums is filled with traditionalists that prefer pure-gameplay games and not 'cinematic masterpieces' that are all the rage these days.