What is your favorite video game generation?

What is your favorite video game generation?

I had the most fun in the 4th generation. There was just an endless amount of good software to choose from.

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5th gen, i like 6th gen as well but a lot of the best games from 6th gen were just sequels from 5th

If we include handhelds the 6th generation.

why? gba library wasnt that impressive

the regular nintendo was 3rd gen? is that what you meant?

It has the best library of all time.

Consoles: 6th generation
Handhelds: 7th generation

DS was better 2bh

Half of those games aged like shit.

The 16 Bit era is my favorite too. The third and fifth generations were great as well. The rest just can't compare.


top lel

the DS is just failed continuations of series that started or peaked on the GBA. The megaman zero/battlenetwork games are the prime example of this.

>tfw no one in school bullied you because you had a NES
>tfw everyone wanted to be your friend because you had a NES

good times

and the ds had more original games than the gba, so whats your point?

>the ds isnt good because it didnt have enough sequels

let me guess, 6th gen is your favorite gen right?

This current one.

But then again, I never got into video games until now, so there's that.

>tfw nobody in school bullied me because I'm not a fag
>tfw everyone wanted to be your friends because you're a fun guy

I had a Sega Master System.

how's the weather in Brazil?

I wished I knew. I'm in Europe, lad.

my condolences

The DS had plenty of sequels, they were just shit.

and they aren't very good, just a mountain of 5/10 jrpgs

I really enjoy the current gen-

I can go online, play with a group of regulars on a great sounding headset/mic.

can go online and look up guides/videos, can even post my own shit if I wanted to. can read reviews and shit.

I grew up with NES/SNES, but no internet back then to do all this amazing shit. and 99% of the time I played alone. playing with other people, even if I'll never meet them face to face, is a priceless experience

name 20

20 what? DS sequels? you could probably get that from pokemon spinoffs alone.

>I can go online, play with a group of regulars on a great sounding headset/mic.
>can go online and look up guides/videos, can even post my own shit if I wanted to. can read reviews and shit.

how is this any different from 7th gen?

you aren't wrong but that is hardly unique.

>and they aren't very good, just a mountain of 5/10 jrpgs

yeah, and the GBA was full of snes ports fucking retard

4th gen, SNES was hands down GOAT new boundries next level shit. "Next gen" today is a joke because it's a 10% improvement over last gen. If we kept going at the rate the NES->SNES->N64 improved we'd have reached a technological singularity at this point.

>mfw my best friend had a NES and he was always just a LITTLE stingy about it being my turn and one day i got a SNES

honestly although I agree with you entirely and having stable multiplayer that is easy to use is now a birthright instead of a highly touted feature, we have in the process lost split screen and LAN. And that is a sore loss.

early 3d games are the only games that "aged" because the innovative 3D level design and graphics are unimpressive now and bad controls/cameras are harder to excuse.

and ps1 jrpgs tend to drag on forever in every aspect, too long, slow menus, long loading times, long bad looking 3d/fmv cutscenes for spells etc. They age because they are a chore to play.

The GBA had plenty of snes ports of good games, and even more excellent series of its own which the DS couldn't follow up on. better to play ports of great games than garbage jrpgs.

There is seriously only a handful of good original DS games, contra 4, TWEWY, ghost trick, 999... other good games are just bad or not as good as the GBA games the follow up (megamans,metroidvanias,fire emblem/advance wars golden sun etc.)

Saying only 4th gen suffers from this isn't accurate. You ARE correct. The MAJORITY of 4th gen games are forgotten. But this isn't a 4th gen feature. It's something that applies to all games and this gen has been so dull its already applying to this gen.

How many NES and SNES games do you think people would be able to list?

Now lets take out all the games that are still popular series to this day like Donkey Kong, Mario, Zelda, and so on.

How many people on Sup Forums can even remember that the genesis existed and sega used to make consoles?

PS1 games?

How many PS2 games do you legitimately think the average born in the late 90s virgin can name?

There are THOUSANDS of games from 2nd/3rd/4th gen that aged like milk and are completely forgotten by all but a handful of enthusiast that loved the game or speedrun it for views.

There are even hundreds of 5th and 6th generation games that are completely forgotten with the aging times.

>The GBA had plenty of snes ports of good games


This post depresses me because I could name a shitload from those gens... but almost nothing from modern era except some PC stuff and maybe 3-4 other titles (sans Nintendo stuff). I'm an old fucking man.

>How many NES and SNES games do you think people would be able to list?

People are stupid and many gamers are millennials, it being popular has no bearing on quality.

2D games don't age, The sole exception is for games that were total shit but seemed good because they made some innovative stride that became a stable in the genre. \some games were all flash no substance and people knew this. they are just as good as the were perceived to be, most games are just shit.

Same. I've been playing since the C64 days and still own hundreds of games from back in the day. I just want old Sega back. I mean Nintendo is still around but nobody has filled the void that Sega left behind.

>younger brother buys black ops 3
>has both splitscreen and LAN

was honestly shocked

I don't even know what your sperging over, The GBA isn't just snes ports, and ports of the best games of the snes are far better than the mountain of shit hailed as good on the DS. At least the bad gba games were clearly bad being fucking Nickelodeon games and the like.

That's silly. Think of us as privileged for being born into the golden age of video games and we got to experience these games at the height of their greatness.

You can't download an emulator and play prince of persia 2 and experience the same thing we did when it was HOT FUCKING ROTOSCOPE TECHNOLOGY ACTION. Or pirate Myst and have your mind fucked by a point and click adventure.

We experienced these games at the perfect time to experience them. Our older siblings got to enjoy the golden era of Arcades and we will never fully experience what they did. We got to see the introduction of home entertainment consoles.

We grew up in a new world and got to see its limitless potential before the paths were well worn and business models were developed to make the safest, most financially successful game.

none of the snes ports were even good ports

I will be eternally grateful if you can find me the name of those 3.5 floppys that came with OVER 30 "games". They were all just single levels and the fairly short, linear, walk across the screen with your pixel dude and hop over an enemy pixel dude or a pixel fireball.

I've been trying to google that shit for years.

Yes the were, the only thing that was lacking was sound, which the DS isn't much better at. The often added content. link to the past, mario advance series, FF games were all great. And despite the memes the donkey kong country games were great too. again even a shitty port is better than some 5/10 jrpg

>the only thing that was lacking was sound

so they were bad ports, thanks for proving my point

The one I grew up with

alright autist, better a bad port than a bad game.

why would i play the bad port when i can play the better version instead? at least the bad game is something different

that is surprising.

baka what you're saying is 2d games don't age except the ones that do.

remember that you are living in the current and every shitty game that comes out is current, marketed, in your face, remembered.

Because it's portable and includes new content? Maybe you haven'y played the original?

Bad games aren't worth playing, and if you play games for the novelty of being different instead of actually trying to master a game worth mastering your a dumb casual. You would actually rather play shit than replay something good?

3rd gen, since the NES is my favorite console.

So much great stuff. 4th gen had great stuff too, but a lot of it was casualized stuff from the 3rd gen.

>your a dumb casual.

and yet games like mario advance & the dkc games were made easier on the gba

No that's not what i'm saying, and the scale is totally different. People knew when games were just novelties, when games went 3D everything was so different it was hard to tell, even if you didn't really like a game, you often felt you just didn't understand how 3D games work. trying to get cameras to work and just thinking on a 3D plane was part of the experience.

If you're struggling just to compete a game you're a dumb casual. Mastering a game means challenge runs or multiplayer.

The games were balanced anyway and not very hard in the first place. it's not like kirby where the lack of challenge makes enemy placement and level design pointless.

that has literally have nothing to do with what i said

anta baka?

3rd and 5th gen have aged the worst, but I still enjoy a decent handful of games from both and respect their innovations.

4th and 6th are my favorite. I feel that 2D and 3D gameplay reached their respective peaks during these gens.

7th and 8th are fucking cancer incarnate.

speaking in weebo doesnt help either

meh. lots of original 3D games had terrible cameras or were ugly as sin but they were still great games

this game looks like HELL 20 years later but it's still fun.


also as a testament to that - compare how similar blast corps 64 is in gameplay to modern cell phone games.

I don't want to be younger or anything user. I just want more of those games. Occasionally something good trickles in that recaptures some of the past, but hardly any games have that sharpness of those old games.

Of course there are some good 3D games.

indie games