What are some meme games that had no staying power that Sup Forums convinced you to buy?

What are some meme games that had no staying power that Sup Forums convinced you to buy?

Pic related.

>Less than 2 hours long

>tfw I got a refund on this piece of shit


Y-You're just an idiot OP. You're probably just bad at the game and that's why you think it had little replay value despite all the multitude of challenges and levels because none of it deviated the basic gameplay at all besides that retarded body hotswap.

Jokes on you, op, i had fun playing it.


I did too, but that doesn't justify its length

As great of a game as this is Sup Forums killed it fast.

Once we found the Chaos engine there was little left to do.
Content came slow and sparse.

It was a fun week but that's about it.

>less than 2 hours long
>30 dollars
>giant bomb 5/5
>"i barely had to actually play this! so amazing!"

>bought the game because of all the creations here on Sup Forums
>realize I can't create shit
>Oh well atleast I can still watch the fun content
>It stops coming out
>It dies

You fell for shills, not memes. And you could easily refund that piece of shit

It's a shame really because this game's main mechanic looked like it had a lot of promise if they built upon it correctly and stuff

I only did that once.

You probably just need to improve your ability.

Tropical Freeze.

It didn't fix a damn thing from Returns.

Neptunia on Steam

I should have known better but for years I had been seeing the threads here so I assumed it was at least a mediocre but fun game, no one would play stupid shit games JUST for the pink haired anime blobs, right?...

I was paying attention to this waiting for them to announce some dlc or expansions or something. A level editor. Workshop support. SOMETHING to get us more content with a concept this good.
But no.

>turned the action game into a boring puzzle game
This was the problem

J-jokes are fun?

>Valuing Sup Forums's opinion
Well theres your first mistake

I really don't get the >game is too short meme.

I'd rather have 2 hours of good quality content than waste my time on 200 hours of lazy fetch quests.


What a Sup Forums bandwagon thing to say