$120 Monster Hunter machine

$120 Monster Hunter machine.

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>he doesn't play the definitive edition of snake eater with crouch walking

i had completely forgetten the existance of that game. Should i play it even though i havent played any other MG than Revengeance?

mgs3 is the most disjointed game in the whole saga so you can play it by itself with no problems, there isn't even a metal gear in it lmao

>playing the worst version of MGS

>may 17 2012

+5 shitposting points to you, there's this thing called unlocked new 3ds that actually has clock speed that aren't snail-like

Are you actually retarded? the game is capped at 20fps just like peace walker, that's exactly how portable metal gear games has ALWAYS been made, you fucking retard.

Don't forget Youkai Watch machine for kids

In my case ended as a Etrian Odyssey machine.

This. And SMT, Animal Crossing, Pokemon. Still a better investment than a $300 Bloodborne machine.

at this point yeah

>Monster Hunter is trapped on this piece of shit
The NX had better be a handheld

It's only $120?

Yup, probably the only worthwhile game. I DID enjoy SMT4 however, but yes, the games are mostly completely garbage unless you really like over-hyped Nintendo games that play mediocre.

I was tricked into buying one, glad I hacked it because I can try before I buy, and as it stands, I can barely put enough time into the games before I get bored. MHX was just a worse 4U. I wait for the next SMT game before I just give it away to my 8 year old nephew, it would suit him much better.

Seriously, if there ever were games ruined by the console, its the 3DS 100%.

>Animal Crossing
Where do I find adults that enjoy these still? They are never spoken of, and only some females play it, if that. I'm well past it, but shit, what do you get out of them?

Blame Sony for being cancerous faggotrons

You find the adults on the online island on Animal Crossing. I found a 34 year old female, I didn't even ask that was about. However do note, there are more little kids than adults playing and more females than males if you can believe it.

I haven't played pokemon yet despite having the game so I can't help you there.

>He still plays Monster Hunter

>garbage 3ds analog
>shitty resolution
>dropped connection
>12 year old graphics engine
>same 2 traps over and over
>still no farm since P3rd
>uninspired monsters look like digimon instead of exagerated yet believable real life animals
>monsters still don't fight eachother
>still no way to take advantage of enviornment
>elemental effects when striking a monsters are still shit
>felyne system is still shit in every way from equipment to skills
>can't buy throwing knives
>still have to make somethings that you should be able to buy
>FU's treasure hunt mode still not back
>Not a single fun mini game like an animal race track
>Meowster Hunters is the single stupidest thing ever
>ANIME everywhere
>auto tracking attacks like zinogre or goremag
>recycled areas
>muddy blocky enviornments
>everymonster rage mode is the same lazy shitty roar
>no species specific design for rage mode like congala beating chest or crab sharpening pincer

boring uninspired shit that burned me out. ill play it if its on console, at least then the pretty visuals will distract from the shit gameplay

I'm using mine to catch up with my DS backlog.

Tons of women play animal crossing. It's a cutesy dressup game with a bunch of meaningless daily activities.

Not saying you should try to pick up chicks over miiverse or anything but in places that arent Sup Forums and reddit you'll find people that arent complete autists playing casual games, well casually.

>wanting to play this game upscaled

Why not get a DS? 3ds is an objectively terrible way to play ds games due to shitty upscaling and Dpad placement.

Fuck you, that's not true

It's also a Zero Escape machine

it's been a $200 AA5 machine for me. for some reason i just wasn't all that motivated to finish MM. i loved AA5, just bought virtues last reward and only planning to play AA6 after that.

>can't buy throwing knives
How ARE you suppose to get these anyway? the empty spots in my otherwise mainly full combination list is ugly.

lol no

>worst visual
>lowered the resolution
>crap framerase
>shit control
>removed every single extra that was on the PS2 version
>only 1 single save file

Neck yourself, nintencuck.

Except that's wrong user.

Agreed. Best version to date.

And ace combat cross rumble +

AND best Splinter Cell
(3ds SC is upgraded CT)

AND RE Revelations
(3d WETsuited jill butt)

>It was on sale recently so the online is alive again. RAID MODE GET

Fuck off, I blame Capcom because 3U on the Wii U was perfectly enjoyable.

blame low sales

Its a $200 Dragon Quest machine for me. But I've enjoyed about a dozen other games while waiting for Dragon Quest.

the asspain of sonyggers always makes me chuckle, enjoy being only able to go prone in the mud like the worm that you are lmao, meanwhile I'll have fun with 3D, updated models, gyroscopic aiming and a console that is actually supported by who made it ;^)

i love my 3DS. i hate Monster Hunter with a passion. i even had more fun with Final Fantasy Explorers

yeah let's blame a company for not developing on a dead console that factors in 5% of sales

lmao if it was on vita you would be all over it

actually, no, you would be 24/7 on Sup Forums making NEVER EVER threads

worth every penny

i'm a 29 year old manchild. i play ACNL daily. one of my coworkers is also in his mid-20s, and plays ACNL more than i. i think his gf plays it, too.

it's just fun to talk to cartoon animals and collect shit.

I just collect shit, animals exist only to give me gifts.

The problem with saying
>if it were on Vita
is that if it actually WAS on Vita, it would've gone through a much different transformation. You can kinda tell that Capcom was lazy with 4U - most likely attributed to the 3DS's amazing sales in Japan come a MH game - and are limited by its hardware.

Sure, if it were on Vita there'd be a slew of shitposters, but that's every console's/handheld's community and no blame should be cast lest they be hypocritical.

>that's every console's/handheld's community
Yeah, no one shitposts as much as Vitagen and PC gamers

This and i'm okay with that

I'm sure you're mistaking the Vita's community for that of the PS4's. All I see on Sup Forums regarding the Vita is:
- "What are you playing on your Vita, Sup Forums?" - thread
- "Vita thread"
And more often than not within those threads, taking up a majority of the posts:
>"no games"
>"sold mine because no games"
>"3DS is better"

No Vita thread is without a shitton of shitposting. Oftentimes, those threads are quickly derailed and left practically 'uninhabitable" and quickly archived.

I don't know, my experiences have been different.

No, if it were on Vita it'd be the exact same game at a higher resolution.
See: A decade of yearly Monster Hunter games.

>Monster Hunter machine

That is cool too, but I havent been playing some Triforce Heroes with friends and its pretty fun.

Hasn't the franchise been considered "casual" ever since it's been moved to Nintendo consoles, though? I'm sure that state of mind has shaped the direction of the series.

>over 3 years ago

They really have released a Monster Hunter title every single year. Fucking Capcom.

Yes, I'm an idiot who bought a launch 3DS expecting all the DQ games.

Nah, PS4 owners are great people with great taste in games. At least PS4 community on Sup Forums are civil with Nintendo. It's only Vitagen and their nonstop shitposting that ruins Sup Forums. Even PS4 community hates the Vita community for being dirty degenerate weeb scum as well as being the biggest shitposters with the worst taste in games.