Twisted Metal or Carmageddon

Which does Sup Forums like more?

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Twisted Metal for sure.

2 and Black were the best in the series. Then 989 Studios really dropped the ball with 3 and 4. 1 was ok.

All I can see is this guy in that picture.


4 had this at the very least

Dead genre

vigilante 8

What's with all the TM threads recently?
Not that I'm opposed to them, mind you, just curious.

Carmageddon: Reincarnation is only really now playable, got released with some pretty shitty optimization.
They're re-releasing it as a multiplat - Carmageddon: Max Damage, it's apparently going to have cross-platform multiplayer.
I can't think of any other game that's done it successfully.
If you won C:R you get C:MD free.

meant own.
Carmageddon is very British in its sense of humour.
Twisted Metal seems more 90s ultraviolent comic book.

I'll photoshop it gimme a few minutes

Do both, Ainsley Tooth and Max Harriot.




Gory vehicle combat? Was very much a product of its time. There are some vehicle combat games on the way, though, Rollcage is getting a reboot/spiritual continuation in Grip, but it's not 90s gorecheese, and Max Damage is released soon.

pretty good

Fucking hell, perfect.

thanks, user, you're the best


I reduced the yellows a bit to ressemble the original

you could 'perfect' it all you want, but frankly you nailed it on the second bounce. try desaturating everything then putting a red overlay layer on top to get that evenly red look

Mario Kart 64 Battle Mode

kek, this is exactly what I thought about when I saw his face

*raises paw*

why are we talking about shitty old games when Overwatch has already been released?

*grabs you by the nape*


Shut up blueberry

*backflips behind you brandishing a double barrel shotty*
Leave the lady be...

AUUGH, heh...ya know you're pissing me OFF!

*unsheathes katanas*

I was gunna let you off easy bub, but you need to be taught a lesson.

Shut the f*ck up FAGGOT *teleports around and shoots beams at you* 'You! *kicks you from behind* Are! *teleports in front of you and uppercuts you into the air* Just! *flies into the air with flaming spiral uppercut* a stupid TROLL! *hits you with flame uppercut and grabs your head and throws you down to the ground* NOW DIE FAG!!! *crashes into you with meteor slam attack and kills you* Heh... another troll falls to me. *teleports away*

*you teleported to my body just in time for my bombs to explode and kill you*

silly user didnt know it was me...junkrat, the entire time