Teammate sacrifices himself to get the team the win

>Teammate sacrifices himself to get the team the win


>Teammate sacrifices the team to get himself the win.

Do people hate Griffith only because of his attitude post-eclipse? Because I totally get that.

I hate Griffith because he fucked his shit up his own self and then proceeded to fuck everyone over after that.

>that file name
How did Rickert get so based

>user reposts a thread to get the (You)s

The end of golden age was so dumb, Griffith gets everything he wanted and instead of just accepting it, he throws it all away because Guts leaves him? Why is Griffith such a dumb ass for someone who was portrayed as a genius?

>Teammate sacrifices his team to get the win for himself

I was skeptical about him even during the golden age, with his creepy smile and being willing to sell his ass to get to the top.

Him sacrificing everyone and then being aloof once he met Guts at the sword graveyard completely sealed the deal. It may take another 50 years or so, but I wanna see the Dragonslayer tear his boypussy apart.

>abandon my teammates during critial fight to fulfill the objective
>teammates bitch and moan I'm not fighting with them
>lone warrior from opposing team stands in my way
>engage in 1v1 sword fight
>a single mistake from opposing warrior cost him his life
>teammates were wiped out at this point
>fulfill objective winning us the game
>teammates still bitch and moan

To be FAIR, dude was tortured for a year and maimed in pretty much every way imaginable. And after that the God Hand still had to fuck with his head to get him to go through with it.

It shows just how much of an impact Guts had on him. He was the one person Griffith couldn't help but see as an equal even though he didn't want to sometimes.

Griffith is a sociopath who feels he has to be in control at all times. Guts leaving and defeating him stripped away his vision of control so he did something well retarded and drastic was meant to reestablish his feels of control over everything.

There is no doubt in my mind Griffith watching Rickert and gang fly away was a hint Griffith ordered the hit on him from the crazy Raskahahhahaha apostle. He saw something he couldn't imagine a god slapped in the face.

Rickert will be Void 2.0 and call the other 4 angels on Griffith if the story is anything like the other.

>sacrifice your underlings to obtain the power of a god
>or don't, and live as vegetable for the rest of your miserable life and die as a nobody

gee I wonder what I should do.

He didn't see Guts as an equal, told him so and made Guts realize that yea he was just being a tool and always has been so he set out to find himself.

That's understandable, the little detail that made me absolutely despise him was the little smirk he gave Guts just before being enveloped by the "womb" or whatever you want to call the transformation thingy. You can excuse the rape somewhat since it's a broken, jealousy-ridden Griffith succumbing to his deepest desires due to Femto's influence, but the smile? That shit hurt yo.

>I guess I should also rape my friend's girlfriend in front of him too while I'm at it
Yeah nah, Griffith is a cunt.

I can see that, and I tried to justify his reasons multiple times, but between him smiling before being reborn and raping Casca, and then berating Guts during the BS arc I can't really find reasons to justify him anymore.

Berserk is such a good fucking manga, it's a shame the creator is a massive autist, he's starting to add moe bullshit in the latest chapters. Just fucking wrap it up so I don't have to wait for this masterpiece to finish.

His reasoning for doing it was more fucked up
>Believe Guts trampled my dream by leaving
>Fuck his bitch in front of him until she goes insane

He was so angry when he saw he had nothing and Casca and Guts had something in his last moments as a cripple. He was basically going to be a cripple cuck that Casca and Gut's son took care of for the rest of his life.

Oh, what he did was definitely unforgivable. There's no way to justify it. He betrayed everyone. Twice.

I'm more saying that Griffith was a good human character. He wasn't some sneering evil shit the entire time. He had a bit of depth.

I thought Guts and Griffith meeting after the ball and Julius assassination sealed their relationship as equals, unbeknownst to Griffith himself even. If that didn't do it, Guts moping the floor with him just before leaving definitely did change Griffith's perception of him.

this, I hate the cutesy new characters and how dull everything feels now. Serpico and Farnese I could stand, but now Farnese is a boring goody-goody character who's learning magic because she has nothing else going on with her character arc

>ever finishing

Yeah nah

Or if you just read the manga where he's introduced as the bad guy in the very first arc.

>Isidoro bumblefucks around even more often than he did initially
>Shirke's shitty little elf I can't even remember the name of
>The pitiful leftover corpse that is Puck

I got to admit the trio's feud with the pirate captain was pretty funny but he needs to tone it down a few inches.

I agree with you, he had ambition and obviously cared for his team to a degree, and cared particularly for Guts, and I'm pretty sure he considered him a good friend at some point, despite all of his "equal" shit he talked about after the assassination of Julius.
I didn't really have much reason to hate him more than Guts in the first arc, other than him shit talking him and Guts being an enormous hate machine there's really no context about the two of them and the Golden Age arc explained that to me rather wonderfully.

most of the new characters were pretty good at first, especially Serpico and Farnese, but over time they've all become so bland and boring. I just hope they get some actual characterization at some point and Isidro tries to man up instead of just being the shitty comic relief character

So are Serpico and Farnese ever going to fuck, there's all this sexual tension between them

no because Farnese is a goody-two-shoes now and Serpico decided not to stick his dick in crazy

I actually really like Serpico and Farnesse. Serpico's been great since day one and Farnese changing as a character felt somewhat satisfying, plus, she got fucking Roderick on board and he's got potential to become a total bro, if he isn't one already. We'll see how their relationship develops, Roderick's presence is bound to spice up the twins a bit.

The real tragedy is Casca. Get to the elf king or whatever and just heal her brain already for fucks sake.

>Teammate sacrifices the whole raiding party in order to save everyone on the server

The duels between Serpico and Guts have been fun, the epitome of DEX vs STR

The problem with Berserk as it is right now is that there are thrice the many characters it actually needs. A culling is, hopefully, imminent.

In latest chapter Miura actually had to make a really wide shot to fit them all on one page.

I think It's more about him using everyone as stepping stones to achieve his own selfish dream, including the people that made any of his success possible.

>implying you wouldn't do the same

>He fell for the Guts is the reliable narrator meme

It should have ended at Conviction arc desu.

>but I wanna see the Dragonslayer tear his boypussy apart.
that's literally all griffith wanted in the end.

that moe mermaid girl is everything wrong with current Berserk in a nutshell, she has no reason to be there and only is because Miura's been playing too much idolmaster

Berserk on coming back at the end of june... but for how long?

he wasnt at the sacrifice, so he aint scared of nothing


Calling it now, Casca is only temporarily fixed and when she leaves the island reverts back to mind break
Or the elf king is some horrible demon that tries to rape her

Best boy.

The only good reason to hate Griffith is for him feeling like he literally owned Guts, who was his only true friend.

That he sacrificed his friends for his dream was COMPLETELY understandable. They were all prepared to die for him on any other given day. Sure they died in a terrible manner but they're dead now -- it doesn't matter.

And him raping Caska was bad too but in the end it's just a testament to how mad he was at Guts for abandoning him which caused him to be tortured for a year. The first time he saw the light of day after his torture, he was alone and even his booty call Caska had left him. That kind of jealousy and loneliness would be unbearable so whatever, it's understandable what he did there.

Griffith didn't do much wrong.

That's nonsense, moeshit has been in Berserk from the start. The real problem is the Berserker armor, because it completely does away with any sort of plot structure and replaces it with abstract notion of willpower, or as it is more properly called here, Guts going super saiyan when needed. No matter how badly hurt he is, he can still draw just enough 'power' to overcome any obstacle. It's the laziest device Miura could have chosen and I hate it to the core.

Best solution to this would be that it makes Guts go crazy, that he kills ~6 characters outright, then Schierke does some expeliarmor spell on him and there's like 3 issues of Naked Guts VS Living Armor fight.

Who was worse, Griffith or this fuck

Well, Guts needed a power-up. He has to kill a demi-god.

Corkus was a dick, but a loyal Hawk that did nothing wrong other than being rude to Guts

Undefined power up represents unlimited power up. Always.

I don't hate him because he did literally nothing wrong.

I completely agree, though moe wasn't always present in Berserk. The Berserker armor is what killed the story, it even ruined what Guts looked like which to me is a big deal.

The JRPG party wasn't ideal compared to the good ol' Black Swordsman days but it worked out, until the armor showed up.

He had one, his JRPG party. The armor was incredibly lazy and takes away nearly every bit of respect Guts deserved. He's just cheating now.

Corkus tried to kill guts and got a few of the hawks killed in the process. I like him though

I fucking loved the idea behind the armor but then I saw it just acted as a switch for Guts to reach ludicrous levels of bullshit and I got disillusioned. I thought it'd just dull his pain, not make him flip through the air, swinging a thousand lbs of iron and ass like it was nothing. I mean I know the human body is capable of some crazy shit when the pain inhibitors are turned off but this is overdoing it. Guts himself said he's still 100% human, well that fucking armor sure as hell isn't helping your argument fucko.

>the self-flaggelating while getting turned on bitch got toned down
>serpico toned down

it's too high fantasy. there's way too much hope and people aren't as fucked up as in the past. the loli witch should have been attempted raped at least 5 times by now

Serie will resume june 24 and will be monthly. Cover & lead color for chapter #344.

It won't be long until another hiatus of cpurse, bit let's enjoy it while we can.

>sacrifices his team to crawl to the top, as opposed to his team willingly sacrificing themselves for him
>What is context

>rapes casca
>but that's "understandable"

are you autistic

Griffith is 100% a sociopathic monster who will do anything and hurt anyone to get what he wants. That is exactly what "doing much wrong" is you goddamn turboretard

Gentle reminder that post-Eclipse Griffith is NOT Griffith

Man this game looks surprisingly good. PS2 right? Does it play and emulate well?

she's Miura's daughterfu, nothing will ever happen to her

I want to fuck Ivalera

>Griffith didn't do much wrong.

Dark settings get tiresome if there is no hope people were bitching and moaning and Game of Thrones because it was getting too tryhard with edge (which this season fixed altough it's pretty meh).

>few of the hawks

just one and the other fuckwit lost his arm not a big deal

It looks outstanding in WEBMs but is a rather mediocre title.

Yes it was rape, thank you captain meme arrows

he was sort of a shithead but he never betrayed his comrades or raped them

Oh boy here we go

You're right he did nothing wrong

It has some emu issue with the hud but yeah it emulates well and it's fun.

You pretty much described Left 4 Dead.

did anyone else think Judeau was a tomboy at first

I want this obnoxious cunt to die.

>Playing Dead by Daylight
>Run into the killer early on
>Noticed that all my teammates went to the other direction, so I lure him the other direction
>He catches me after a while and grabs me
>I had destroyed a couple of hooks previously, so I get free
>Notice that the rest of the team already got two generators, but the next ones are where me and the killer are
>Lure him away again, getting lucky with some obstacles
>He gets me again
>The team is down to two more generators
>He just stands there hacking at me
>Through sheer luck I manage to escape the hooks
>Run into a house, the team is almost done with the generators
>Suddenly realize that I ran into the house with the basement
>The killer is closing in on me, but my team is almost out
>I know what I must do
>I head down, and the killer follows

There were only 3 survivors that night.

but that's not Schierke

why? because of the ponytail? he was my favorite Hawk though. pretty based in every way

Damn Slan is one sexy fuck even if she manifests from troll guts

Let's be real if you couldn't walk or even use your hands, had your tongue cut off and apparently had fucked up face as well (never showed it but judging by the reaction of Guts after he took his helmet off he was damaged real good) and had the chance to sacrifice your friends for demigod powers you would do it.


I'm new to Berserk and just finished the anime last night.

The ending where all the remaining Hawks got brutally murdered by the demons really fucked me up, their deaths had more of an impact on me than anything I've seen recently. Seeing all the characters who've been there since the beginning just get torn apart by everything, jesus christ. It was really cool how at one point it cut to Guts just slaughtering all the demons and doing flips and shit, I thought that was funny because of the sheer contrast of the scenes.

Everything about the last episode put a bad feeling in my stomach, especially what happens to Guts and Casca. I guess I should pick up the manga now?

You fucked the order up but yeah read the manga man

>The ending where all the remaining Hawks got brutally murdered by the demons really fucked me up when I didn't even get to know the characters
You fucked up

How'd I fuck it up?

what is the bad police of video games

do it, the manga is amazing

I also want her to die, but I also know that Miura only added her in because he wanted to he able to write in loli hijinx whether it's a chapter focused on Guts or Griffith. Miura would never kill off his lolis.

is that skull knight
why does he always deus ex machina guts out of everything

>Muh Dream

Anyone would, especially if said friends gave their lives to your dream years prior.

The only reason anyone hates Griffith is because he let Guts and Casca live. Which is a good thing desu.

You always read the manga first

This game seems to capture Guts fighting style perfectly but when I looked it up on youtube the first level is boring as fuck snowmen killing simulator with respawning enemies.

I hate him because he killed my love for fucbois

My mistake, then. I was assuming the anime was a pretty faithful adaption but judging by your replies, they left a lot out of it.

Manga is much better but there's nothing wrong with watching the anime first (if you didn't watch the godawful movies that is). Anime has very poor assets but outstanding sense of direction, montage-wise. It's an example how to cut a cartoon.

>Your teammate K/D whores in objective based team game and you lose because of it

>Teammate sacrifices you for godhood.

>muh dogs of war

I always recommend watching the anime first because you get the voices and music stuck in your head for when you read the manga.

Berserk is the only manga truly worth reading(up to a point) so get to it.

It's like musou but with actually good animations and it's more fun. It's not the best game but the cutscenes are fantastic and it's fun to be Guts. As you level up it gets faster.