Anyone else get their mousepad in yet? Post it

Anyone else get their mousepad in yet? Post it.

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I've had the same Max Payne mousepad since 1999 when it came bundled with the game.

Whoops 2001. Not sure why I thought of 99

Finally got the fixed one.

Mine is still being shipped, should be arriving one of these days. It has pic related.

How do they make any money?

>cinematography pad



It was worth waiting

Here's a hint.

wow, thats nostalgic as fuck
what was it? 1994?

8 euro from China for 0.8 meter mousepad

I'm very happy with it.

pretty comfy setup, what res is the monitor?

2560x1080 29"

I'm probably going to upgrade to a curved 4k ultrawide eventually. Ultrawide is incredible for gaming.

Wait how do you get that mousepad?

Shipping took some time but large mousepad like this cost like 30-50 euro normally where I live.

yeah I've been considering one heavily as well, will prolly go with a 3440x1440 once I upgrade to pascal or polaris

How's the support on it, does the average older game that can do 16:9 also have 21:9?

What are the limitations to what you can print on it?

Some games do some games don't. Usually there are community workarounds if not. And if all else fails you can still just play it in 16:9 with black bars left and right.

For example my 29" 21:9 can display 16:9 at 23"
A 34" 21:9 can show 16:9 as if it were a 27" etc....

can't be bothered to take a new picture so here's a picture that's like 4 years old

i just got an exact copy of this one because it was getting dirty

>the nicest guy you'll ever meet
>twisted fucking psycopath

Such a shame they printed it upside down

Not sure why people like these mousepads. They're super fucking small and made out of some pretty garbage material that wears out quick if it rubs against your skin too much.

Just spend like 10-15 bucks on a decent mousemat that'll last you your entire life.

well for one, I've had a mousepad from this site for 6 years and it is still going strong, and it was fucking free

why the fuck would i pay 10-15 bucks when i can get something free?

i don't know what kind of nasty acid sweat you have if yours wear out that quickly

>What are the limitations
Only imagination.

> that wears out quick if it rubs against your skin too much.
Is your skin made of sandpaper. I've had one for around 3 or 4 years now that's perfectly fine. The only wear are some fraying at the edges.

They're still pretty ridiculously small. Every single person posting theres here, their mouse takes up about 1/4th the size of the fucking mat, sometimes more! How can you seriously play videogames like that?

I've never needed to move my mouse more than that.

how the fuck low do you have your mouse sensitivity if you need to be moving your mouse a foot left or right? a gentle rocking of the wrist should get you from one side of your screen to the other

How much is shipping to UK?

>why the fuck would i pay 10-15 bucks when i can get something free?
because the thing that you don't get for free is better in every single conceivable way? isn't that what money is for, to improve your living? just how poor are you?

One good swipe across my mousepad is a 180 in an FPS game and my mouse occupies about 1/10th the space of my mousepad

Post that wallpaper on the right m8.

I move my mouse about 15 inches for a 180 degree turn. Clearly you have never played games like Quake or CS.

Is this still available? Where do I even input the code?


my mousepad is oriented portrait style due to space constraints and is literally only 3x the width of my mouse

and yet i have never had any trouble

moving my mouse literally 1 inch takes me through a full 180 degrees

My mousepad hasn't arrived, fuck


>moving my mouse literally 1 inch takes me through a full 180 degrees
what the fuck people play games like this?

I meant left. Don't know why I said right.


i'm just as confused at the people telling me they play games where they have to move their mouse like a goddamn foot to turn around

do you not have fine motor control? does your arm not get tired?

I might get either this or the Diamond Dogs logo.

get your shit str8 m8



>acting like you are somehow physically superior
lower sensitivity provides more precision and it also has health benefits



>and it also has health benefits


What's your monitor sitting on? Also how good is your two speaker setup? I've had some Logitech 5.1 speakers since 2008 and really want to get rid of the clutter they create, so I've just stuck with my headphones for now but sometimes you just want to relax and play some music or something through speakers

just moving your wrist leads to carpal tunnel my man


You're going to have to explain this.

>Still using a mousepad

i don't like the sound of my mouse sliding across wood

mousepad is silent

Maybe he's Australian

>Not having a large mousemat