Uncharted 4 was the best-selling game in May

>Sony's console again holds the top spot in sales for the month, according to numbers released by the NPD Group. PlayStation 4 was the top selling console for April 2016, and the month previous, as well.

>PS4 exclusive Uncharted 4 was the best-selling game for the month.

>Sony has managed to beat out its competitors most months since the PS4 launched, with very, very few exceptions. Back in October, Halo 5 drove sales of Microsoft's Xbox One to the top of sales for the month, but generally speaking, Sony has dominated sales numbers in the US.

Here are the top selling games for May 2016.

Uncharted 4: A Thief's End
Doom 2016
Grand Theft Auto V
NBA 2K16
Call of Duty: Black Ops III
MLB 16: The Show
Dark Souls III

>In its latest briefing with investors, Sony revealed it was on track to sell an additional 20 million PS4 consoles by the close of its fiscal year March 31, 2017.


Uncharted 4 - Under 700K Units
Halo 5 - Over 800K units

RIP Consoles

[citation needed]

RIP non Nintendo consoles, you mean.

Reminder that Splatoon has sold nearly five million on a console that's sold about... what? Twice that much? And Mario Kart did even better.

NPD Thread on neogaf. Watch out for all the spin. PS4 only sold under 200K consoles as well :)


>Heavily marketed game with no multiplats actually sells well

wew lad.

Why do you go on neogaf if you hate them so much

>ps4 has 40 mil users
>xbone barely had users when halo 5 was out
>it still outsold it

sonycucks BTFO

Source on that cuckies?

NPD doesn't track digital sales


Splatoon and Mario Kart 8 have already outsold every single PS4 exclusive this generation

SF V is 120th in the NPD Software charts as well.

That's for all time though, and there are literally only about 4 games worth owning on Wii U

U4 sold 700K in less than 3 weeks in the US alone.

This is good. Sony can show how their exclusives sell well and then make third party games exclusive more likely. Here's hoping for DMC5!

When your console doesn't have games and you only have those two

Well, not really surprising...



RIP Consoles

Will shitposters ever realize that by trying to trigger people they look like they've been triggered themself?

>PS4 only sold under 200K consoles as well :)

You say that like its bad.

That's the figure for the US only right? Not Europe, Japan and rest of world. You do realize that the PS4 is the fastest selling console of all time, right?

Jesus, why am I even wasting time posting about sales shit to an idiot like you?

all this mad


B-but nobody cares about D-doom guys!

D-doom is g-gonna be a flop!

Why is Sup Forums always wrong?

What does that have to do with the death of consoles.
Wasn't this also on consoles?

Most of the sales are on console, though, specifically the PS4.

>GTA V still selling like hotcakes
How do they do it? Its been more than 3 years and it still sells like a madman.

Because shark cards

His brain has shutdown from the butthurt, he's just posting on instinct now.

I really don't understand why people think that its raw sales numbers that makes a game good or how overwatch is comparable to uncharted or any game for that matter

>C-consoles are d-doomed guys

>P-pc gayming is the future!

>when combining sales across platforms

Ignore the troll. The master race are so desperate for actual games that they always wish for the death of consoles which actually have games.

>uncharted is now bigger than halo

When was the last time Sup Forums was ever right?

How does this place keep going embarrassing themselves all the time?

What? DOOM was very prized for its single player on Sup Forums. Special after the polygon video


>mobile is the future

>Uncharted 4 sales - 700K
>Halo 5 sales - 800K


Halo has always been a more popular franchise than Uncharted

The fact that Uncharted almost sold the same as Halo is quite worrying for MS.

>Sony finally finds a mascot
>the series ends

Welp I guess it's Joel and/or Ellie next

The power of waifus is fucking astounding. D-Va alone probably raked in half those players. Tracer's ass brought in another million. And so on.

they make money on people buying tons of in game currency

also the fact that its one of the only games where you can do anything you want at any time you want

The next one will be spiderman


I really hope that Sucker Punch is not making a fucking spiderman game

I really hope they are.

His bum

>RIP Console

I thought Blizzard already said that it sold more on normie platforms

Everyone getting MAD at Sony's DOMINATION

PCucks BTFO yet again.

Not that good when you consider the gaymur population has more than doubled since then.

You can't compare raw sales, that's always going to be higher because it's an expanding market - you need to compare the % of users buying them. You'll get quite the hit.

>The Nathan Drake collection

Sony games are evergreen. On nintendo and xbox they die after the initial release, buy sony keep selling for years.

Are consolecucks so desperate that they have to cherrypick and obfuscate data to make themselves look relevant?
It's really okay guys. Nobody hates your less relevant machines. All niches should be embraced.

>last of us outselling halo 5
>uncharted collection outselling halo collection

If it was so irrelevant, why does blizzard a PC company release their games on consoles ?

Movies truly are timeless.

If consoles are so irrelevant

Why is Injustice 2 only coming to consoles?

Why is Xcom 2 coming to consoles?

I've been off Sup Forums for about 6 months

Is the whole people trying to claim the whole PS4 isn't shit thing just ironic yet or are people still doing it for real

>uncharted 4 outsold overwatch

No, the nintoddlers and butt blasted PCucks haven't left, and PS4 is still the only platform for actual games.

What? PS4 games drop in price in months, only Nintendo games hold their monetary value for long.

Wait so it's the other thing around now, now the meme is that the PS4 has games?

And is Nintendo even discussed anymore because it seems like nothing relevant has been released for a while

Which is why they keep selling and the jews at nintnendo lose sales.

Nintendo don't determine second hand prices, people are simply more willing to pay more money for them.

>the meme is that the PS4 has games
PS4 has games, and the future looks bright. If you speak nip, like any real gamer should, you have literally unlimited games.

>U4 sold 700K in less than 3 weeks in the US alone.
For a western AAA game, that's pretty bad.

Sales for western AAA games are usually concentrated in the launch window and sell most of their copies right away so that does not bode well for its long-term success if Sony expected more than a couple million copies sold.

>If you speak nip, like any real gamer should, you have literally unlimited games.
You also already have a PS3 and/or Vita that make owning a PS4 near-pointless.

PS4 has a couple hundred games, how is that "literally unlimited" games?

It's a good game, but I regret paying full price for it.

>You also already have a PS3 and/or Vita that make owning a PS4 near-pointless.
Yes I do. How is more games ever a bad thing?

>PS4 has a couple hundred games, how is that "literally unlimited" games?
It's effectively unlimited because the games come out faster than I can possibly play them all. How stupid are you to ask such a question? You seem really upset that people are buying PS4's. Did a PS4 beat up your mom or something?

>the xbone and ps4's library in a nutshell