Which does Sup Forums like more?
Twisted Metal or Carmageddon
Twisted Metal for sure.
2 and Black were the best in the series. Then 989 Studios really dropped the ball with 3 and 4. 1 was ok.
All I can see is this guy in that picture.
4 had this at the very least
Dead genre
vigilante 8
What's with all the TM threads recently?
Not that I'm opposed to them, mind you, just curious.
Carmageddon: Reincarnation is only really now playable, got released with some pretty shitty optimization.
They're re-releasing it as a multiplat - Carmageddon: Max Damage, it's apparently going to have cross-platform multiplayer.
I can't think of any other game that's done it successfully.
If you won C:R you get C:MD free.
meant own.
Carmageddon is very British in its sense of humour.
Twisted Metal seems more 90s ultraviolent comic book.